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@Marina Chuchkalova 2018


Thank you for choosing my crochet pattern. You have not only instruction, but you have
the opportunity to create “a piece of warmth and light” by yourself, with the help of it the
surrounding world will become brighter, kinder and more comfortable. I wish you to get
pleasure both from the process of creation and the result.

Sincerely yours, Marina Chuchkalova.

My contacts for your questions and wishes

e-mail -
blog -
VK -
Instagram -
And the special hashtag for the toys crocheted with the help of my crochet patterns

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

Page 1
ATTENTION! This crochet pattern is intended only for your personal use. It is
forbidden to distribute and reprint this pattern both fully and partially in the
Internet or anywhere else, also you must not sell it or exchange. When showing
the ready toy, please point the author of the pattern (for example, «…the author of
the pattern is Marina Chuchkalova» @mycrochetwonders)

Materials and tools:

1. Sport/5 ply (12 wpi) yarn
The main color Alize Cotton Gold №688 – coffee-beige mélange (approx. 30 g.)
For the jacket and scarf Alize Cotton Gold №2 – mustard, №385 – green, №1 - milk.
For the tail Alize Cotton Gold №87 – coal grey, Yarn Art Jeans №49 – grey.
2. 2.00 mm or 1.75 mm hook size
3. Stuffing (hollofayber).
4. Two black halfbeads 10 mm in diameter.
5. A black thread for the embroidering of the nose.
6. A needle with a big eye.
7. A moment glue.
8. A device for making the pompons or a strong cardboard.
9. Pieces of the white and pink felt.

st – stitch;
ch – chain;
sc – single crochet;
inc – increase (crochet 2 sc in one loop);
dec – decrease (crochet 2 sc together);
sl st – slip stitch;
(sc, inc) х n – repeat those in brackets n-times.

The size of the ready toy is approx. 20 cm.

All the details except the scarf are crocheted in a spiral.

This toy is remarkable with the fact that in the course of crocheting of the head and body
was crocheted only 6 decreases. I.e. we will not see on our little beaver those seams, which
we always get when we crochet the course of the decreases. Nothing will upset us and
nothing will be an eyesore to us)))

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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ARMS (2 pcs)

Brown color.

1 rnd: 6 sc in the magic ring

2 rnd: 6 inc (12)

3 rnd: (3 sc, inc) х 3 (15)

4-7 rnd: 4 rows - 1 sc in each st around (15)

8 rnd: green color sl st in each back loop of the 7th row (15)

9 rnd: sc, grasping the back loops of the 7th and 8th rows (15)

10 rnd: milk color (3 sc, dec) х 3 (12)

11 rnd: milk color 1 sc in each st around (12)

12-13 rnd: 2 rows with the green color - 1 sc in each st around (12)

Crochet 3-4 sc more, so as the hook appeared to be at the edge.

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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Stuff the arm softly, not reaching the top. Fold the edges in half and crochet 5 sc hooking
the both edges.

You can either sew or crochet in the arms. If you want to sew them, then leave a long
thread enough for sewing. If you choose the second variant – fasten off the thread, hide
the end inside. In this crochet pattern I’ll sew the arms.


Grey color.

1 rnd: 6 sc in the magic ring

2 rnd: 6 inc (12)

3 rnd: (1 sc, inc) х 6 (18)

4 rnd: (2 sc, inc) х 6 (24)

5 rnd: (3 sc, inc) х 6 (30)

6 rnd: (4 sc, inc) х 6 (36)

7-8 rnd: 2 rows - 1 sc in each st around (36)

9 rnd: (5 sc, inc) х 6 (42)

10-15 rnd: 6 rows - 1 sc in each st around (42)

16 rnd: (5 sc, dec) х 6 (36)

17-22 rnd: 6 rows - 1 sc in each st around (36)

23 rnd: (4 sc, dec) х 6 (30)

24-26 rnd: 3 rows - 1 sc in each st around (30)

27 rnd: (3 sc, dec) х 6 (24)

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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28-30 rnd: 3 rows - 1 sc in each st around (24)

31 rnd: (2 sc, dec) х 6 (18)

Fold the tail in half and iron it through the cloth.

Put some stuffing, crochet 8 sc hooking the both edges.

LEGS (2 pcs)

Brown color.

1 rnd: 6 sc in the magic ring

2 rnd: 6 inc (12)

3 rnd: (1 sc, inc) х 6 (18)

4-5 rnd: 2 rows - 1 sc in each st around (18)

6 rnd: 6 sc, 3 dec, 6 sc (15)

7-11 rnd: 5 rows - 1 sc in each st around (15)

Cut the yarn and fasten off at the first leg.

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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For the second leg crochet 5-6 sc more, so as to turn out at the inner side of the leg, leave
the loop opened.

Put the legs together, so as the toes will look forward. Mark a loop at the first leg, which
adjoins with the opened loop of the second leg.

BODY (the lower part):

Crochet 6 ch from the opened loop of the second leg, take the first leg, insert the hook in
the earlier marked loop – here will be the beginning of the row of the body (you are at the
back, you can put the marker here).

1 rnd: crochet round the first leg 15 sc, then 6 sc along the chain, 15 sc along the second leg
and 6 sc along the chain. In total we get 42 stitches in this row.

2 rnd: (6 sc, inc) х 6 (48)

3 rnd: (7 sc, inc) х 6 (54)

4-5 rnd: 1 sc in each st around (54)

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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6 rnd: (8 sc, inc) х 6 (60)

7-10 rnd: 4 rows - 1 sc in each st around (60)

11 rnd: 1 sc in each st around crocheting in the tail

I place the tail as follows: 51 sc, 8 sc together with the tail, 1 sc (60) (as we crochet the toy in
spiral rows, then you can have the errors and, perhaps, you’ll need to move the tail for 1-2
stitches to the right)

12-16 rnd: 5 rows - 1 sc in each st around (60)

Leave a long thread enough for sewing and put aside the detail.

HEAD and BODY (the upper part):

Crochet 11 ch with brown color.

1 rnd: begin crocheting from the 2nd loop from the hook - inc, 8 sc, 4 sc in the last loop of
the chain. Further crochet along the other side of the chain 8 sc, inc (24)

2 rnd: 2 inc, 8 sc, 4 inc, 8 sc, 2 inc (32)

3 rnd: (1 sc, inc) х 2, 8 sc, (1 sc, inc) х 4 times, 8 sc, (1 sc, inc) х 2 (40)

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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4 rnd: 1 sc in each st around (40)

5 rnd: (2 sc, inc) х 2, 8 sc, (2 sc, inc) х 4 times, 8 sc, (2 sc, inc) х 2 (48)

6 rnd: 1 sc in each st around (48)

7 rnd: (7 sc, inc) х 6 (54)

8 rnd: (8 sc, inc) х 6 (60)

9-18 rnd: 10 rows - 1 sc in each st around (60)

Change the color to the green.

19 rnd: sl st in each back loop of the 18th row (60)

20 rnd: sc, grasping the back loops of the 19th and 18th rows (60)

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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21-22 rnd: 2 rows with the milk color - 1 sc in each st around (60)

Further in the 23rd row you can crochet in the arms at the sides of the body. The space
between the arms is 17 stitches. I.e. find the stitch in the center of the breast and count out 8
stitches to each side and from them place the arms. Or you can sew the arms later.

23-24 rnd: 2 rows with the green color - 1 sc in each st around (60)

25-26 rnd: 2 rows with the milk color - 1 sc in each st around (60)

27-28 rnd: 2 rows with the green color - 1 sc in each st around (60)

29-30 rnd: 2 rows with the milk color - 1 sc in each st around (60)

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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31 rnd: with the green color 1 sc in each st around (60)

32 rnd: with the brown color sc in each back loop (60)

Fasten off and cut the yarn.

Put the stuffing in the body and head. Connect these two parts.

For the convenience mark the middle of each detail with the marker, connect the markers
and baste the parts of the body with a contrast thread.

Then sew the details with the brown thread. Do not forget to put the enough amount of
stuffing before closing the opening.

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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Crochet the JACKET to the end

Make a loop with a green yarn and pass it through the loop of the 31st row of the body.
Further 1 ch and beginning from this very loop crochet one row of the sc.

Then crochet two rows of the sc with the milk color and the last row with the green color.

Fasten off and hide the end of the thread inside.


1 rnd: 6 sc in the magic ring

2 rnd: 6 inc (12)

3-5 rnd: 3 rows - 1 sc in each st around (12)

Fold the ear in half and crochet the sc grasping the both edges. Leave the threads enough
for sewing.

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

Page 12

1 rnd: 6 sc in the magic ring

2 rnd: 6 inc (12)

3-9 rnd: 7 rows - 1 sc in each st around (12)

10 rnd: 6 dec

Put a little stuffing, leave a thread enough for sewing and tighten the opening.


Crochet chain 96 ch + 2 ch.

1. Insert the hook in the 3rd loop from the hook, draw out the thread, then insert the hook
in the next loop and again draw out the thread, repeat this action one more time.

2. Crochet all 4 loops, which are on the hook, crochet 2 ch.

Beginning from the next stitch again by turns draw out each of three loops and crochet
them together, crochet 2 ch.

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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Crochet in such a way till the end of the chain.

To make the scarf wider, crochet one more such row, attaching the yarn at the right side of
the scarf.
Make two pompons with the help of the special devices. If you have no such devices, you
can use a cardboard.

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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Fluff the pompons with a comb with frequent teeth or with a special comb for the cats.


Sew the arms at the level of the 23rd row of the upper part of the body. Find the central
stitch at the breast and count out 8 stitches to each side. You should get the space 17
stitches wide – at this space place the arms.

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

Page 15
Sew the muzzle in the middle of the head between the 12 and 16 rows.

Embroider the nose with a black thread. Sew the ears. Glue the eyes.

Make a couple of stitches with a beige yarn for the brows. Cut out the teeth from white felt,
from pink felt cut out the cheeks and glue them. Tie the scarf by the pompons to the side))

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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Do not forget to put the hashtag #design_by_chuchkalova
when you publish your photos in Instagram

Thank you for crocheting with me!

See you soon!

©Marina Chuchkalova 2018

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