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The first part of every writing project is to first decipher what to write about. It is, in fact, the
very beginning of the writing process after establishing the need and/or desire for it.

I have taken the burden to come up with how I get my inspiration or nudge, and some of
these could inspire you as well.

The trust is, if you look really within and around you, you will never lack what to write about.

So without further ado, here's a list of how you can get inspired to begin your writing project;
in other words, a list of content generation ideas you can draw inspiration from for your first
or next book:

1. A topic, title, a word or a statement (a caption can inspire you. I have written several
pieces mainly because I got a captivating caption from my thoughts, conversation with
someone or some people, watching or listening to someone on or off the screen, from what I
read, etc).

2. Your skill and expertise: You can simply write about your skill, teach your skills in a book
and publish it.

In fact, one of my book, titled, *1 = 10: ONE SKILL; TEN SOURCES OF INCOME (How to
generate 10 sources of income from your single skill)* is almost due for publishing.

In it I revealed how anyone with any skill: plumbing, carpentry, phone repairs, public
speaking, writing, etc, can make money in 10 ways from just that one skill.

Number two on that list is to teach your skill using ebooks.

So, if you have a skill, you can teach it via the instrumentality of a book.

*I hope we are getting the point?*

3. Past or present relationships (from how it started to what happened within it. How sweet,
bitter or even bittersweet it was, etc).

4. Past or present job or workplace experiences.

5. Encounters you've had with people (clients, friends, family members, classmates,
neighbours, bosses, colleagues, partners, etc).

Something could be unique about some of those people. Tell that story.

6. Places you've been to, lived in, visited or even thought about.

It could be some fantasy story 😉😉

There could be a wonderful piece from just one journey you had.

Someone might say, "Imagine me attempting to create a book with the title 'Journey of my
life', and I don't even know what to write as the content."

There is nothing you can't find a story for or from. It's about using your IQ, your number 6.

Every journey is a story. Narrate your story.

For instance,

Where were you before the journey started?

What led to bringing about that journey?
Why that journey?
Who are the accompanying characters in that journey?
What were the stopovers in that journey?
What's the final destination of that journey?
Who did you meet and what did you talk about in the course of the journey?
What were the experiences you garnered from that journey?
Any regrets or lessons learned from that journey?

7. Your life story, like an autobiography of yourself.

8. Your studies and research.

9. Your curiosity, hunches, and even your fears.

What you fear can be a major source of inspiration for you. How about researching and
finding about something you fear most, taking notes and transforming your findings and
thoughts about it into a book?

You really don't have an excuse, do you?

Do you know how many people also have such fears?

They'll be so interested in reading such a book.

10. Other people's stories.

Why not write about your childhood idles? Your heroes, role models and people that
inspire(d) you? Can't you write about your dad, mum, spouse, sibling, child, friend,
neighbour, colleague, frenemy, teacher, pastor, and so on?

11. Write about your pet.

What is it about your pet you love? Why that pet and not another? Why that specie? Why do
you love cats, for instance, and not dogs?

Write about the species of your animals, your friendship with them and just about whatever
comes to your mind about your pet.

12. A subject you're good at can be another thing you write about.

Recently, I conceived a thought to target teachers to start writing their own subject materials,
especially textbooks. Because, as a teacher if you have taught a subject for up to three
years, you should have really mastered it and therefore should seriously consider writing a
textbook for that subject.

13. Write about other things like a movie you watched, a party or function you attended, your
property, cars you have or love, a medical condition (remember my friend, Anita's story?),
your garden, your group, association or forum.

14. Think of what happens in the community or society that you either hate or have interest
in. Politics, rules and laws, policy, security, rape, love, government agencies and agents,
religion, money, poverty and the poor, diseases, and many others.

And finally…

15. Rewrite a story already told. Whether it's a movie, a novel, folklore or tales, just write it
again in your own way. Add and remove, add a new twist and turn to it, garnish it with a
modern feel, make it more today or future-centred. Just rewrite a story.

Won't that be plagiarism and or go against copyright laws?

Not at all. Remember I said rewrite it in your own story. In my signature book, *The Master
Authorprenuer (Secrets of the 7-figure authors)* I dedicated one full chapter on how to make
anyone's book your own. Legally stealing someone else's book without plagiarism. Step by
step with practical demonstrations examples.

*On creating knockout titles...*

Using book titles that don't command attention and curiosity or that sound "too mental" will
hurt you greatly.

Reality: Human attention is now expensive, and titles that don't immediately state a clear
benefit do not get noticed, much less considered.

If you are writing for a philosophically inclined (Poetry) or an academic audience, this might
not be an issue…

.....but if you are writing for an everyday, regular, results-oriented audience, then using
"cerebral" titles that don't immediately state a specific benefit for the reader will get ignored
majority of the time.

Let me give you an instance:

Book A: Astrological Love (released in 1986)

Book B: "How To Satisfy A Woman Every Time...and Have Her Beg For More" (released in

Which one will immediately grab your attention?

Of course, it's B.

By the way:

Book A sold 6,000 copies...

Book B sold over *2 million copies in 18 months...*

.....yet they had EXACTLY THE SAME CONTENT and THE SAME AUTHOR - *Laura

*TASK* (Ideation + Use of Google Docs)

*From this list of 15 book ideas to draw inspiration from, think out TEN possible book ideas.
Write a probable title for each and a one-two sentence description for each of them.*
Here's an example:

1. Title: When A Customer's Kingship Ends (Is the Customer king up to your nose?)

Description: My encounter with a never-satisfied client who slapped me without any


2. Title:


*Up to 10 book ideas + a one-sentence description, drawing inspiration from my list of 15


This task is to be written in your *Google Docs* and sent here as a file (document), not as a
copied and pasted text. Such won't be accepted.

*Time for submission*

On or before 4pm today (Thursday, April 1, 2021).

Anything after 4pm won't be attended to.


*Prolific Prince*
_Storytelling, Marketing and Book Coach_

Almost every day, I meet someone new who says that they’ve wanted to write a book in
FOREVER but they’re not sure what to write, it seems like it would take a long time and
they’re afraid that they’re not a good enough writer to make it meaningful.

What I love so much about the people I talk to, including my past clients, is that they are so
heart-centered. It’s always about making a bigger impact, reaching more people, helping
more people, and creating transformation around the world.

But of course, we know that in order to stay in business and keep helping even more people,
this book that is inside our heads has to first be birthed and then also generate income.

And I’m guessing that’s why you wanted to find out the top best-selling book niches so that
you can get as many sales as possible and change as many lives as possible too.

So as I share the niches, please keep in mind that there are sub-categories under these
niches, and the more specific you can be, the better. I always tell my clients that their book
should give their readers a unique experience and have something inside it that makes them
stand out within their niche.

1. Self-Help

2. Religion/Spirituality

3. Health/Fitness/Dieting

4. Politics/Social Sciences

5. Cookbooks

6. Business/Entrepreneurship

7. Money/Finance

8. Parenting

9. Relationships

10. Alternative Medicine

Copyright © 2020
Prolific Prince, All Rights Reserved

*Fiction vs Nonfiction*

_Fiction is an unreal story. Fiction writers base their stories on things that either never
happened or could happen futuristically._

_But nonfiction writers (like me) base our writings solely on reality. Everything we write has
either happened or is happening. They are things people can presently relate with.

*Can authors combine both fiction and nonfiction in one book?*

_No. The author usually picks one of the two. But the truth is, some books or some stories
called fiction were actually based or adapted from real life situations._

_So yes, you can find both elements in one story but it doesn't mean that book is fiction and
nonfiction at the same time._

There is a part 2 focused on freelance writing. It is beyond just ebooks. Because there are
many opportunities in Writing. As a writer, you should, sometimes, think beyond just ebooks.
Exploit other writing gigs.
Here's a list of the 12 hottest and fastest-selling niches and topic areas that sell mostly in
*CONTENT WRITING* generally, very useful for useful for those who will go beyond ebook
writing to freelance writing:
*1. Information Publishing (your personal stories, experiences, encounters, motivationals,

2. Web Letter Writing (Copywriting, any text consumed over the internet)

*3. Finance (How-tos, Personal finance, corporate finance, financial advice, investment, etc)*

4. Health (sicknesses, weight loss, diet, fitness, exercises, etc)

*5. Beauty and Wellness (all-round fashion, lifestyle, etc)*

6. Real Estate (Investment, security, etc)

*7. Technology*

8. Software

*9. Self-Development (life skills, personal growth, etc)*

10. E-commerce (sales, online business, marketing, etc)

*11. Travel and Tours*

12. Energy
(Energy niche includes topic around power, electricity, fossil fuels, renewable energy, heat,



Open your *Google Docs*... again 😊

Pick one of the ideas from the ones I picked, that is from the ones you have thought out and
start writing things down...

Just start telling the story

*TASK 1* (To be completed before class begins by 9pm)

Task 1 now

*Go and download the following Apps to your phone now. Anyone you download, type the
number, and when you've downloaded all four, type DONE.*

1. Google Docs
2. Grammarly

3. Canva

4. Google Drive

*I'll be waiting for the first to download all four Apps.*

If you want to begin a new paragraph, just say *NEW PARAGRAPH*, not just *paragraph*,
and it will begin a *NEW PARAGRAPH* for you.
Also, say *FULL STOP* to insert *period* or *full stop* to your notes. And say *COMMA* to
add a comma. The problem with *COMMA* most times is that we ten to add letter *R* in our

pronunciation, and once that is done, instead of the punctuation mark, it writes *COMER* for
you .

So be careful how you pronounce your words.

[4/1, 11:04 PM] Prince Wokoma: Task for tonight

*Use the Google Docs, tell the story that you want to make a book. Narrate the story.
Segment them and come up with at least 2,000 words.*

You can use your highlighted sketch as chapter by chapter (remember it from the free
[4/1, 11:04 PM] Prince Wokoma: Here's how to check the number of words you've written in
your book:

Continuation of book design:

*We will be converting our book design from Canva into a 3D book mockup like this or



A pen name is a name a writer chooses to use instead of their real name. It could be a pet
name or just about any name.

A pen name is a fictitious name used by an author while Author's name is his/her real name.

*How to determine the number of pages your work has covered / How to actually number the

Up next...
*Generating Your Book Link without having a website and also converting your Word

Document to PDF*
On number 2 here above

Apparently, new versions of Google Docs do not have that feature anymore. But there's still
a provision for that in the new version everyone carries.

Go to *Manage people and links*, and grant access to *viewer.*

Now, I'd like to teach you *how to shorten your long book links* and also to track number of
clicks on your link. You can customise the link and make it more presentable.
Everybody go to your browser and type in *"*

Or simply click this one below👇
Register a FREE account with (for two huge benefits)
1. You'll be able to customize the link

2. You'll see how many times someone has clicked your link. In marketing we call that
analytics. Analytics will help you to track the progress you are making in your marketing.
*If you pick an extension that is already taken, keep changing until you get the perfect one
that is free.l and is suitable for your book's title.*
SITES* where you can upload your books to and get buyers from all over the world.
1. Open your browser and go to Click on Start sekking. Create an
account, set up your profile. Screenshot and send here when the group is open.

Create your username and password and a profile info about yourself. You can choose to
sign up using Facebook twitter or email.
Don't put anything in the *UPLOAD* bar until your book is ready for sale. You only upload
your product there.
2. Draft2Digital

Go to

A tool that automatically publishes your book on the main online bookstores, for example,
Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd, Tolino, and many others.
Now let me tell you a little about Draft2Digital...

If you get it right with D2D, your book can be in hundreds of stores. So, when I brag (God
forgive me), I have something backing me. When I talk somehow pompously, it is because of
something behind. Have a good book, take the *Royal Quartet of Book Writing* seriously,
observe all of them and you will never need another job again all your life.

Whenever you are ready to sell, you click on START SELLING and follow all the steps thru
to uploading your book for sale.
It's very simple.

*But there's a problem.*

They stopped accepting Nigerians because a lot of Nigerians were uploading a lot of public
domain books to their site. Public domain books like PLR (Private Label Rights) books and

But, if you have a relative or friend abroad (or outside Nigeria), they can help use their
physical address and IP to register an account for you. D2D is powerful if you can get it right
with them.
3. The king of all of them is here, Ladies and Gentlemen... Register and share the money
with the world's richest man, *Jeff Bezos.*

On Accounts...



_While filling the form for Amazon, it's saying electronic payment for Nigeria is not currently
supported, what do I do?_

*There is a box for that, tick it as non-USA, then go down and SIGN WRITING YOUR FULL
NAME and submitting.*

_Are you acting as an intermediary agent, or someone receiving payment on behalf of

another person or as a flow-through entity?_

*No. You are registering for yourself.*

_Then what about reason for not having tax?_

They are asking why you can't provide the TIN.

*There are 3 options given. Pick the one that says something like YOUR COUNTRY IS

_Having little challenge on where to sign?_

*Scroll down after the column for non-US tax agreement. THE SIGNING IS WRITING YOUR
To receive payments from Amazon, use *Payoneer*. That's what many Nigerians use.
Register a free account with ** and then *link your Payoneer Account to
Amazon*. Payoneer will even give you a free International ATM Card at some point for a fee
of between $15 & $30.

You can also consider PayPal.

So tonight, we have achieved this:

*Three international bookselling sites*

1. Gumroad
2. Draft2Digital
3. Amazon Kindle

Who has registered all three?

Do it, post your result when you finish registering with all three.

Thank you.


1. Don't forget, without a professional editing, never publish your book.
*2. Never plagiarise. You will get caught*

Plagiarism is blatant copy of another person's writeup without attribution. That is, taking a
writeup that is not yours and making people believe it's yours.

1. You didn't use inverted commas to show that you're quoting someone

2. You didn't put the person's name or the source you got it from

That is plagiarism.

It is a crime and punishable by law in all countries.

You could pay hefty damages to the owner of the work you stole from without
acknowledgements, and even go to jail.

Copyright means someone has legalised claim to a particular work (photo, video, text, logo,
design, idea, name, etc). He has put that work into the hands of the law that it belongs to
him, and him alone. Any unauthorised use can lead to the same things that happen to a
plagiarizer. You can copyright just about ANYTHING. Including your name. Messi's name is
copyrighted. So is CR7 and many others.
[4/7, 12:57 PM] Prince Wokoma: 3. Concentrate on non-fiction, do less of fiction and unreal
stories. Today readers (millennials) are impatient and are mostly more interested in reality
than what could be. They want the HOW-TOs and what they can relate with naturally.
[4/7, 12:57 PM] Prince Wokoma: *4. Don't expect to get it right the very first time, that is, at
your first attempt. Not at all. You'll grow into perfection.*
[4/7, 12:57 PM] Prince Wokoma: 5. Check your motives. Avoid making a money-spinner, a
get-rich-quick source.
[4/7, 12:57 PM] Prince Wokoma: *6. Not making a good first impression (I didn't say a
PERFECT first impression). Not taking your chances*.
[4/7, 12:58 PM] Prince Wokoma: 7. Laziness. You are supposed to be an Authority now,
don't ever be lazy with your content and organization anymore. Always leave a positive
mark, and leave your audience yearning for more. Do your research. Start from the known,
but grow into the unknown. Be voracious. Master your subject matter. Write elaborately.
[4/7, 12:58 PM] Prince Wokoma: *8. Jack of all trade, master of none. FOCUS means
FOLLOWING ONE COURSE UNTO SUCCESS. Be known for one thing first. Be established
in that niche before delving into another. It is good to know many things, but don't confuse
your readers.*

See, my Friend, when creating an ebook, think like a publisher not an author. FOCUS on
one topic and dominate the market.

For instance, Weight Loss.

Don't just write a generic, all-purpose ebook on weight loss. Instead, build a portfolio of
multiple ebooks related to weight loss sub-niches.

*Being an entrepreneurial author (Authorpreneur), you can then BUNDLE the several
ebooks you've created since they're in the same niche.*

Think like a publisher.

*Examples of weight loss sub-niches*

-Weight loss for men

-Weight loss for women
-Post pregnancy weight loss
-Belly fat reduction
-Dietary or diet-based weight loss solutions
-Slim tea
-Ketogenic Diet

All these are sub-niches under Weight Loss.

The idea is to focus on one, be known for it, be identified with it and then you can delve into
other areas.
[4/7, 12:58 PM] Prince Wokoma: *9. Variety is the spice of life. Don't be too rigid and fixated
with your style and pattern. Vary your methods, tones, style of presentation and storytelling.
Even in Teaching, Teachers vary their teaching methodologies to suit both the lesson and
the learners. Try different styles.*
[4/7, 12:59 PM] Prince Wokoma: 10. Not being businessmanly. Every Writer's ultimate goal
is economic gains. That is almost undebatable. Listen, Authorprenuers think
entrepreneurially. Authorprenuers work entrepreneurially.
As an Authorpreneur, you are a businessman or woman through authorship (writing and
publishing books).

Wisdom is profitable to direct.

For instance,

Modern day readers don't like reading books that are too voluminous. If one book is too big,
break it and make it 2 books. That's more money for you.

In fact, did you know that that book I gave out for free, *The Royal Quartet of Book Writing*
was a Chapter in my bestselling book called *The Master Authorpreneur: secrets of the
7-figure authors*?

That chapter was too big I had to make it a book on its own. It came out 30 pages. Just one
chapter, 30 pages! Imagine how voluminous that 12-chapter bestseller would be.

That's why I had to break it. And that alone is its own book.
[4/7, 12:59 PM] Prince Wokoma: 11. Not understanding your market. Do market or audience
research. Study your audience to know and understand them. One way to do this is by
creating a feedback system, opening a communication channel. That way, you get to read
their mails or social media (private or group) posts. Create strategies of knowing your
market. What do they like? What do they expect? When is the best time to hit them?

Secondly, give to people what they want to read. Know your market. Study your readers to
know what they love. When you write an article on Facebook or LinkedIn, for instance, which
title, topic or theme received more reactions and acceptability?

That could be what you should write more about.

That could be what your audience want from you.

Be entrepreneurial in your business of Authorpreneurship

[4/7, 1:00 PM] Prince Wokoma: 12. Set goals, plan and take action. Writing is a big product.
One that usually outlives the Author, so, wouldn't you rather have a product that stands you
out? It begins with a goal. Have a clearly defined goal of what you want to do, how you want
to do it, when you want to do it and why you want to do it. Don't just have it at the back of
your mind. WRITE IT DOWN!

A goal not written down is a thought. Move from the thinking to the goal-setting, and then
move from setting goals to planning on how to go about it in a step-by-step guide. And then
move on to achieve it. Whether it is little or gargantuan, take the steps and actions required
to achieving your clearly defined goal and well written plan of action.
[4/7, 1:00 PM] Prince Wokoma: 13. Exploit my 3C Formula: Collaborate. Co-author.
Contribute. Whether that is a Preface or an Introduction, chapters or a few pages. Look for
others to work with. Some people are destined to work with others. Sometimes the major
reason we struggle too much and for too long is because we blatantly say NO to
collaborations, partnerships and networkings that can actually benefit us.

See, the truth is, some people work better with others. Others work better alone. When you
collaborate, you challenge each other, learn from each other, cross-fertilize ideas, learn how
the other works, steal a few ideas to better yours. Working with others brings out the best in

*Never refuse a plea or an offer to collaborate, even if you are way higher and above that
person in any and all ramifications or stratification. But, don't also wait for the partnership
calls and requests, go ahead to initiate them. Ask to guest-write a Preface for someone's
book. Ask to work with someone. Share your idea with people and reason out thoughts,
develop the ideas and grow them together.*

The steps are simple:

- conceive an idea;
- write down a few things about it as much as you can carry (never make a co-authorship
request or meeting without doing a little research and developing a few points already. Show
you are a professional, an authority so they don't take you for a dullard or dummy);
- carefully think through to choose someone you feel can work with you on that project
- request to share the idea with them, whether an individual or a few people - yes, you can
even be a group of three Authors or more;
- have a meeting and discuss the ideas together, if they like it and agree to work with you,
quickly draw out an outline of topics and subplots to cover in the book, choose or distribute
topics and chapters, give yourself a timeline and a timeframe, including minimum volume of
work to be done and presented on the day of the meeting;
- at this point before leaving the meeting, discuss royalties and formula for sharing them,
don't forget the expenses involved and the volume of each person's work. Ensure you sort it
out and write down full details of the agreement and entire arrangement, each party should
append their signatures and have a copy;
- go do your individual research and resource assembly, read and highlight key points,
develop your keypoints into chapters and subheadings;
- meet on set day to discuss progress, exchange materials for cross-fertilization of ideas and
critique, or simply read out your individual materials developed and discuss to sharpen them
clause by clause, paragraph by paragraph, page by page or chapter by chapter, repeat this
process until the project is fully done with;
- send for editing and plagiarism checks,
- do internal and external finishings, send for publishing with the names of all parties on it as
Authors, Co-Authors or Author and Contributors.
[4/7, 1:01 PM] Prince Wokoma: 14. *The best writers are the best readers.* When you read
widely and voraciously, you pick up something from every piece you read. The best writers
are versatile. The best writers spread their tentacles. The best writers are not stereotyped.
The best writers steal from every piece they read. The best writers always carry a pen and
some jotter.

Read widely and across multiple disciplines. It is for your own good. You'll use what you
steal from others to enrich your own work.
That's why you're an AUTHORITY, as an author.
[4/7, 1:01 PM] Prince Wokoma: 15. Reward yourself every time you finish a writing pro inject.
Don't be too hard on yourself. For once in many days or weeks or even months, have a long
sleep. Stay away from everything that distracts you, and just unwind, relax and enjoy the
moment. Spend some time with your spouse, the kids, friends, family. Have a drink or two.

Just reward yourself for finishing the work. And be saying to yourself, *welldone,
[4/7, 1:01 PM] Prince Wokoma: *Those are my Fifteen specialised and personally crafted
tips to adhere to and pitfalls to avoid.*

Lifted from my book on *AUTHORPRENEURSHIP* titled *THE MASTER

AUTHORPRENEUR: Secrets of the 7-figure Authors.*
[4/7, 1:01 PM] Prince Wokoma: Any questions or clarifications from any of those 15 tips?
[4/7, 1:11 PM] Prince Wokoma: Up next...

*How to edit your book by yourself*

[4/7, 1:18 PM] Prince Wokoma: *How to edit your book by yourself*


Long press the keyboard and select Grammarly Keyboard.

*Long press the keyboard and select Grammarly Keyboard*

Your final App lecture is *GRAMMARLY* APP. It is used for editing Grammar and related
[4/7, 1:22 PM] Prince Wokoma: Grammarly

Points out your mistakes as you are writing and suggests synonyms that will improve your
writing style and readability. You can use either their online tool or download a free plugin for
Word and get suggestions from Grammarly directly in your text document.
Do that and it will roll and list out the number of all the likely errors, a red lettered
number/figure attached to their Grammarly (G) sign to the left of your Keyboard. Click the
sign and see all suggested errors. See the ones that are truly errors and correct them. Then

It automatically detects all mistakes in spelling and grammar, even sentence structure and
phrasal misdemeanors in real time as you type. But for me, it distracts me so I use it when
I'm done typing all my work. I just use it to see little corrections I may have skipped.

[4/7, 1:26 PM] Prince Wokoma: *Get your Grammarly right and edit your book.*
[4/7, 1:26 PM] Prince Wokoma: Up next...


[4/7, 7:49 PM] Prince Wokoma: This is the point where things will start getting obvious.
Because, it is one thing to write a book and another to make money from it.

Not making good enough returns from books has made many to turn their backs on ever
writing again.
[4/7, 7:51 PM] Prince Wokoma: The first thing to know before even lifting your pen to write or
your mobile or desktop device to type is to IDENTIFY WHO THE POTENTIAL READERS
[4/7, 7:51 PM] Prince Wokoma: What are we saying? You need to understand who your
customers are before launching your products or ads.

What is the point of having a book when you don’t even know who your potential readers

The first ideal step to take when you want to grow your customer base is to know your ideal
customers in and out.

If you were to write a book titled *"10 Uncommon Steps To Secure Your Dream Job",

[4/7, 8:05 PM] Prince Wokoma: *If you were to do a paid advert for that book, the channel or
medium to deploy is LINKEDIN.*
[4/7, 8:06 PM] Prince Wokoma: LinkedIn is your best channel. Because your target audience
are mostly there.
[4/7, 8:07 PM] Prince Wokoma: Does it mean that you won't sell in other places like
Facebook, Amazon, Google Ads, etc? You will sell. But very few copies.

But in LinkedIn, you'll sell faster, better and even with a higher price, perhaps. Job seekers
are mostly found on LinkedIn. That's the base for professionals and job seekers.

All others are socializing platforms. Not LinkedIn. It is a forum for career people.
[4/7, 8:08 PM] Prince Wokoma: So, identifying your key market, your primary market is key.
Your primary market is where your target audience is.

You have to identify who are those likely to buy this book from me?

Who are the people this book can make more meaning to?

You can't write about Marriage and target teenagers.

You can't write about Relationship and target elderly people or little children.

That's a wrong priority setting.

And these are what Writers get wrong and later get discouraged for.
[4/7, 8:10 PM] Prince Wokoma: Now... *THE ONE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION*
1. The title and message your book carries, who are your target audience?

2. Where are they? I mean, where can your target audience be found?
[4/7, 8:10 PM] Prince Wokoma: *TASK for Day 6*

Answer me in this format:

Book Title:


Target Audience(s):

Where target audience can be found:

(Don't tell me *everywhere*. Everywhere is nowhere. You need to define it. Spell it out).

[4/7, 9:26 PM] Prince Wokoma: No matter what channels you identify as primary platforms or
media for you, never neglect free means of advertising and popularizing your book.

Post your book covers and a captivating DESCRIPTION (you remember the Princess of
self-publishing?) and post to any free channels you can find.

The idea is to spread it as much as possible. The more your book spreads, the greater
chances it has to be seen and possibly get sold.
[4/7, 9:26 PM] Prince Wokoma: Therefore consider posting regularly to

#1. Your WhatsApp Status (I sold several of my WhatsApp Cash Funnel bundle today from
one advert I posted on my status today). It works, my friend.

#2. WhatsApp groups created for sales and marketing. I have sold digital products and
services from this means and made close to ₦1 million from fee posts to WhatsApp Groups.

#3. Create your own WhatsApp Broadcast List where you will add up to 256 People and
send a message once to all of them.
[4/7, 9:26 PM] Prince Wokoma: Here's how to create a Broadcast List on WhatsApp below:

[4/7, 9:42 PM] Prince Wokoma: As you can see, up to 256 Recipients. It is not a group that's
why people in your list are not called participants. They can't write anything. When they reply
your messages it will be shown in your personal chat with them. Not in any group.

They can't opt out either. Only you can remove them.

You can create as many as you want.

If you create two, that's over 500 people your messages get to potentially.
[4/7, 9:42 PM] Prince Wokoma: Me, I have created a List of Big Men (People very very
loaded), I have a List for AGENTS, I have another for Unknown people who send me
messages or I meet randomly in groups.
[4/7, 9:44 PM] Prince Wokoma: Seek to join Sales Groups on both WhatsApp and

Promote your product (book) there.

Remember to always include the beautiful Princess and the Prince himself (that's me, right?
[4/7, 9:44 PM] Prince Wokoma: Let's continue...
[4/7, 9:44 PM] Prince Wokoma: *Other strategies that work for me:*
[4/7, 9:44 PM] Prince Wokoma: 1. Give a few free copies to people and tell them they will
pay by giving you 5-Star ratings, plus a very good testimonial which you can use for your
Advertisements as what readers or others have said after reading your book. It attracts

I call that *FREEMIUMS.*

[4/7, 9:45 PM] Prince Wokoma: 2. Use Family and Friends. Ask them to post on their

timelines and statuses and other groups they belong to. After all, when the money comes, no
be only you go chop am.
[4/7, 9:46 PM] Prince Wokoma: 3. Use Word of Mouth. It may be the oldest form of
Marketing, but it is ever potent. Tell people about your book one-on-one. Market it to them
and tell them how it will help them.
[4/7, 9:47 PM] Prince Wokoma: 4. Run Promos and Giveaways. Like reducing the price for
the first 10, 20, 50, 1,000 buyers etc. Always tell them the 'before' or 'regular price' and the
'promo price'. Sometimes, if you have multiple books, you can give out two for the price of
one. You understand nau…
[4/7, 9:47 PM] Prince Wokoma: *5. Group Canvassing and Presentation*

Look for professional bodies or groups whose primary activity is related to the theme of your
book. Locate the leader, tell him about your book and offer to make a presentation to
members of his body and do a general canvassing for your book. Book an appointment, and
go pitch it.

For instance, if you have written about Safety, occupationally or domestically, why not locate
an Association of local Plumbers, Builders, Electricians, Construction Workers, Oil and Gas
Workers or any related body, and present a few tips in your book to them and urge them to
buy your book for a detailed information.

Labour Unions and Workers' Associations are very good platforms for such. And the good
thing about this is that, because they are a professional group, you can sell for a slightly
higher price.

The presentation you make is a marketing medium to sell your book. Most times people tell
you come for free, within the free they offer you many things to buy. That's the idea. You give
them free basic knowledge, leave the core and sweet part let them find more in the book.
That's how you go about *Group Canvassing and Presentation.*
[4/7, 9:48 PM] Prince Wokoma: 6. Create an Affiliate Programme

Have you heard the saying that *instead of doing the work of a hundred people, put a
hundred people to work?*

In affiliate marketing programme, a large number of people, usually independent individual

marketers, market your product for you using all means and strategies available for them.
And in turn, they get a certain percentage from the cost of each sale they make you. And
that percentage is called a commission.

The Owner of the product, you, decides the percentage of the commission each marketer
gets. And the reason I said in my opening statement that it is the best strategy and one that
brings in faster sales is that, every other strategy you can apply on your own accord, can be
applied by all these marketers for your product.

Some affiliate groups, local and international, you can subscribe to as a vendor to place your
own eBooks, where thousands of other business owners and marketers can market your
ebook across multiple platforms are

1. (about the biggest and best in the world)

2. (a local, but very viable platform for Nigerians and Africans).
[4/7, 9:49 PM] Prince Wokoma: 7. Radio and TV Advertisement.

- Pay for advert slots

- Talk to a presenter to help market your book (you could promise him a commission)
- You can even pay for airtime to talk briefly about the main theme and purposes of your
book and direct listeners and viewers to get copies
[4/7, 9:49 PM] Prince Wokoma: *8. Email Marketing*

Can I blow your mind away? Obama's 3 best performing emails, seeking for sponsorship for
his Presidential bid, generated the following figures:

The first one brought in $2,540,866.

The second best email got $1,941,379 in donations.

While the third pulled in $911,806.

Email marketing works wonders. All the time.

The email addresses I will be sharing with you, use them to market your products. People
still read emails. Use Email Service Providers, if you can afford them and you can learn
email marketing skills. allows you to upload 2,000 emails and send messages to them up to 5 times
in a month. That's a whopping 10,000 emails you can send for free every month.
Also, try Gmass. I love their services too. Very good bulk email sending platform.

I mean most of us receive unsolicited mails every day. Several times a day. How many have
we sued? Some of you later come to patronize them because of what enticed and interested
you in those mails.

I have millions of emails across several socioeconomic stratifications.

*Can you do all these emailing strategies and won't sell, no matter how little?*
[4/7, 9:49 PM] Prince Wokoma: 9. Use Per Click and Google Ads

You pay Google to advertise your books across multiple platforms and websites where they
believe your buyers are.

*But, this is about the costliest* of all.

[4/7, 9:50 PM] Prince Wokoma: *10. Use Social Media Influencers*

I have never taught this. But it is a huge game-changing strategy for Authorpreneurs.

It works this way:

Look for people with very large social media following and discuss with them to promote your
book for you.

They can get paid in two ways:

1. By Commission. They get a certain percentage from each sale
2. One-off payment. They give you their price lists and choose which fits your pocket and
your desire.

Many celebrities do this as well. There are people who build large followers and likes across
their social media platforms for this sort of business.

Find some.
[4/7, 9:51 PM] Prince Wokoma: The last Channel I have which will lead us to our last topic is
[4/7, 9:51 PM] Prince Wokoma: 11. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Under SMM, it is important you have a good reputation, especially if you're using your real
name on social media, like me. @ProlificPrince has been my SM username for over 12
years. And if I mess up, I lose the small reputation I've built. So, watch your reputation.

*People buy from people they trust ONLINE.*

You know the various SM platforms. Use them to your advantage. Twitter, IG, LinkedIn,
Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Youtube, and so on. Use the free version and
use the paid when and where necessary.
Go where they are. Meet them where they are.

You can sell anything on SM. Even *shit*. After all, Otunba once said Shit Business is good
Business. Abi beeko?

The bottom line is that on social media, anything sells. So, go sell on social media.
[4/7, 9:59 PM] Prince Wokoma: *How can you not make 100k in just 10 days and 1 million in
about three months time?*
[4/7, 9:59 PM] Prince Wokoma: That's our target. If I can enjoy it, you can too.

*Now, here's my strategy of making ₦100,000 in just 10 days and ₦1m in three months*
[4/7, 10:00 PM] Prince Wokoma: The strategy behind this is:

*If, for instance, you price your book at ₦1, 000 per copy, with all these 12+ advertising
strategies, your target is just to SELL 10 COPIES PER DAY.*

If you sell 10 copies per day, you'll make ₦10,000 per day. If you make ₦10,000 per day for
the next 10 days, you'll make 100k.

In 30 Days you'd have made ₦300,000, and in three months, ₦900,000. And who says you
can't sell more per day or within those days and months as to hit One Million Naira in three
[4/7, 10:00 PM] Prince Wokoma: These are my 12 potent strategies:

1. WhatsApp Status, Groups, Broadcast List adverts every day

2. Giving out FREEMIUMS

3. Engaging Family and Friends to help you market and post your book cover and
description across their own social media platforms

4. Using word of mouth to market it

5. Running attractive Promos and Giveaways

6. Doing Group Canvassing

7. Creating an Affiliate Marketing Programme. Tell people, sell a copy and get 30% of each
sale. People will rush to market it harder than you. Then use other established Affiliate
Marketing channels we've mentioned as well.

8. Radio and TV adverts

9. Email Marketing wonders. Don't forget Obama

10. Then Pay Per Click, where you pay Google whenever someone clicks on your book
advert across their channels, or do normal Google Adverts and just pay for the ad you place.
11. Contracting Social Media Influencers to promote your book and what it stands to bring to

12. Then lastly, using Social Media platforms to market.

[4/7, 10:01 PM] Prince Wokoma: *You can't do all these and not sell 10 copies a day. And
then make ₦100,000 in 10 days.*

I have enjoyed this. Facebook Advertisements alone give that to me.

Let's make the money our efforts deserve. We've put in so much, now let's get paid
handsomely for it. Who's with me on that?
[4/7, 10:01 PM] Prince Wokoma: Have I told you that this is from your own efforts alone. I
have not mentioned sales that can come in from online bookselling platforms yet if you
spend some time promoting your books from those sites as well.

You're limitless.
[4/7, 10:01 PM] Prince Wokoma: Now to further boost your chances of achieving this, that
will make it almost guaranteed, here is what I advise you to do:

You can do Facebook Ads of ₦1,000/day.

That will enable you to reach over 2,000 people per day, and with proper Facebook
targeting, they will be warm leads that can potentially buy from you. That is, the probability of
them buying from is very high.

That 1k per day with proper targeting can boost your quest for 10 sales per day.

So, if you spend 10k for adverts for the 10-day period, you can almost make 100k within
those ten days.

Facebook is the largest market in the whole world.

I have enjoyed it massively.

[4/7, 10:02 PM] Prince Wokoma: *MISCELLANEOUS*
[4/7, 10:02 PM] Prince Wokoma: *HOW TO DETERMINE THE PRICE OF YOUR BOOL*

1. The first determining factor is *VALUE.* The value the book carries. What problem it
solves. What satisfaction it brings.

2. Demand: how many people want a book like that? How many people are yearning to read
something like that? Will they ditch *How to to make online* eBook for *Barbie Princess of
Savannah*? Would you?

3. Then, target audience (for instance, a medical book and a book for peasants cannot be
priced the same. The value means differently for each group).

4. Sometimes factor in the cost of production as well.

But the truth is, if you look at all these, you could price your book at ₦20,000 per copy. But it
doesn't work like that.

Don't put your entire problem into the cost 😊

Look at how much vitality it brings you. Look at the turnover it brings. How many people can
buy it.

It is better sold ₦500 and 1,000 people buy from you that ₦2,000 and only 50 people buy

Yes, 20 x 50 will give you more money than 500 x 1000, but the number of people who
would have known you, talked about you and read you would be far less.

So, put all these into consideration before setting your price.

Volume of the book and its format are other things that determine the price as well. But just
be reasonable.
[4/7, 10:03 PM] Prince Wokoma: *Do I need to have a website for my book after publishing?*

It's not compulsory. Personally, I don't have a website where I sell my books. I have never
had one. But I have plans to have it for my consultancy and coaching services, including
selling my books and advertising my services as well.

Having a website isn't necessary.

You can upload your books to those three sites we have listed and registered with and then
promote your book from there.

You can also promote your book on Facebook and other sites and sell directly to them
through your Google Drive.
[4/7, 10:04 PM] Prince Wokoma: Someone might ask: _What is the minimum number of
pages for an eBook?_

An eBook does not have a starting number or an ending number of pages. There is no
standard practice concerning that.

Like I said earlier, I have seen ebooks of 10 pages and less selling for $10, $15, even more.

One of the simplest and most effective international sites where you can list your eBook and
get it sold quickly ( *I will reveal it only to my Masterclass students. Join up, if you haven't
joined yet*) has many of such books, sometimes they call it *reports*.

So, any number is acceptable. I have had over 300 pages, over 800 pages books.

The most important thing is the quality inside the book. *How much value the content of the
book carries* plays more importance to how voluminous it is.
[4/7, 10:05 PM] Prince Wokoma: And _what is the secret to being a good writer?_

*To be a good writer, write everyday. To be a professional writer, find a good coach.*

The secret to being good at writing is writing everyday and finding out the part of writing you
are good at.

After you've found out the kind of writing you want to major in, then you can go ahead and
pay for trainings to specialise in it.

This makes the learning and mastering much easier.

[4/7, 10:08 PM] Prince Wokoma: _For a book written in Queen's English and in the third
person, is it ok to use Pidgin for any of the characters assumed to be illiterate because it's
going international? Also, what about books written in Pidgin all through; any chances of
realizing good sales?_

You can target Nigerian buyers. Even foreign buyers can buy so long as the content is rich,
the story is lit. But my advice is that, even if you use Pidgin or your native dialect,
immediately interpret in parentheses.
[4/7, 10:09 PM] Prince Wokoma: _Is it possible to write fiction and health related books at
the same time?_

There's nothing wrong in versatility. My advice is, focus on one. I have never written fictional
books, and perhaps may never. Not because they don't sell (yes, they don't sell as much as
their other counterpart), but, my advice is that, you should focus on one. I majorly focus my
writing on self-help, HOW-TO books, books that empower people, especially economically,
instead just of entertainment. Fiction is for entertainment. I write to help people excel in life
across various endeavours and sectors.

What are you known for?


What you've learnt will never go to waste unless you let it.

By Sunday, you would have been well empowered with everything you need to write,
publish, market and start making good money from your book, as long as your content is

If you let all these efforts go to waste, you have put me to shame and made all my sacrifices
for you of no effect.

But I know, from what I've seen from most of you, no one would do that to me.

Make me the proudest man. Come on. 🤑🙏👍🏼

Bonuses and Perks

Hello my favourite, it's been my utmost pleasure having you under my tutelage for 7 whole
days. It's been worth the time, effort, sacrifice and love.
Thank you for the privilege.

As promised, here's your bonuses and perks:

10, 000 Nigerian hot email addresses

100,000 phone numbers of Nigerians cutting across the North, the South, the East and the

Thank you so much.

Love 💖🤩 you
*Gift 2: Author's Resource Bundle*

Note: this bundle is worth over ₦100,000!

Here's what is in the bundle for you:

1. How to write your book in a weekend

2. Self-publishing Manual

3. The Author Training Manual

4. How to blog a book

5. 1,000 useful words (for better writing)

6. Ten Ways to sell more books

7. Ten days to faster reading

8. How to write and publish your own business and nonfiction books (this is a must-read for
everyone who has a business and is a writer or wants to write)

9. The complete guide to self-publishing

Here's the link:

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