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January 20, 2021

Student Development Administration Program

College of Education
Seattle University

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my distinct honor to write this letter of promise for Sabrina Wise’s portfolio. Sabrina joined the Arts and
Sciences Advising Center as a Graduate Assistant Academic Advisor in August of 2019 when I had the distinct
pleasure of supporting her as her supervisor until her recent transition to the Assistant Director position in
the Career Engagement Office. I find her rapport with students, excellent questions and amazing support of
those that she works with to be uplifting and inspiring. Sabrina’s professional and educational background
paved a solid foundation for her to hit the ground running as a strong contributor in our fast-paced office and
incredible resource for her students and colleagues.

Sabrina’s success in student affairs and promise for the future are grounded by her strong work ethic, passion
for supporting marginalized students, and thirst for understanding the complexities of challenges. She is at
her professional best when she acknowledges and uses these strengths. Sabrina thrives when she has a
chance to develop meaningful relationships and collaborate to inspire the necessary change in higher
education to advance equity. In addition to her amazing interpersonal skills, Sabrina has strong organizational
skills and writing abilities, which will serve her well in her professional future.

I have had the opportunity to admire Sabrina’s growth as a professional through observing her student
appointments, presentation skills, and interactions with colleagues across the university. And recently
celebrated her successful transition to a full time staff role in the Career Engagement Office. Throughout her
time in the Student Development Administration (SDA) program, Sabrina has navigated an incredible amount
of change and challenge. These included, but are not limited to, technological and system changes, advocacy
to university administration regarding Planned Parenthood, adapting advising services to remote work due to
the COVID-19 pandemic, and being present at work while continued racial violence and social unrest rocked
our nation. Throughout these challenges, her poise, reflection, and commitment to improving the process for
all were outstanding. One small example of Sabrina’s contributions during these challenges was the initiative
that she took to create an electronic resources document on our website for students and the community
which provides holistic COVID-19 resources during this challenging time. This document has benefited many,
and we are very appreciative of her initiative on this.

In addition to all of these amazing attributes, I also applaud Sabrina’s presence for her students. They clearly
trusted her and felt comfortable being their full selves with her as advisor. She expertly helped them also
navigate challenging times and continuously overcome barriers and obstacles. The level of care that she had
for her students and faculty and staff colleagues is impressive. And speaking of colleagues, the departments
that she worked with trusted her wisdom and guidance, speaking to her competence and professionalism.
They consistently felt comfortable brainstorming ways to support students and clarify policies and
procedures with her. She is able to maintain a thoughtful and calm demeanor, even when others exhibit
stress and anxiety and this calming presence is so reassuring and appreciated. When systems do not work as
expected, or hiccups are experienced as a result of transition or technology glitches, Sabrina has the ability to
smile, focus on the person and find a positive work-around.

Through her various experiences, Sabrina has learned more about how the university functions, higher
education administration, and who to consult when issues arise. This practical knowledge and experience
combined with the theory and applications she is learning in the SDA program provide her a unique skill set.
This background will be invaluable as she moves forward with her career.

I am incredibly excited to support Sabrina's professional future and continue to work with her as a cross-
campus colleague. And last but not least, I am appreciative of Sabrina’s many contributions to Seattle


Laura Hauck-Vixie, M.Ed.

Lead Senior Academic Advisor

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