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NIC: 200082202970


DATE: 19/06/2020


1. Draw a chat to show the different types of filament yarn manufacturing
methods and differentiate each of these methods .Give two examples of
textiles of textile fibers that can be produced by each method?
Filament Yarn Manufacturing

Filament Yarn Manufacturing

Solution Spinning Melt Spinning

The Polymer chips are The polymer chips are melted

dissolving in a suitable solvent using the heat is called “Melt
is called as “Solution Spinning” Spinning”

 Polyester
 Nylon
Dry spinning Wet Spinning

 Acrylic  Spandex
 Acetate  Viscose

Solution Spinning

This is one of the main two method of synthetic filament production in this method. We take
solid polymer chips and dissolve in the suitable solvent to produce the polymer liquid. There are
mainly two ways.

I. Dry spinning
II. Wet spinning

Dry spinning

 Dissolved polymer solution extruded through spinneret nozzle into a current of hot air or
inert gas.
 Hot air/gas will help to evaporate the solvent to form filaments.
 The solvent use for dissolve in polymer chips must have the concentration between 15%-
30% and also the solvent should have lower boiling point ,lower latent heat of evaporate.
 In the solution: pigment and other additives can add and remove all air bubbles by heating
or make vacuum over the spinning solution.
 Example for dry spinning:

- Acrylic


Dry spinning process

Wet spinning

 Wet spinning is the second method of solution spinning where solid polymer chips dissolve
in the suitable solvent &make a polymer liquid. The pressure through that spinneret. This
spinneret in the liquid bath. Therefor this process call “wet spinning”.
 In this process filament are produced in a liquid bath and the liker in the bath should not
react or dissolve with the filament polymer.
 As the filament are produced in the liquid bath from the spinneret, therefore this method is
a “coagulation process”.
 In the solution: Pigments and other additives can add and remove all air bubbles by heating
or make vacuum over the Spinning solution.
 Example for wet spinning
- Viscose
- Spandex

Wet spinning process

Melt Spinning

 This is the second main method are synthetic filaments production.

 Then possible to make thick solution and extruded into filaments.
 Filaments solidified by cooling and passing through stretch rollers to get better orientation.
 Then wound on a package s and normal production speed 1000-1500m/min.
 Following filaments can be produced by melt spinning process.
 Example
- Polyester
- Nylon

Melt spinning process


A. Draw a flow chart to illustrate the basic stages of cotton yarn manufacturing
and give the main function of each stage?
Cotton yarn manufacturing flow chart

Bale Manufacturing

(7-8 different types of blow

Blow room operation
room machine)

(Carding machine) Carding

(Draw frame machine)


(Flayer frame machine) Roving (Combing


(Ring frame machine) Ring spinning

The main stage functions of each stage

Bale Manufacturing

 Cotton is cultivated in a cotton field. (cotton field)

 Cotton harvest is collected using machines .Which has many impurities like, seed particles,
leaves, sand etc. Should be remove impurities.
 Gin machine to remove some % of trashes and all seed particles.
 Bulk lint cotton compressed & make cotton block. ”Bale”

Blow room operation

 Blow room is the second stage of cotton yarn manufacturing.

 Therefore there are 3 functions done by blow room.


a) Opening:

Remove the impurities and parallel the individual fibers to make staple yarn.

b) Cleaning:
It is possible to clean the impurities and trashes to produce a good quality yarn and also
to improve the strength of the yarn.

c) Mixing:

Mixing is done due to the economic reasons with considering the price of the end


 This is a third cotton yarn manufacturing .It is done by the carding machine.
 Five main functions are done by the carding machine.
a) To open the small cotton tufts in to completely individual fibers.
b) To arrange the individual fibers parallel to each other.
c) To remove impurities, neps and short fibers.
d) To blended with other row materials.
e) Convert the input to t-he final output.

 This is the fourth stage of cotton yarn manufacturing process and machine is draw
frame machine.
 There are two function of this stage.
a) Make the fibers more straight and paralleled.
b) Make continuous thinner strand of fibers (thing the sliver) with more evenness.
 Combing is the fifth stage of cotton yarn manufacturing process .Which is completed by
combing machine.
 Functions of the combing machine.
a) To remove the unnecessary short fibers.
b) To remove remaining impurities in the sliver.
c) To remove neps or entanglements in the sliver
d) To makes the fiber to make more straight and parallel.
e) To produce a uniform sliver of required per unit length.


 Roving is the sixth stage of cotton yarn manufacturing process and we use flyer frame or
rowing frame machine.
 Functions of the flayer frame machine.
a) Drawing:

Reduce the thickness of the input sliver.

b) Temporary twist:

Introduce temporary twist to the sliver to keep be cotton fiber in the sliver.

c) Wind to a roving

Ring spinning

 This is the last stage of cotton yarn manufacturing process. Which is done using ring
spinning machine.
 Functions of the ring spinning machine.
a) Drafting:

To draft the roving until the required fineness is achieved.

b) Twisting:

Ring spun yarn wind on to a suitable package.

c) Winding: The diagram shows rotor spinning technology.

B. Explain the rotor spinning method developed under open end spinning

Rotor spinning
The rotor spinning machine has completely develop base on the OE principal. Which follows
re opening , recollect, resemble to the yarn and applied twist.

The diagram shows rotor spinning technology.

We feed draw frame sliver or comb sliver to the machine then the feed roller will feed the sliver to
the opening roller. This opening roller has the wire point using these wire point sliver is reopened.
Then reopened sliver passing through to navel A .

A while been moving through A. sliver thickness reduce and the sliver drops on to the hole B. on the
rotor. This rotor rotates very high speed in anti-clock wise. Now the sliver passes through the hole
B. which completes the recollect stage. Then now sliver is under side of the rotating rotor moving
through the groove(c) under side of the rotor towards the slit (D) at the center of the rotator. Then
while been passing through the sliver resemble to the yarn.

Now the yarn comes to the top side of rotor to the slit D and then passing through and anther
object novel. This novel rotates clock like direction (opposite direction to the rotor rotating
direction). Due to this opposite of rotating of novel and rotor that twist is applied to yarn. Finally
we produced OE yarn .Now we directly woven on to the bigger packages .such as coan & cheeses.


A. A student found a count of yarn as .convert this to denier and decitex ?

Tex value

Tex x Ne = 590.5

Tex x 30 = 590.5

Tex = 590.5 /30

Tex = 19.68

Decitex value

10 x (tex value) = decitex value

10 x 19.68 = decitex value

decitex value = 196.8

Denier value

9 x (tex value) = denier value

9 x 19.68 = denier value

denier value =177.12

B. “Twist increases the strength of yarn, but the behavior depends on the yarn
type (staple & filament type )”. Justify this statement using suitable diagram.
 Twist will increase the strength of the yarn. But it depends on the yarn type. Such as staple
yarn & filament yarn.
 Following diagram show how the twist increases the strength of staple yarn and the
filament yarn.

Strengt Optimum twist Strength

A tpi B Twist
For staple yarn level
For filament yarn
According A diagram strength will increase with twist up to the maximum point. After that strength
will reduce further increase the twist. Therefore there is optimal twist level.

According B diagram strength will continuously reduce with increasing the twist of filament yarn.
Therefore there is filament yarn manufacturing. We give law twist to the filament yarn.

Therefore twist increase the strength but it depends on yarn type.

10 | P a g e

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