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Six Tasks of My Humiliation Ch.


I have been on edge all week since my confession to my husband. I have been so
nervous I have just about completely lost my appetite. It had all gone a little crazy last
Friday evening when my husband, Steven, was on our computer and using the internet.
I heard him call my name and I sauntered into the study wearing only a towel as I had
just exited the shower.

"What is this?" he asked, a small grin on his face.

"What is what? I responded, moving around the desk so I could see the screen. What I
saw just about caused me to faint. On the screen was one of the adult websites I had
been perusing this afternoon prior to Steven arriving home.

"And this?" Steven flashed up yet another of the adult sites I had visited.

I shut my eyes in embarrassed confusion. Normally I wipe out the addresses of these
websites from our browser so there is no trace of the sites I had visited, but today the
phone interrupted me and I plain forgot. I could see from Steven's demeanour he was
not outraged by my behaviour, but was clearly very curious as to why his wife was
surfing adult sites on the web, particularly as he did not see me as the sexually
adventurous type.

I didn't want to discuss it, but Steven took my hand and pulled me down to sit on his

"Angela, all these sites you have been looking at deal with submission and humiliation. If
this is something you are interested in why have you not shared this with me?" Steven
was clearly a little hurt.

As ego crushing as it was, I blushingly confessed to my husband that for the past few
years I had fantasised about being humiliated, but was too embarrassed to admit to
such thoughts as they were so perverted. Steven was curious and asked me several
probing questions about my fantasies, which I shyly answered.

As Steven continued to question me I could feel his manhood growing hard and realised
he was sexually excited by the conversation. We had not made love for several weeks so
I reached under my lap and unzipped his trousers, freeing one very erect penis.
Throwing off my towel in an uncharacteristic display of uninhibited nakedness I sat down
again on his lap, guiding his penis deep into my vulva.

What followed was one of the best lovemaking sessions we have had for many years.

Afterwards we remained in a seated embrace, his penis still within me. It was then that
he whispered in my ear he was going to help me fulfil my fantasy. I gave a little laugh in
response, thinking he was just joking with me.

But he wasn't joking. In fact he had already formulated his little plan.
"For the next six weeks I am going to set a task designed to humiliate you. I will inform
you of the task on Monday and you must complete that task before the end of the week.
If you do not complete the task you will be punished by a person other than myself. If
you agree, you must stay in the game for all of the six tasks." Steven was smiling
broadly, obviously delighted with his kinky ingenuity.

Steven's little game was so far removed from our previously conservative sexual conduct
that I just stared at him agog, almost disbelieving what I had heard.

"Yes or no?" Steven persisted

"Steven. Let's discuss this further. I need to know what these tasks are likely to be
before I agree to them." I was very apprehensive.

"No you don't. Not knowing will add to the excitement. And anyway, I am sure you
would not agree if I told you now."

Steven could not stop himself smiling as I squirmed anxiously on his lap. Incredibly I
could feel his penis growing hard inside me again, which only served to re-ignite my
passion, which probably made me much more adventurous than normal.

Steven began to slowly grind his hips, stimulating my already engorged clit. "Yes or no?"
he whispered into my ear.

I did not respond, but began to drive my hips up and down his shaft.

"Yes or no?"

"Yes," I responded breathlessly, trying to shut out the possible consequences of what I
was agreeing to. We rode the wave of pleasure together and orgasmed in a chorus of
animal grunts.

Nothing more was said over the weekend. Our daughter and son were home from
university for a couple of nights and our attention was focused on enjoying their
company as we had not been together as a family for almost two months. Steven and I
have two children; Andrew aged 20 years and Matilda aged 19 years. Both are out of
State at university. As we have a large five bedroom house which is now mostly empty
we decided to help out the local college by taking in an 18 year old Danish exchange
student for a year. His name is Henrik, and although he is quiet and shy, he has fitted in

Come Monday our children had returned to university, leaving the house to Steven and
I, plus Henrik. Although I tried to focus on other things, I was only too acutely aware
that it was Monday, the day when Steven was supposedly setting me my first 'task'.

I was a ball of nervous energy, and wished I had never mentioned anything to Steven.

After dinner Henrik and Steven cleared the table, before Henrik retired to his room to do
his studies. As we sat down in the lounge with our coffees, Steven handed me a piece of
folded paper. My heart was in my mouth. Slowly I opened it and read my first task. My
jaw dropped, but before I could say anything Steven held up his hand to stop me.

"Is the task clear?" He sounded so matter of fact it was as if he had given me a shopping

Disbelievingly I read the piece of paper again. 'You are to go into Henrik's bedroom when
he is asleep, dressed only in bra and panties, and masturbate yourself until you have a
nice big wet spot on your panties. Love you, Steven XXX'.

I shook my head and pleaded to Steven with my eyes, but he just smiled and turned his
attention to the television.

It is now Thursday night and I know I am running out of time. Henrik sometimes sleeps
over with friends on Friday and Saturday night, therefore I cannot keep putting it off.
Steven has watched my agitated state all week and has enjoyed seeing me mentally
wrestle with my desires. A part of me wanted to call the whole stupid game off right
away before anyone got harmed. But some primal urge from deep within kept pushing
me forward.

I noticed Henrik's light in his bedroom turn off at a little after 10 p.m. Nervously I lay in
bed with Steven until after 11pm. Finally I took a deep breath and turned to look at
Steven. He knew that now was the time, and reached out to squeeze my hand in
support. Naked, I climbed out of bed and went to my drawer, pulling out my most
conservative bra and panties set. My fingers fumbled nervously as I struggled with the
simple task of dressing in my underwear. I could not believe what I was about to do.

Once I was dressed in my underwear I was too afraid to look at Steven for fear I would
lose my nerve. Silently I exited our bedroom and tiptoed down the hallway to Henrik's
bedroom. Fortunately his door opened without a noise, and I peeped inside the room to
ensure he was a sleep. I was much relieved to see he was sleeping with his back to me.
Carefully I took two steps so I was midway between the door and his bed. I wanted to
ensure I was close enough to the door so I could make a dash for it if he woke.

I stood looking at the sleeping form of Henrik for several minutes before I worked up
enough courage to slide my hand inside my panties. Slowly I began to work my fingers
up and down my vagina. To my shock I began reacting almost instantly. My labia swelled
and I could feel the first signs of dampness. A thrill surged through me and I began to
rub harder. I opened my legs wider to give my hand better access.

Suddenly Henrik stirred and rolled onto his back. I froze on the spot, my hand still inside
my panties. I willed myself to stop breathing as I was sure he would hear the frantic
beating of my heart. If he opened his eyes now I would be caught in the most
embarrassing position of my entire life.

Fortunately he remained asleep on his back. Gradually I began to pick up the rhythm
again on my swollen labia. I hate to admit it but the thought that he could open his eyes
at any time and catch me masturbating made the whole scene even more exciting. I
even opened my legs wider; enjoying the free access this gave my hand.

I was soon so wet that I began to hear slurping noises. I removed my hand and pulled
my panties up tight into my crotch so that the moisture leaked into the fabric. Quickly I
exited the room, closed the door, and hurried down to my own bedroom. As I entered
Steven had a broad smile on his face. Excitedly I jumped on the bed, knelt with my legs
open, took his hand and proudly guided it to the crotch of my panties. I was soaking. In
one swift movement he pulled the panties aside and thrust straight into me. We had
never had sex with such passion in our entire marriage.

Afterwards Steven made me recount in detail what I had done in Henrik's bedroom,
which was followed by another session of intense sex. Given Steven and I typically only
had intercourse every two weeks or so, sometimes longer, it was amazing our frequency
had suddenly soared through the roof. Something positive was definitely happening to
our sex life.

The following Monday the routine was repeated. Once Henrik had left us to do his studies
Steven and I made a coffee and retired to the lounge. I was full of nervous anticipation
as he handed the note over to me. I read it, and then glared at Steven in disbelief. He
had gone too far this time. The note read; 'You are to let Henrik see you completely
naked. He must see your pussy and breasts. Love you, Steven XXX'.

I continued to look at Steven, despairingly. "Steven, we need to discuss this," I


Steven's response was to give me a wink before turning his attention to the television.

My response was to sulk. How could I ever go through with this task?

It was this thought that occupied my mind constantly over the next few days. Could I
shame myself in this manner? But the more I thought about it the more my perverted
mind began to accept I could do it.

However it took me until Friday before I could work up the courage to try and fulfil the
task. I had heard Henrik on the phone telling a friend to pick him up at 7.30pm.

Just after 7.00pm I went into the bathroom in the hallway and had a shower, being sure
to leave the door unlocked. Steven and I actually have our own bathroom in the master
bedroom, and the spare bathroom in the hallway is normally only used by Henrik or
visitors. I therefore knew Henrik would not expect anyone to be using this shower.

After I finished the shower I turned it off, but remained in the cubicle dripping wet. I
waited for what seemed an eternity before I heard the door open. Henrik was obviously
surprised the light was on.

"Is anyone in here?" he called out.

I was desperately nervous but forced myself to remain silent. I heard the footsteps of
Henrik enter the bathroom and go to the basin to clean his teeth. Just as he reached to
pick up his toothbrush I nonchalantly pulled back the shower curtain and stepped out,
giving Henrik a full frontal view of my nakedness. I don't believe I have ever felt so
humiliated, displaying myself to this 18 year old youth.
He emitted a screech of surprise and brought his hand over his mouth. At the same time
I howled, "Oh my goodness Henrik. I am so sorry. I didn't hear you. Steven is using the
other shower."

Henrik began to back away towards the door, but his eyes were riveted on my naked
body. He was clearly captivated by what he saw. He apologised over and over in broken
English as he reluctantly exited the bathroom. I gathered my towel and beat a hasty
retreat to my bedroom where I excitedly put on a dressing gown before seeking out
Steven in the study.

He was studiously doing some research on the computer for a medical article he is
writing (Steven is a Doctor with his own medical practice). I sidled up beside him and he
looked up to see my beaming face

"What?" he asked, smiling back at me.

"I did it," I gloated in excitement. "Task two done."

"Holly Moses, Batman." His eyes lit up. "You must tell me everything about it. Every little

And I did. I confessed to Steven how humiliated, yet excited, I felt to be seen totally
naked by a person other than my husband. Needless to say the sex that followed was
great. We did it right there on the desk in the study.

Six Tasks of My Humiliation Ch. 02


You can imagine my sense of anticipation, mixed with immense trepidation, come the
following Monday. Again Steven handed me the folded note once we were alone in the
lounge with our coffees. I opened the piece of paper and read it slowly. I looked up at
Steven, and then read the note again two more times, somehow hoping I had
misinterpreted what it said. However the note, as always, was simple and to the point.
'You are to be naked all evening from the time you arrive home until you are excused by
me to go to bed. You must make sure you pick an evening when Henrik is home, and
you are to explain to him you are naked as a punishment for being naughty. Love you,
Steven XXX'.

I honestly did not believe I had the courage to carry out this third task. Briefly flashing
my naked body while stepping out of a shower was gut retching enough, but to be
totally exposing myself all evening would be unbearable.

"Steven. I cannot do this," I pleaded

"Then we will arrange for someone to punish you." His tone was certain

"Punish me," I gulped. I had not been punished since I was a child and I certainly had no
intention of being punished as an adult. I was caught between a rock and a hard place,
as they say. I decided I had no choice other than to suffer the extreme indignity of being
naked in front of 18 year old Henrik.
I was dreading having to be naked in front of young Henrik so much that I decided not
to prolong the agony. At breakfast on Wednesday morning I tried to sound casual as I
asked Henrik if he was going to be home this evening and he confirmed he was. I looked
over at Steven and he had a knowing smirk on his face. I could have killed him.

When I arrived home from work at 4.30pm I was a bundle of nerves. I had struggled to
focus on anything all day. As I entered the house Henrik called out a greeting from his
bedroom. I bet he thought it was just another routine day in his young life. He was
certainly in for a surprise.

Henrik's door was wide open so I nervously entered and engaged him in casual
conversation, enquiring as to how his day had been at college. I had decided I would tell
him in advance what would be happening this evening, in the hope it would somehow
reduce the shock to both of us. I could not believe I was actually contemplating going
through with it. My heart was pumping so hard I feared I might go into cardiac arrest.

I couldn't put it off any longer, and there was no simple way of saying it.

"Henrik, tonight you are going to be a bit surprised. Well, a lot surprised actually."

Henrik looked at me curiously.

"I have been naughty." The words made me blush with embarrassment. "And as a
punishment Steven has told me I have to be naked all evening." I tried to make it all
sound as casual as possible.

Henrik's eyes opened as wide as saucers. "Naked. I don't understand Mrs Baker? What
do you mean by naked?" Not surprisingly Henrik was doubting he had understood

"Naked... I have to take off all my clothes." I could hardly look the young man in the

"All of them?" he asked disbelievingly.

"Yes, all of them," I responded quietly, knowing I was blushing beetroot red. "I hope you
understand and will not be offended?"

He was clearly confused by this surprising slice of American life, but I could also see in
his eyes the prospect of seeing me naked was not unappealing to him. He had had a
brief glimpse of me exiting the shower, and would like to see more.

Henrik shrugged his shoulders, and I could see he was fighting to hide a smile. "It is
okay for me, Mrs Baker."

Totally embarrassed I quickly exited Henrik's room and went to my own. I took a long
shower, which I was reluctant to end. Finally I forced myself to turn off the water and as
I towelled myself I stared at my naked form in the mirror. I was 41 years old and proud
of my body. I exercised regularly and was trim. Despite my slender form I had very full
buttocks that showed no sign of sag. My breasts were not overly large, but again were
firm with small, sensitive nipples. Even though I was proud of my body, I certainly did
not want to go parading it around the house for everyone to ogle.

My eyes focused on my pubic hair. I had sparse, straight, blonde pubic hair that did little
to hide my vaginal lips from view. How I wished I had a thick mop of black curly pubic
hair like I had seen on some of my friends when we were showering at the gym.

I inhaled a deep breath. The time had come. I dropped my towel, walked out of the
bathroom, through the bedroom and into the hallway. For a moment I hesitated as the
swirling mix of emotions bombarded my inner senses, but I forced myself to go on.
Quickly I strode past the open doorway of Henrik's room, not daring to glance in to see if
he had seen me.

Once in the kitchen I tried to focus on preparing dinner, but believe me this is very
difficult when one is stark naked. I reached for my apron, knowing it would at least cover
my pubic region and breasts. I had only been in the kitchen a few minutes when Henrik
strolled in, on the pretext of getting a drink of milk from the refrigerator. Even though I
was wearing the apron, I was incredibly embarrassed as I knew he would have a clear
view of my buttocks. He slowly drank his milk before leaving.

A short time later I heard Steven arrive home and he soon appeared in the kitchen. He
walked up to me and put his arms around me. I thought he was going to give me a
cuddle, but instead he untied my apron and removed it from me.

"I said naked. You must learn to do as you are told." Steven scolded me and I felt like a
child being lectured by her parent.

I thought of protesting but knew it would be useless. I tried to focus my attention on

preparing dinner, but when it was ready I was hesitant to call out to Henrik as I knew I
had no way of hiding my nakedness from him. Finally I gathered the courage to call both
males to the dinner table. In record time they were both seated at the dining table.
Totally humiliated I served them the meal while both of them ogled my naked body.
They were making no effort to be discrete. I even spotted Henrik quickly readjust the
growing bulge in his trousers, which only served to make me more mortified.

Both males did at least try to make normal conversation during the meal, although
neither could wipe the smirk off their faces. Once dinner was finished Steven and I went
into the lounge with our coffees, and were soon joined by Henrik who assured me he had
no homework to do tonight.

I was amazed I had become more relaxed with my nudity. I still felt very exposed, but
less embarrassed. I was also beginning to feel disconcerting warmth between my legs. I
knew that the perverse side of my nature was beginning to enjoy my exposure. Little did
I know Steven was about to push the boundaries further.

"Stand up, Angela, and come over to me," Steven suddenly announced in the middle of
a conversation on other matters.

I looked at him warily, but obeyed, standing directly in front of him. I fidgeted nervously
with my fingers, fighting off the desire to cover myself with my hands.

"Open you legs."

I looked at Steven horrified. But even as I did I could feel myself becoming more
excited. In my fantasies I had often visualised myself as having to spread my legs and
totally expose the most private parts of my womanly body. However I had never
confessed this to Steven.

Slowly I slid my feet along the carpet until my legs were stretched wide open. I had my
back to Henrik, and I knew he would have a peep of my pussy lips and anus. I could feel
my skin flushing with embarrassment. Steven admired the view from the front, and
stared straight at my pussy.

"Are you wet?" he enquired in a manner one would ask a perfectly normal question.
Except this one was far from normal.

My shame increased by several notches, and I responded by pouting my lips like a

naughty young girl

"Well?" he persisted

"Yes," was all I could say, as I knew full well I was very wet. I could even smell my own
sexual excitement.

"Go and show Henrik," Steven directed.

Mortified I took the few small steps over to Henrik, stood before him, and opened my
legs wide. I could not bear to look down at the young student, but I could feel his eyes
riveted on my swollen and damp labia protruding from under my thin mat of pubic hair.
It was such a delicious mix of utter humiliation and perverse excitement.

After being made to expose myself to Henrik for what seemed an eternity, Steven final
took my hand and led me away from a stunned, but very appreciative, young man.
Steven wasted no time in getting me to our bedroom and undressed himself in record
time. A session of extreme passion followed as we were both highly aroused by the
preceding events of the evening.

FetishSix Tasks of My Humiliation Ch. 03

Six Tasks of My Humiliation Ch. 03


Come the following Monday I was full of anticipation, mixed with dread, as to what my
fourth task might be. I well knew that my husband, Steven, was planning the tasks so
each of them was increasingly humiliating, causing me to submit my body in a manner I
thought would always remain in my fantasies only.

As I nervously joined Steven in the lounge after dinner he handed me the folded piece of
paper. I opened it, and read the contents. 'Well done my darling. This week you will
masturbate yourself to orgasm in front of Henrik and I. You will, of course, be totally
naked. Love you, Steven XXX

I stared at the piece of paper in absolute horror. Up until know I had not indulged in any
overt sexual behaviour in front of Henrik For me, masturbation is a very private act
carried out when one is alone. It had been bad enough playing with myself while in the
bedroom of a sleeping Henrik. But I knew masturbating myself, and bringing myself to
orgasm, while naked in front of Henrik and Steven, was a mission far too impossible. I
doubted if I could have done it even if I was performing for Steven alone.

I desperately tried to persuade Steven to come up with an alternative fourth task, but he
remained doggedly firm. Even when I began crying he was unmoved. In the end I
stormed out in frustration, and I could hardly bring myself to talk to him over the next
few days.

I desperately tried to get the courage to go through with the task. I even resorted to
sneaking home one lunch hour, undressing, and lying prone on my bed. I then visualized
Steven and Henrik watching me as I began to play with myself. But it was no good. I
hardly made myself damp, let alone get anywhere near close to orgasm.

Friday came around too soon, and Henrik announced he was going away for a long
weekend with friends. I knew I would not be able to fulfil the task before the end of the
week. I was relieved, but also nervous at the possible consequences. Steven said
nothing the whole weekend, and I began to wonder if he was going to take pity on me,
and perhaps set another task I was capable of achieving.

Come Monday I was more nervous than normal as I joined Steven for our coffee.

Silently he handed me the piece of folded paper. I opened it, and read. 'I am
disappointed you have not performed Task 4. For this you will be punished by a person
other than myself, or Henrik. The details of the person you are to contact are noted

Additionally, you will complete Task 4 as required. Both the punishment and the task are
to be completed this week. Love you, Steven XXX'

At the bottom of the page there was a woman's name, Maria, followed by a phone

I looked at Steven as if he was insane. Was he seriously contemplating punishing his

wife like a young child, and somehow expecting me to also complete Task 4? I pleaded
with him to discuss options for me that were more palatable, but again he was totally

All he would say was, "I know you have it in you, and if you let your inhibitions go you
will let the real you come to the surface. Trust me. Maria will be waiting for your call"

I just about threw something at him, I was so frustrated. And who the hell was Maria.
Despite my incredible fear of what I had been asked to do, over the next 24 hours I
began to develop a quiet resolve I was going to prove to Steven, and myself, that I
could let go of all the inhibitions that had been instilled in me through a lifetime of
conservative upbringing.

I waited for a quiet moment at work on Wednesday morning. When I was sure no one
was around I picked up the phone and dialled the number at the bottom of the note.

The phone was answered with a curt, "Maria."

Suddenly I was tongue tied and could not think what to say.

"Are you there?" the voice asked impatiently.

"This is Angela," I finally managed to mumble. "My husband, Steven, said you were
expecting me to ring."

"Ahhh. The naughty little housewife who wants to be punished."

"It is not that I want to be punished." I stupidly tried to defend my dignity.

"Oh well. The net result to your poor backside will be the same." Maria laughed, and I
shuddered. "Shall we say tomorrow night at 8.00 pm? I have your address." With that
she hung up before I could respond.

I looked down at my hands. I was shaking. But I was also proud of my courage. That
night I nervously informed Steven of the arranged time with Maria.

Steven smiled. "And when will task 4 be completed."

"Friday night," I blurted, even though I had not given it any thought as I was so
apprehensive about the upcoming punishment.

"Good girl. Make sure Henrik is aware as I want him present on both nights."

I pouted, but nodded.

"And tell him he can bring a friend."

My mouth opened in horror. "No," I pleaded. "Please, no, not that."

"Yes, both nights if he wishes." Steven smiled as I squirmed in my seat.

Shame-faced I wandered down the hallway to where Henrik was studiously doing his
homework. I politely knocked on his door before entering. I stood before him, totally
embarrassed at what I had to say.

"What is it, Mrs. Baker? Have I done something wrong?" he enquired politely.

"Not at all, Henrik. If fact, quite the contrary. It is I who has done something wrong, and
I am rightly going to be punished." Again I blushed with embarrassment.

Henrik suddenly sat up, excitement registering in his eyes. "Like last time? Are you going
to be naked again?"

"Well, yes I am," I confessed. "But this time being naked is not going to be enough."

Henrik could not wait for me to continue. His young hormones were already running

I hung my head. "A woman is going to come to the house tomorrow night and she is
going to punish me."

Henrik's eyes were wide as saucers.

"And I am afraid there is more. On Friday night I want you to stay home so I can show
you how a woman masturbates herself." I felt so incredibly perverted

I think Henrik just about came in his trousers.

"And one last thing, Henrik. Mr. Baker says it is alright if you want to bring a friend along
to watch, on both nights."

My face was burning with shame as I raced out of his room and into the solitude of my
bathroom. My heart was racing. I could not believe what I had just said to this young
man. But I also knew there was now no turning back.

Thursday I was as nervous as hell. I struggled to get through my workday, and when I
got home I showered and took extra care over my personal hygiene. I knew my naked
body was going to be exposed to several sets of eyes. I had the house to myself and I
tried to busy myself preparing the evening meal, but I could not shake the thoughts of
what was going to happen to me over the next two days. At times it made me feel
physically sick just thinking about.

Steven was picking up Henrik from hockey practice, and I heard them pull up on the
driveway. I could not resist peeking through the curtains. To my horror Henrik had two
of his friends with him in the car, one of whom I recognized as his good mate, Mike.

All four chattered jovially as they entered the house. When Henrik and his two
companions saw me they were immediately quiet, and even looked a little embarrassed.
I was introduced to the youth I had not met before; who it turns out was Mike's 16 year
old younger brother, Peter. Their parents were going out for the evening so Steven very
kindly offered to let both of them stay the night. I glared at Steven, who shrugged, as if
to say 'what could I do'. Bastard. He knew he was only making my humiliation worse.

Somehow I managed to serve dinner to Steven and the three youths without vomiting
from extreme nervousness. Everyone tried to act normal, but it was clear tonight was
going to be anything but normal. It was obvious Mike and his younger brother knew
what was going to happen. After the meal I shuffled around the kitchen trying to keep
Suddenly the doorbell rang and I just about jumped out of my skin. I glanced at the
clock. 8.00 pm. 'Oh, no,' I murmured to myself. 'What have I let myself in for?'

Six Tasks of My Humiliation Ch. 04


Steven answered the door and I could hear him talking to the distinctive voice of Maria
as they walked towards the kitchen. As they entered I almost burst into tears I was such
a nervous wreck. To make matters worse, Maria was different than I had imagined from
her voice. I had visions of her being the old school-ma'am type in her 50's. But instead
she was tall, attractive, and looked to only be in her late 20's or early 30's.

Steven had confessed to me last night, after being continuously bombarded by questions
from me, that Maria was in fact a professional dominatrix who had been recommended
to him by an acquaintance who was involved in the S&M scene. Seeing her in the flesh, I
could definitely see how she fitted the mould. She had a definite air of authority about
her, which was reinforced by her height and broad shoulders. She had the sort of build
you see on top performing swimmers.

Maria smiled courteously as she was introduced to me, and then began to discuss the
latest Dixie Chicks CD that was playing on the stereo. It seemed we both shared a love
of Country and Western music. Maria was clearly a lot more use to this situation than I
was and was doing her best to try and make me relax a little.

After I had fetched Steven and Maria a glass of wine the three of us sat down in the
lounge, and were shortly joined by the three boys who helped themselves to a beer at
Steven's invitation. I was so nervous I gulped down my wine before the others had
barely taken a sip.

Maria looked over at me with her beautiful blue eyes. Her short cropped red hair added
to her striking looks. "Let's not prolong this, Angela. You are going to be punished so I
suggest we get on with it. Agreed?" She smiled professionally, totally at ease in this

"I guess," I mumbled.

"Good girl. Now I suggest you get undressed."

Nervously I stood up. "Can I go into my bedroom to undress?" My own voice sounded to
me like a school girl.

"No dear. We are all going to see you totally naked, so I want you to undress right here
in front of us."

I could see out the corner of my eye that Henrik and his two friends were riveted to the
edge of their seats. Steven was not much better.

As difficult as it was, I somehow managed to strip down to my underwear. I looked

across to Maria, somehow hoping this was sufficient.
"All of it, Angela. Be a good girl or you will only increase your punishment." There was a
slight impatient edge to Maria's voice. She was clearly a woman you did not keep

I took a deep breath, and quickly discarded both my bra and panties. The humiliation of
being totally naked in front of this room full of people was unimaginable.

Embarrassed by my nudity I stupidly tried to cover myself with my hands, which brought
a strong rebuke from Maria. Quickly I dropped my hands to my side.

"Turn around and give me a good look at you. Keep turning around until I tell you to
stop." Maria commanded and I did as was asked.

The only problem was I was also giving the young males a good look at my breasts and
pubic region. Around and around I turned. Alternatively giving everyone in the room a
good view of my buttocks, followed by the sight of my swaying breasts and blond pubic
hair. She left me turning in circles for so long I began to feel giddy, before finally
commanding me to stop.

"You have a very nice body." Maria seemed genuine in her comment. "Don't you boys
agree Mrs. Baker has a very nice body?"

All three young men chorused their agreement enthusiastically, causing Maria to laugh.
Somehow I did not feel like laughing also.

Maria was all business again. She slid forward in her seat and patted her knee, before
reaching out and guiding me over her thigh. I could not believe that as a 41 year old
mature woman I was going to let myself be punished with a good old-fashioned hand
spanking on the bare backside. It was the type of ridiculous fantasy one reads about on
the websites I had visited. Surely it doesn't happen in real life. I was about to find out.

Maria adjusted my buttocks until she was satisfied I was positioned to her satisfaction.

"Open your legs," she commanded, leaving no room for negotiation.

I was mortified, as opening my legs would mean the three young men in the room could
get a clear view of my vagina. This would undoubtedly strip away any last vestiges of
dignity I had been able to preserve.

"Hurry up girl," Maria was angry at my inability to follow simple commands, and
reinforced the point by smacking me hard on the left buttock.

I screamed out in surprise, and could hear the boys sniggering in delight at my
predicament. Reluctantly I splayed my legs open wide.

What followed was a prolonged assault on my poor buttocks. Maria was very
professional. She would spank hard, then when she sensed I could not take much more
she would back off the severity until I had recovered slightly. By doing it this way the
duration of my punishment was increased considerably. For much of the spanking I was
sobbing like a baby. I tried to kick my legs but she held them firmly in place.

To my immense relief she finally stopped and I slid off her knee onto the carpet. I felt
totally wasted.

"Stand up," Maria directed

Gingerly I got to my feet.

"Turn around."

I obeyed.

"Bend over and let me get a good view of those lovely reddened buttocks of yours."

I hesitated for only a moment before bending over. I could not believe how exposed I
felt. And as much as I hated to admit it to myself, I felt excited.

Maria's soft hand touched the burning flesh of my tender buttocks. She stroked both
sides several times. Just as she was removing her hands she allowed one of her fingers
to stroke my labia. I knew that she knew I was wet, but fortunately being the true
professional she said nothing.

"Why don't you waddle over to the boys and show them what a punished backside looks
like. I am sure it will encourage them to behave better in the future,' Maria smiled.

Feeling like a very naughty little girl I shuffled over to where the three young men were
seated, and then turned so they could see my reddened buttocks.

"Oh come on Angela. Give the boys a good view. Bend over at the waist." Maria was not
going to miss an opportunity to humiliate me further.

I bent over and all three boys audible gasped at the sight that confronted them. I
wanted my degradation to be complete, so I actually opened my legs to afford them a
much clearer view.

With that my night of punishment was over. Maria departed, and the three boys
disappeared into Henrik's room. I could just imagine all three of them jerking off as they
recounted the events of the evening.

Needless to say, Steven and I were quickly between the sheets of our bed. He took me
from behind, and the feeling of his rough body rubbing against my tender buttocks
brought me to the most intense orgasm I think I have ever felt.

The next day, Friday, my buttocks were not as bruised as I had expected, but they were
very tender. I knew I would have trouble sitting at work all day, and this proved to be
the case. Every time I sat down the tenderness reminded me of my punishment, and I
could not help blushing. But I also had something else on my mind that was ensuring I
did not relax. Tonight I was going to have to somehow masturbate myself in front of
Steven and Henrik, and goodness knows who else.
When I arrived home from work I could hear Henrik talking in his room. I cringed as this
almost certainly meant he had invited someone along to watch my perverted show
tonight. Again I had a thorough shower before dressing and busying myself making
dinner. If anything, I was more nervous than the previous night. I sneaked a couple of
nips of gin in a bid to settle my nerves. Steven finally arrived home just as dinner was
ready. I called out to Henrik that it was meal time. He had not been out of his room
since I arrived home, which was unusual.

When he walked into the kitchen I saw the reason he had not left his room. His
companion was a very pretty young woman. Henrik had not previously mentioned any
girls in his life so the appearance of the young lady was a surprise to both Steven and I.
Henrik sheepishly introduced her as Kate. They were classmates but clearly a
relationship was blossoming between the two.

Although I tried to hide it, I was mortified by the appearance of the young lady, given
what was supposedly going to happen tonight. I prayed she was only staying for dinner
and then going home. However half way through dinner Henrik lent over closer to me
and announced that he had told Kate what I was going to be doing tonight and she was
very keen to stay and watch. My jaw dropped open in horror, but before I could utter a
word Steven informed Kate we would be delighted if she stayed.

Needless to say my appetite disappeared from that moment. I sulked for the rest of the
meal, and was even too embarrassed to look anyone in the eye so I kept my head down
and pushed my food around my plate with my fork. Steven, meanwhile, engaged Kate in
animated conversation. She seemed a very pleasant young lady, but so young and
innocent, which only served to make me feel worse, if that was possible.

With the meal finished I fluffed around in the kitchen for an eternity, dragging out the
ritual of making cups of coffee. Wholesome, pure Kate of course only wanted a glass of

Finally the drinks were consumed, and Steven looked across at me hunched nervously in
my chair. As if by some silent signal, the conversation stopped.

"I think it is time we got Task 4 out of the way, Angela." Steven made it sound like it
was time to wash the dishes.

The young, alert eyes of Henrik and Kate were now glued on me. I silently pleaded with
Steven, but I already knew it would be to know avail. But even in this moment of
extreme humiliation I could also feel something akin to excitement coursing through my
veins. A part of me wanted to be debased in this manner.

Mustering my courage I stood, and in front of my three wide-eyed onlookers, I shed my

clothing. Even when I got to my underwear I did not stop. In truth, I was worried if I
hesitated I would not find the resolve to continue. When I was totally naked I stood with
my arms at my side, and remembering Maria's treatment of me the previous evening, I
began to slowly rotate around so all three onlookers could soak up every aspect of my
nude body. I stole a quick glance at 'Miss Innocence', and she was clearly spellbound.
Taking in a deep breath I sat on the carpet, locating myself so I knew all three could get
a clear view of me. For a long moment I sat there, knees together, with the room in
breathless silence. My legs felt like jelly, but in a moment of extreme determination I
splayed them wide open, giving Steven, Henrik and Kate a full, unhindered, view of my
vagina. The looks on their faces, even including my husband, told me they were in awe
of the sight before them. And even as humiliated as I was at that moment, I also felt a
type of release from my sexual inhibitions. I was determined to press on.

I bent my legs and allowed my knees to spread wide apart. As I touched my own pussy I
was not at all surprised to find I was already at an advanced stage of arousal.

As I began to stroke my labia up and down I forced myself to keep my eyes open and
focused on my onlookers. It increased my degradation by witnessing the incredulous
looks on their faces, especially young Kate and Henrik.

I forced several fingers in and out of my vulva, stretching my cavity as wide as I could
so my fleshy pink interior was on view to my audience. I quickly felt my orgasm building,
but I did not want it to be all over so soon. I stopped stimulating myself, and instead
used both hands to prize my vagina wide open, stretching my lips until it hurt. I also
rolled onto my back and brought my legs up so my anus was on display. I wanted them
all to see everything I had to offer as a woman.

I alternated between masturbation and displaying myself for what must have been close
on an hour. Finally I ached so bad I had to come. Using my thumb to furiously rub my
clit, I drove the fingers of my other hand noisily into my very wet cunt. I came in
convulsions that were so strong I just about fainted.

Steven eventually helped me to my feet and we retired to our bedroom where we both
found further release through some good, old fashioned, sex.

Six Tasks of My Humiliation Ch. 05


There was a definite sense of excitement, mixed with the usual dread, as the following
Monday evening came around. As we settled down in the lounge with our coffees, Steven
had an extra sparkle in his eyes and a small grin, which suggested that Task 5 was likely
to blow my socks off.

Following the same little ritual, he handed me the folded piece of paper, which I
nervously opened and read.

'For the whole of this week you are going to be my little sex slave. You must do
whatever I ask of you, or anyone else asks of you. Love you, Steven XXX'

I looked very curiously at Steven, and asked him exactly what he meant by being his sex
slave. He just tapped the end of his nose and smiled.

"You will find out all in good time. But the first rule for my little sex slave is you are to be
naked every evening from the time you arrive home, until you go to bed. Starting from
right now."
I just looked at him, trying to ascertain whether he was deadly serious. His eyes told me
he was. Without complaint I stood and quickly discarded all of my clothing.

I felt a perverted thrill at being naked. I was beginning to like the vulnerability it placed
me in. The thought that Steven was in charge of my body all week was terrifying, but it
had a certain appeal to my submissive nature that was now breaking through my veneer
of normality.

I forced myself to walk down the hallway and into Henrik's bedroom where he was
diligently doing his studies. He looked up, saw my nakedness, and smiled.

"I see you are naked again, Mrs. Baker. Have you been a naughty...again?"

"Well, sort of. I guess I have as I am going to be punished all week."

"All week, wow!" Henrik could not contain his excitement.

That night when Steven and I retired to bed, he made me suck his penis and swallow all
of his cum. I had performed oral sex on Steven a few times in our younger days, but we
had not done it in the last ten years at least. I liked it, but was frustrated as Steven
would not allow me any relief. He commented his slave would have to earn her rewards
before she would be allowed to orgasm.

The following day, Tuesday, I was surprised when I got a call from Steven on my cell
phone while I was at work, as it is very rare. I was even more surprised when he
ordered me to go into the women's toilet. Sheepishly I walked past the other staff with
my phone in hand, and headed into the toilets. Once I was in the cubical I shut the door,
and whispered into the phone to Steven to let him know I was there.

"Take off your panties and throw them in the waste bin."

I was aghast, but did as I was asked.

"Pull your skirt up to your waist and masturbate your pussy until you can feel yourself
becoming wet."

I felt exceedingly foolish standing in the cubical with my skirt hiked up to my waist. I slid
one hand down to my vagina and began to stroke it. All the time I had to tell Steven
what I was doing, and how I was feeling. In no time I was becoming short of breath, and
was most definitely wet.

I was then given permission to stop stroking my pussy and to pull my skirt down. Steven
asked me if I needed to pee, and I informed him I did. His response was that for the rest
of the week I could not pee at work or home without getting his permission first. I tried
to protest but he was insistent.

"Now get back to work. We wouldn't want you to lose your job. And only ring me for
permission to pee when you are absolutely desperate and can hold it no longer." With
that parting shot he hung up. I had a sense of what life was going to be like as his sex
slave for a week.

It felt very strange sitting at my desk at work, knowing I had no panties on. I felt
vulnerable, as if my co-workers knew I was being a tart. By mid afternoon I began to get
desperate to pee. I held on as long as I could before phoning Steven, but he did not
answer. Nor did he answer my subsequent calls over the next 20 minutes. I very much
suspected he was deliberately not answering.

I actually couldn't believe I was trying to phone my husband to ask his permission to go
to the toilet. I knew I could just get up and go, and he would be none the wiser. But my
submissive streak was stopping me from doing just that, and it was frustrating me no
end. I couldn't believe how much I had allowed my life to change over the past weeks.
But it had happened with my consent, due to my willingness and desire to fulfil my

To my absolute relief, Steven finally answered.

"Thank god, Steven, I am desperate," I whispered in the phone in frustration.

"Wait another 30 minutes, go to the toilet cubicle, and ring me before you pee."

"What?" I cried disbelievingly into the phone, but Steven had already hung up.

I struggled through the next 30 minutes before dashing into the ladies toilet. Fighting to
control my bladder, I hiked up my skirt, pulled down my panties, sat on the toilet, and
then used my speed dial to phone Steven. He did not answer so desperately I phoned
again, and again. Finally the bastard answered.

"Ask me for permission to pee," he stated bluntly.

I didn't hesitate. "Please Steven. Can I have your permission to pee?"

"Yes you can, but hold the phone down between your thighs so I can hear you going."

Despite the indignity, I was not about to argue and did as requested. The urine flooded
out of me. When I was finished I brought my cell phone up to my ear.

"Satisfied?" I said to him cheekily.

"Music to my ears."

For the rest of the day I drank almost no fluids as I did not want to suffer the humiliation
of phoning Steven again.

When I arrived home that evening I went to my bedroom and did not hesitate to
undress. As I walked naked down the hall I could hear voices coming from Henrik's
bedroom. Why was I not surprised. Instantly I made a decision. I could either go down
to the kitchen and wait for Henrik and his companion, or companions, to come ogling
me, or I could go right into the bedroom now and get it over with. Brazenly I decided on
the latter.
I knocked lightly on the door, and then strolled right on into his bedroom. Henrik had his
girlfriend Kate with him, plus another young female I did not recognise. Suffice to say
there was a jaw-dropping silence from the three of them. I made no attempt to hide my
nudity, despite my immense embarrassment.

Henrik recovered from the shock somewhat quicker than his two companions, and
managed a bumbling introduction of Susan, a classmate of Kate's. I apologised to both
girls for my nudity, and gave them the standard response that I was being punished by
my husband. Susan gave me a look of distain which didn't do my confidence a world of

Kate's innocent round eyes roved over my body. "You look very pretty when you are
nude, Mrs. Baker,' she pouted.

"Thank you, Kate," I mumbled.

"I especially like it when you open your legs and show off your pussy," she continued.

"Kate!" I exclaimed, horrified.

Kate was undeterred. "Will you show us you pussy? Your lips are so soft and puffy."

I stared at Kate, flabbergasted. But the thought of exhibiting myself in such a debasing
manner appealed to the perverse side of my personality.

I hung my head. "How do you want me to expose myself?" I blushed in shame.

"Kneel on Henrik's bed with your butt in the air."

I obeyed, being sure to arch my back so my buttocks were raised high.

"Now open your legs wide."

Again I submissively obeyed, knowing full well how exposed I would be to my young
onlookers. I could hear the three of them moving closer to get the best view possible. I
was mortified at how wet I was, and was sure they could both see and smell my arousal.

After an eternity I was dismissed my Miss innocent Kate. "Thank you Mrs. Baker. You
really are very sexy for an older person."

I tried to take her comment on board as a compliment, and quickly retreated from the
bedroom to the kitchen.

When Steven finally arrived home he gave me a cuddle and asked how I was doing.

"To be honest," I confessed, "Your little sex slave badly needs to be fucked. I need to
pee also, but if I am not fucked first I am in danger of spontaneously combusting."

Steven was pleasantly surprised, especially as it is most unlike me to talk dirty. He

seemed to consider his options for a moment, then led me into our en suite bathroom
and sat me down on the toilet.

"Open your legs and show me how you masturbated yourself at work today."

I eagerly splayed my knees wide and began stroking my vagina.

"Now pee while you are playing with yourself."

Without a second thought as to how perverted my behaviour was, I strained to empty

my bladder. At the same time Steven unzipped his trousers and released his semi-erect
penis, which he shoved into my mouth. Soon I was sucking, peeing and masturbating all
at the same time. It was delightfully degrading.

Steven came quickly, but stopped me from masturbating before I could reach orgasm. I
was incredibly frustrated, but obeyed.

Fortunately the two girls had to leave before dinner so I only had to serve a naked meal
to Steven and Henrik. That night in bed I again went without sex, despite my best
efforts to persuade Steven to give me relief.

Six Tasks of My Humiliation Ch. 06


The following day, Wednesday, I managed to last until late morning at work before I just
had to ring Steven for permission to pee. This time he directed me to remove my panties
at my desk before going to the toilet. Embarrassed, I slowly worked my panties along
my thighs before quickly reaching down and slipping them off. He had directed me to
drop them in the waste paper basket beside my desk, and I obliged even though I knew
there was a possibility them might be spotted by a work colleague.

Steven had requested I phone him back when I was in the toilet, and I obeyed. He told
me to masturbate myself, and while I was doing so I had to ring Maria, the dominatrix,
and tell her that I needed to be punished again tonight. He instructed me to tell her I
had been very naughty and needed a good hard spanking. Even the thought of it made
me blush bright red, but I obliged. I tried to control my breathing as I spoke to Maria,
who informed me she would be around at our house at 8.00pm, and I was to be naked
and kneeling at the front door when she arrived. The thought of it made me masturbate
more furiously and I was so close to coming when I heard the noise of someone else
entering the washroom. I was brought back to earth with a thump, quickly finishing the
phone call and taking my hand away from places it should not be venturing during work

When I arrived home I undressed, and was not surprised to hear voices coming from
Henrik's room. When I walked in he had three male friends in there, all of whom were
doing a poor job of pretending to study. It was very clear from the look on their faces
what the attraction was. What red blooded young male would turn up the opportunity to
observe a naked woman walking brazenly around her home?

After some awkward introductions I excused myself and went to the kitchen. I tried to
focus but was very apprehensive about my upcoming punishment at the hands of Maria.
I was so distracted I barely noticed the four young males coming and going from the
kitchen, their eyes soaking up my nakedness.

I was an emotional mess by the time Steven arrived home and I was pleased to have
someone to talk with to keep me distracted from Maria. All three of Henrik's friends
jumped at the opportunity to stay for dinner when asked by Steven. I groaned in dismay
but did not protest.

As the time approached 8.00pm I achingly watched every minute click by. At 7.50pm I
decided I had better assume my position in case Maria arrived early. I descended the
stairs to the front door and assumed the kneeling position as directed by Maria on the

At 8.00pm exactly she arrived. The front door was ajar and she walked in. I was
kneeling submissively on the carpet in front of her, my head bowed. We were alone as
the others had not heard her arrive. She said nothing, but began to run her hand
through my hair like you would a pet dog.

"Look up at me." As always, her voice had an air of authority.

I obeyed, and looked up at the striking body of the young dominatrix, who was clothed
all in black. Just looking at her made me feel submissive. She reached out her hand and
held it in front of my face.

"Suck on my fingers."

Without hesitation I obeyed, taking all her four fingers in my mouth and suckling on
them like a baby would her mother's breast.

"Good girl. Now play with yourself down below while you suck my fingers."

I don't think I have ever felt so totally submissive as I did at that moment; kneeling
naked in front of this powerfully dominant woman, masturbating myself while suckling
her fingers. It was very emotionally powerful for the ten minutes it lasted, before Maria
directed me to stop masturbating.

I had to continue suckling her fingers while crawling awkwardly behind her as she
descended the stairs to our lounge. She led me down the hall and past the open
bedroom door of Henrik. The four youths rushed to the door, absolutely disbelieving
what they had just witnessed. I blushed bright red, but continued crawling behind the
young dominatrix, sucking furiously on her fingers.

Once we were in the lounge she greeted Steven and sat down. I was kneeling beside her
like a faithful pet dog, aware that saliva was dribbling from my mouth as I continued
sucking. She took hold of my face and turned me so I was looking directly into her eyes.

"You know I am going to punish you hard, don't you, Angela?"

I couldn't speak with her fingers in my mouth, so I just nodded affirmatively. But I was
scared. I did not want to be punished, but I also knew I would not object. Maria removed
her hand from my mouth, and I went to wipe the saliva off my chin but she smacked my
hand away. She reached into her handbag and produced a pink dog collar with a small
leading chain attached. Wide-eyed, I watched as she attached the chain around my
neck. I was now even more like her pet puppy dog.

Maria looked me over and seemed to like what she saw. "Lovely. Some people are
natural submissives, and clearly you are one of them."

I smiled shyly, not sure whether it was a compliment or not.

"Now, before you are punished, does my little puppy need to pee?"

I gazed at Maria blankly. I did need to go to the toilet as I had been so focused on
Maria's pending arrival I had not got around to asking Steven earlier. But I was
embarrassed to admit it.

"Well?" Maria enquired, an impatient edge to her voice.

"Yes, Ma'am," I mumbled. "Please can I have permission to go to the toilet?"

"Wow, I am impressed Steven," Maria smiled. "You have got your little sex slave well

Steven beamed with pride. I just blushed with shame.

With that, Maria jerked my lead over to where Steven was sitting. "Take this puppy out
on to the lawn where she can relieve herself."

I looked up at both Maria and Steven, mortified. But I could tell by the grins on both of
their faces that protesting would be a waste. Steven took hold of my chain and
instructed me to crawl behind him as we went through the kitchen and out the back door
onto the lawn.

The grass was damp on my knees and hands. I heard a noise at the window and looked
up to see the young males peering at me through Henrik's bedroom window. I felt even
more humiliated, especially as I knew what was to come.

"Open your legs and pee," Steven instructed, "And hurry as it is cool out here."

Here I was crawling on the grass, naked, and he had the audacity to complain about
being cold. I opened my legs and tried to force myself to urinate, but it was such an
unnatural position.

"Do it,' Steven directed, impatiently

"I'm trying," I pleaded.

"If you don't, I will tell Maria to come out here and administer your punishment right in
the middle of the lawn. I am sure the neighbours would love that."
To my utter relief, in more ways than one, my urine began to trickle out, before turning
to a torrent. It began running down my legs so I splayed them wider. I could hear Henrik
and his friends snickering at the window. I couldn't believe what a spectacle I was
making of myself.

Once I was finished Steven led me back into the lounge. I begged him to take me into
the bedroom to allow me to clean up but he refused. He handed my chain back over to
Maria. I could see in her other hand she was now griping an ugly, thick leather strap like
they used to use in schools. I couldn't help whimpering.

Maria pulled my chain and led me to the corner of the lounge.

"Put you head in the corner."

I obeyed, resting my head against the adjoining walls.

"Arch your back and stick your buttocks out."

I did as instructed.

"Get your arse higher in the air," Maria instructed crudely.

I forced my buttocks higher.

"Now call out to Henrik and his friends and tell them you are about to be punished."

'Henrik," I called out weakly.

Henrik and his three friends were in the room in a flash. There was a stunned silence as
they came upon my raised buttocks. I knew they would have a good view of my pussy
and anus.

"Yes Mrs. Baker." Henrik sounded remarkably calm, as if he was getting use to my
perverse behaviour.

"I am about to be punished," I mumbled, totally humiliated by the admission.

"Oh, good. I like to watch your punishment."

Without warning the strap flashed down across my buttocks. It hurt like nothing I had
felt before. Instinctively I tried to move away but was jammed in the corner. I could now
see why Maria had wedged me in the corner. The blows kept raining down on my poor
buttocks. I screamed and squirmed, but it did not help. Every so often Maria would
hesitate and warn me to keep my back arched and buttocks in the air. I forced myself to

I cried out for her to stop, begging her I could take no more. But she knew better. The
strap kept coming down across my buttocks.
Finally the spanking stopped. I remained wedged in the corner, sobbing to myself. Maria
pulled on my chain and I turned around to face her. I knew I had tears rolling down my
cheeks and my nose was running. Maria stuck out her hand, and without hesitation I
began suckling on her fingers again. She then led me off along the hallway and down the
stairs to the front door. She took off my collar, removed her hanky from her bag and
wiped my nose, kissed me on the cheek, then was gone.

For a long moment I remained kneeling at the front door, trying to absorb what was
happening to my life. I was being made to submit to perverse behaviour I did not think I
would ever be capable of. But I also knew, even if I could not understand why, that my
senses felt more alive than I could ever have felt possible.

I was shaken from my reverie by Steven coming down to fetch me. I saw him coming,
and without thinking I crawled up the stairs towards him. He smiled at my submissive
behaviour towards him. Steven walked into our bedroom and I followed him. He
instructed me to stand up at the end of our large wooden framed bed, facing towards the

"Bend over at the waist, and open your legs as wide as you can."

I willingly obeyed. He ran his nails up and down my sensitive buttocks, causing me to
whimper in pain and excitement.

"I think my little sex slave has finally earned a good fucking,' he whispered crudely into
my ear. "Don't you agree?"

"Yes, Sir," I readily agreed, "Please take me hard."

With that I arched my buttocks out provocatively. Teasingly Steven slowly pressed his
penis against my vulva, but left it resting there. I pushed back further, begging him to
enter me. Slowly he entered me slightly, before withdrawing. I cursed him for teasing
me so. He repeated the act several more times, pushing me right to the edge. I was
screaming for satisfaction.

Then, just like the first sudden blow of the strap, he penetrated me vigorously, going
deep and hard. I groaned with the ecstasy. Again and again he pummelled into my
buttocks, their tenderness only further inflaming my pleasure. We came together in a
chorus of unbridled pleasure.


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