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Speaking B1.

III. Solution Discussion (2 minutes)
You are graduating at the end of July, and you are considering of choosing a job that you like.
Which job would you choose: a teacher at the local high school in your hometown; a teacher at
international school in the city far from your hometown; a teacher at the high school of your
neighbour town?

III. Solution Discussion (2 minutes)

You are graduating at the end of July, and you are considering of choosing a job that you like.
Which criterion do you think most important to you: the salary; the working distance from your
home; the working hours?

III. Solution Discussion (2 minutes)

You are going to join an interview for a teaching position you apply for the teaching center.
Which clothes would you choose to wear for your interview: a suit; a dress; a set of jeans and t-

III. Solution Discussion (2 minutes)

You are choosing a present for your grandmother’s 70 th birthday. Which present would you
choose: a radio; a hearing aid; a ticket for her favourite play?

III. Solution Discussion (2 minutes)

You are going to buy a new computer for your study at university. Which type of computer
would you choose: a desktop; a laptop; a tablet?

III. Solution Discussion (2 minutes)

The local government is calling for ideas to solve the traffic problems, which idea would you
propose: building road with more lanes; banning the use of private cars; allocating different
working times?
III. Solution Discussion (2 minutes)
In order to support the campaign for environment protection, which type of transport would
you choose to reduce the emission: bicycle; public transportation; tram?

III. Solution Discussion (2 minutes)

You really want to protect the environment. Which activity would you choose to do: reduce
your plastic waste; reduce the paper you throw; recycle the rubbish?

III. Solution Discussion (2 minutes)

You are organizing a course on raising awareness for environment protection. Which activity
would you like to choose for your course: making a short film; organizing a competition;
organizing an exhibition?

III. Solution Discussion (2 minutes)

You are going to join a 30- kilometer marathon in the next 2 months. You need to strengthen
your health. Which activity would you choose to practice: swimming; running; gymnastics?

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