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.t) *8' l)arcl CONSIGNMENT NOTE Ps :[ 727l9lg

cJ Darcl Logistics Limited
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(romeny {rowi as oad Loe dj6 Lmlt d) ll
:ed.r44. G!ruqo,n. i 22oo3 111an/art

:rN Nq U60222HRl935PLC0633r3
comDon ca;is. Lbeisd No. : 72dsir03/20
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Work Order Details
WO No.: i Date:
Loadinq Station l
1*- I Distance ( -qlr:ls!!q---
: l/1t lt I ,'l r 1 ,'-1 ;1 ' -
o"ri,oy stution / /2- | | rransit Days I l-oad rYPe
consionor Detaili cons'9nee Aetails 3F
, y{
Narne : Name . l-' '
said to contain Weight in Mi '

Product I o or P*s I ,g c""r,ry- l

a', t il ,1, c(,
{,r /t / i.rr,-; r-{,
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nimum G!arantee We qht

Freight charge Amount


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I Do(, No, ^

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,:i, tr tr Pa id
Transit Insuran.e BY
GST to be paid to Government bY ;,r..lir9 i).!€iti.n Det3ils E Carrier tr Customer
E Consignor tr I ;.,;'
''r:''lls ;..-'.:;;l-l1
;;,,r Name of Insuran.e Compan!
E GTA E :r"r"f-i..1
191!.r !!!. ,
Policy Date :
Rep. Not ResponsibLe ior Bre.l.ase/Leakaqe

Any Other Remarks

Loaditrq 5u9€rvisor D+qils r rcms 6dturr
Name & siqnature dfRepl,i I Naine & sronaiure { J} /
v*t,h^\q\f, e+XjI 4,1",
Employee Code
I .i"
rheCa,r.r,: noire.eiveora.eptfor6fiaq€.qou,ntue';iewel ery, prE.lour
nEandothertypes or prec ous an3/or l'lre Gris sill not be reponsible for lG 6 danFge to or d6tucbnn of
dualie qr.n. anJ trre sLirf or agents of crier are not cry q@ds aNng on or o' fEm I!@ Bler oFdrior incudrg
a...ririr rJ.hqoodsrlr carriage. lf any suclr q@ns rre a..epted aid/or bL( not kmted to 'Nlong
of God, a.r(s) ol kr h6nlba and Mr ope?fols
to.i.d r...araq., inadvmenny or othwi?i +€ drier w I b. uider no
(sheuer war oe oR cred o' mr), an d ol publr or aE eFem€. d_€sts.
respoisibirty whatsev€rin r€spertthe@r rest-a'E or deEinrents <b .s {leqd'& othere) nots & civl @trdouon,
lne Cader will mt ac.ept any qo.ds or an i.flammab./ explGire/ danqemus/ anv urexpeded and/or dlawidcble e@r!'ncE dE c.t(, ol Ll'ec,
da e$ perm tun by Govenment and unlss proper y .nd se.trr. y
aging nature un rcbbeE & oa@'E, fre, rcr, ?'n, n6ds, @nhquke, ordinal b'eakag",
Dack€dna..ordin.eL,ith .xisrinq requatioN/noms, ir any Pror to booking l€kage, in ficiently of p.<tdng, lMdeqEcY of fral€ or anv aGident
orsrh qoods, lhe .o Eig n or shall q ive roti.e to thc 6m.r ann sha lmake de. aEtior
astoh.ra'L-dnoJ'cGG or 5xhq@dsothmF soodsrdre lo red a a ) I r0 A,r (ra n< for Mpseto n Bped ol loardmage to d dm.t on d qmd<
be d6Eoyed/FfllsEd hlMs o' be d'alr * lt cs 6nred 4 rhr onis sl@ld br brftcd to he lffi, 6'ihn I I dars rrm t'e
tn. 6rF'14 rhinl ht .nd 11. coNqnor ol edr qoorrs $all * lidbe @ f4e dat o'b@kfurahrq wtr o.iginal n6ic and rcGion€ds @e Sucb clcir5
o' D.r d d'6 would o. ..nred ot Oelh' sub e r b tte @Fer ruE, rcqnbhn' and ondtuors
o o' 6Llmo fron of 6riaqe.
gmds lil we do rFvs al'ow oNqno(s), @Fsre{s) s thdr rcolEgtnti!€{r. rr cnx
3 ie'ishah. and/o: riaq e goods, haatuoui ddlor erlJa hazrdo6 qitr;;'+ns I c ono w . dr ta1@iation vdtlc b$ we r€v qEde' and arld on €qJes!
,drdo.^ lb o.."D.F n dn.,a , or y n spda, Gsi a 6El"kei e tio ol uE coNqls{s) or coNsne(t) b t6wl
11 ine rehEe bLt Mr. u Da rl , oq!5t6 unied (lr ts asfnt(s) or iB bond de
'do o o- t employ€e(s) stEll not be BpoEible for ary datrEqe/16 to and/or d6lirclion of
pe.son and pEp€ny includlnq belonginq sldr 6 @rels
ansnlg out of any
aaidentorothe *
in lhe @e
of dd atthetffimlion of Eansit
It€ ofi6, €mdotc q aSots of liE ffis are not authonad to
arte/Mider'dedu.ddilute the etu of 6 to n€sat d to ommivomit anv act
0l I
ontEry to any ofthe abo€@nditions,
The Grier shall he the figl't to wi$hold and detah the qoods at $e dsk of dE
srrarr oc.uf fist Thereafter, ir. ;@s rEm.l enurely ai the rls[ oi ofr rG :.]d l
consrsno(s) and/or coNigne(s) joindy a I ffilly unt tne frelsht & other
charg6the@n a€ Paid lo lheGda
i.irherthecd ernoriGins;s(srsira E;6p..sible d Li"he io. losj.. darn.o.
roaid/ordesnu.ronorsuchqds. lr4 All ab@ ddibons are subl4t to @tra.tyagffints entercd wi8r
o.DP' r"9"1lF
c.nsiqnor/conslgneas the .e may be,
I Al| typ* of disputes arising out of dris consignFFnr qhal hF
entertained and b'ied only by apprcptjate Courts at Gurug€m.
o. o, qooo i,
olu It is obligatory on the palt of the C.nsignot CoGig@ to areclare th€ir
CGSI/SGSVIGST/UICST Registntjon Number and the} RegHEtion Number
I l ,dF dq"d under CGSr/sGsr[Gsr/UIGSI & oEtom ,Ad iri$dinq PAN No. i$ued by
,nd.. dfr , ifdl@

rhe above tems & condirions from si Nc. 1 to 17 have been read over / explained to and accepled by &e Consisnor{s) .nd/or his asent{s).

/,. oelivery Acknowledgment ro 5e p:cviceii.:n beloY,' given spar:

4** -.- qrk dr <€< *:i fd orr) sgr r.1 -r=L di t t {,
c, Daygt ci Dary!

c, Darcl cj Darel cril*e Darcl

c1 C'EE Darcl
cJ cl crEt Darcl

cl crfteoarsr, cl
Consignee's Stalnp & Signature
Exide lndustriec Limited
Survey No.246,Chichurakanapalli,Sevaganapalii Panchayath,
Hosur Tk,Krishnagiri Dt,TamilNadu-6351 03
Ticket Printing Date 29-12-2020 00:00:00

Truck No: KA01C3292

Transcode: 300011'1290

0000102937 Transporter: CJ DARCL LOGISTICS


Gate No : coMM GATE Tare Weight :

Gate Entry Time : 29-'12-2020 09124i17 Gross Weight : 25150.00

Net Weight : {5620.00

29-12-2A2A 22 4A A2

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