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Nombre: Jean Carlos Montesdeoca Sánchez.

Fecha: 10/01/2021.
When I first learned to ride a bike. It was an interesting moment. I was about seven years old when I
watched my brother use his bicycle and I wanted to do what he did, that was the moment when I
decided to depend more on them. Although I had some doubts, I went out to practice in the parks
with my little bicycle. I learned to ride faster and faster and when I watched people who practiced
some tricks I tried to do it, now I was ready for the big moment. With butterflies in my stomach, I
slowly climbed onto the bike and, with shaking hands, gripped the handles tightly. I pedaled really
hard. I was so scared to let go and fall off my bike, but I was very determined to do the manual on
my own. Then, with a little push I raised the handlebars of my bike and lifted my body with it, I felt
my heart race. I finally looked back nervously and noticed that the maneuver that I was trying so
hard to do I had achieved, I was so excited to have achieved that I forgot to pedal, what I later
remember was that I was lying on the ground, but I did not care because of the adrenaline. I will
never forget the exciting moment of riding a bike and maneuvering with it, as persistence in
accomplishing something gave me the courage to take on this challenge.
Clouds have different qualities that define them. A cloud is a hydrometeor that consists of a visible
mass made up of snow crystals or microscopic drops of water suspended in the atmosphere. Clouds
scatter all visible light and therefore appear white. However, they are sometimes too thick or dense
for light to pass through, when this occurs the coloration turns gray or even black. Considering that
clouds are drops of water on atmospheric dust and depending on some factors the drops can turn
into rain, hail or snow. Clouds are an aerosol made up of water evaporated mainly from the oceans.

Riding a bike is an accessible sport that helps us improve our cardiovascular capacity and improves
our health, it is true that it is not exempt from disadvantages such as: sunny days, slopes that tire us
so much and even a traffic accident but We can prevent the latter by following all road laws and
driving defensively to protect ourselves from harm, there are also many myths that make people
doubt the benefits of riding a bike, one of them is that it harms sexual relations, a A study from the
“Yale University School of Medicine, United States analyzed a sample of more than 5,000 cyclists,
found no association with time spent on the saddle and infertility. The study highlighted that those
who do it more recreationally do not have any type of risk. " It is safer to drive in the opposite
direction to the vehicles because that is how I see them when they approach, this is false, you
should never walk against the road since Although we see how the other vehicles approach us, they
do not see us in the same way and it is likely that we are the cause of a car accident. The bicycle is
considered as a medicine on two wheels since it helps you to release stress, by going slower than it
normally goes when you ride the bus, you have the possibility to enjoy our city and you will learn to
locate yourself in the city without giving yourself bill


The functions of grease in machinery are multiple. To provide a long life for the equipment, grease
must have characteristics such as, reduce friction under conditions of speed and working
temperature, it must also prevent the entry of water and earth through the seals maintaining the
compatibility with the seal materials, in the same way it must avoid corrosion and work at high
temperatures without flowing or rusting. It is important to take into account these characteristics
when using a grease in the machinery and thus extend its useful life and avoid failures.

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