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Healthy tips for teenagers

Having a healthy lifestyle is very important at any stage of your life, but more if you are a teenager
because you are at the beginning of your life and if you have a good start, the rest is going to be easier.
A healthy lifestyle has the objective to be the best version of yourself and this is achieved by having the
correct habits. Those are: healthy and balanced nutrition, keeping active by practicing sports or any
other physical activity, exercising and clarifying your mind.
 Nutrition:

It consists in having the right nutrients and amount of calories that your body needs. This doesn’t means
that yo have to keep a hard or restrictive diet the rest of your life, Instead, it consists of knowing how to
balance your diet in a way that makes you feel happy and comfortable with what you are eating,
including all kinds of foods, whether they are more or less nutritious. You have to know how to
prioritize the healthiest foods with the highest number of good nutrients over junk food, but it is okay to
indulge yourself from time to time to maintain the stability of your diet and not demand too much from
your mind. In this way, the way you eat will be sustainable in the future and can be maintained as a
lifestyle and not as something temporary.

 Exercise:

Exercising doesn’t mean that you have to forcefully go to the gym. For keeping a healthy lifestyle you
just have to keep active by constantly practicing any physical activity that you like. This can be your
favorite sport such as soccer, basketball, tennis, baseball or the one that you like the most or even other
activity such as dancing or parkour, this depends on your tastes and what is more sustainable for you.
This will help because it’ll improve your physical skills and also will help you to look better and feel
better about yourself and in general.

 Exercising and clarifying your mind:

This is crucial because our mind is a very important aspect in our life because there is where our real
value is stored. We have to keep our mind exercising by reading, writing, listening to others opinions,
and learning in general. It is very important to keep our minds open to others thoughts and ideas for
learning about what others think so we can increase our knowledge. It is also important to clarify our
minds because that way we will be able to control ourselves and our stress for having a good mental
health. This can be achieved by meditating. This is a habit that helps a lot both physically and mentally
because we’ll be more capable to keep control on hard situations and bad moments.

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