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Gratitude Assignment

Avinav Gupta

Section A

Over the years, there’d probably be several people I’d be grateful to presently for
helping me through my tough times and standing there by me. However, if I were to
keep it to two people, it’d have to be my close friends Mansi and Utkarsh.

First, I’d like to mention about Mansi. A couple of months back, I suffered an injury
due to which my sensation and movement of left arm was hindered. I was admitted
to hospital for a week and since then have had problems doing the easiest of the
chores. And one person who has been of the most support has been Mansi. She
was with me at the hospital for all seven days fulfilling the hospital commitments and
formalities like health insurance, procuring the medicines etc. Post my discharged
she has been by my side all the time helping me with my work, no matter the cost.
I’m eternally grateful to her.

Next comes Utkarsh. Utkarsh and I have had our differences in the past due to some
unresolved issues but if there is one person other than Mansi that I can count on, it’d
have to be Utkarsh. Be it 3am or 3pm, if I ever needed any help, he’d show up, no
questions asked. It’s hard to find someone who’d so unconditionally do anything for
you. And it does not have to be a big thing either. Small things like helping me wear
a jacket, wear my sling or tying my shoe laces; there are innumerable things that he
helps me with for which I’m very grateful to him.

How I’d like to show my gratitude towards them? Amazingly, I can show them
gratitude in exactly the same way and in a way thank them. Both of them gave CAT
and have received shortlists from IIM-A. They have their interviews in a couple of
weeks’ time and while they are immensely smart, I think I have some expertise some
areas like sports, current affairs and technology that can hugely help them in their
interview. I will repay back their support by helping them out so that they have a
higher chances of cracking the interview. This way they’d be able to achieve what
they want and I’d be able to provide a helping hand.

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