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People who know each other when they are young know the strengths and
weaknesses of one and the other. It seems that Mario Cuomo's weakness in
courtship is to touch the body of the woman in front of him. By the way, that
Courtship has not disappeared and there are many who use it, but since they
are not wealthy or have a Donald Trump as an enemy, they do not have legal
problems. It seems that Trump's weakness is to increase his wealth by
evading taxes and filing for bankruptcy laws. It seems that both of them
attacked each other because of his weaknesses.

Here, the one that has the advantage to win is Justice, if the balance is not
tipped. Because if the economic changes and the accounts in the possible tax
havens of the 11 Cuomo accusers are not investigated, the balance has tipped.
On the other hand, if due to legal tricks or fiscal errors the truth about the
contribution of taxpayers' money to Trump's fortune is not reached, the
balance has tipped.

The poor of intellect always hope that there is Justice.

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