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Write the correct personal pronoun.


1. How old are you Sara?

2. Tom and Tim are twins. They are both twelve.
3. My name is Kate. I am a student.
4. Peter and I are Friends. We Like football and tennis.
5. Mike is from England. I LIikes Maths.
6. It Is the number five bus.
7. That’s mike’s brother. He Works in a supermarket.
8. My sister is called Jane . She is fifteen.
9. What’s your city like? It Is small but quiet.
10. My mum’s name is Wendy . She is a nuerse
11. My parent’s aren’t at home. They are at work
12. ¿Are you married? No, I am single.

Complete the sentences. Use object pronouns.

1.I need Sara’s mail address. I want to invite her to he party.

2. Is this your mobile phone? Can I look at him.

3. Tom and Paul are my friends. I meet it every day.

4. Give me my calculator. I need thim

5. My brother an I are cleaning the house. Mum is helping us

6. Follow me, please. I will show us the way to the post office.

7. We want to call you. Give us your phone number.

8. My parents are still at work. We are waiting for them

9. Hurry up, my friends? we are waiting for them

10. Is your father here? I want to talk to him

11. Come with me . I want to show you my photo album

12. My mother sometimes helps me with my howework. she is a teacher

13. Were are my keys? I can't find her

14. Linda lives in my neighbourhoof. I know her very well

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