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Analysis of Calculations

Sadaf makes cinnamon rolls in a process that can be divided into 17 steps. She takes a total of 210 mins or three
and a half hours to make these rolls. She usually makes 12 units and has gone to make as much as 32 units in a
day. As production of cinnamon rolls involves a lot of baking, there is idle time for the machine and Sadaf at
times. In this process of 210 minutes, Sadaf is idle for 95 minutes when she waits for proofing, for dough to
settle, for oven to heat, and when she is waiting for the cinnamon rolls to be baked in the oven. On the other
hand, the oven has an idle time of 110 minutes as it is just used for baking, preheating, and storing the dough.
Stove has an idle time of 200 minutes as it only being used to heat the ingredients. Here bottlenecking is
occurring due to Sadaf. She is free for 95 minutes which suggest that she can not make any more cinnamon rolls
in that time. Her limited capacity results in a high idle time of oven and stove. These machines are being
underutilized. Sadaf uses his time well by minimizing her idle time completing processes like mixing the
ingredients and making topping. These figures are clearer when we calculate the utilization percentage of Sadaf
and the two machines. Sadaf’s utilization is 55% which is higher than that of oven which is 48%. Stove is being
the most under utilized with a utilization percentage of only 5%. Even the joint utilization of both machines is
less than that of Sadaf. The whole process has throughput rate of 0.476%. It shows the efficiency of the
operations by Sadaf.

Sadaf can further decrease the cycle time increasing the efficiency of the process by different measures. She
spends 20 minutes in packaging. She can ready the packaging in her idle time when she is waiting for proofing
or for rolls to bake. This will save the time in the end. If she hires a helper or two it will shorten the cycle time
drastically. And she may even be able to prepare more units in the same time as both the stove and oven has a
utilization percentage of 50 or less.

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