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I have not written a letter to the management advising them on the future directions to be taken.

But according to me the following should be the structure for the letter.

1. Salutation
2. Introduction- Summary of the purpose of the letter
3. Presenting the problem and range of possible solutions - Analysis and understanding of the
project and possible directions.
4. Specifying the most beneficial Solutions based on analysis- Making clear about certain
assumptions made
5. Step by Step Justification of the Solution you choose
6. Closing statement

To justify a point in any letter or verbal argument, the first thing is to showcase that you are well-
read and knowledgeable about the topic and the problem being discussed. Only after an in-depth
analysis of the problem or the arguing point you can put forward your objectives and the needs of
the clients. So the most important element is to understand what is the problem and the point being
addressed and what are the needs of the clients.

Moving ahead concerning the case study given to us the three most important elements to cover in
the letter would be:

1. Understanding of their business and their current expansion opportunities in hand

2. Analyzing the directions of future investment opportunities discussed in the board meeting
and creating an analysis report of each with recommendations
3. Out of these recommendations choosing and justifying the most beneficial option for
Winfield refuge management to apply for their business.

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