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Three months ago I had the great opportunity and foruna to travel through Tolima Colombia, this is one of the
beautiful departments of my country, I traveled together with my husband and his family to Natagaima Tolima, we
were there for a week and I had the opportunity to get to know a new region, with incomparable beauty and
beautiful places to enjoy.

Tolima is really a very different culture from my homeland which is Boyaca, in this wonderful department the climate
is hot, there is a great variety of waterfalls, hot springs, rivers and lakes where families meet, share and enjoy
beautiful moments , people are used to eating a lot of bananas and yucca and because of the heat that it is, people
must drink a lot of liquids, the families are large and most of them are of indigenous descent who live on a lot of aid
that the government gives them, the houses are very humble Most of them are made of clay and straw, the people
are very happy, every day they listen to music in a home.

It was a very beautiful experience, I had never traveled to hot land, the weather really affected me a lot because the
vectors did me a lot of damage and I still have the aftermath, but definitely as soon as possible I will be traveling to
this beautiful place.

Colombia is a wonderful country, in this beautiful country the most beautiful places are kept to know and enjoy, my
greatest desire is to know all this beautiful country so that when they ask me about Colombian culture I can proudly
say that it is the best in the world and that not knowing her is a big mistake.

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