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D rlver Copy
NorE I
esn :
Cl frdrcl Logistics
t "-Hon,*lnn-
R^giste ed Office: p,or No 55p,noriruri(
H';"'" 3uL- tr tr ti'q
\\ grancrr: I
a "-'
'- '_- No. --
Arpa. Seclor
Area. .1.l.curuqram-
rr.Curug ram- .t22oo3
becror .r.r.Guruqram-
Se.lor 24OOJ rH,tu:na)
,-a\.t a ) {! ,Consignment
PhonF o01520212
90152.21.) t.25-26
t ,\-r^ ctN: /!
CIN:: U6O2Z2HR,t
urN U6o2iiH R t 9s6pLCO68a1; Consignment Date
986pLCO6aal a
c;stomer support : phone No. : ,oaza_o t oo
Common rri€r Licenc€s
No. Rr/3/2o1 2 va tid rrom 17 .Oa_2O12 1o 16_s _2(122
. by Road Acr 2oO7
and Rutes 2011. iI sAp Deriverv No.
Work Order Deta ils
wo No,: lo"t",
a"""r" *"a", r -,--
n. .t! ,ristance(Kms)i iverricrer,ro.[2flrAOqqg
Delivery Station
' (,,
t ! {' t ', (
TransitDays: Load rype
' --_____+-____-_ i

Consignor Details
Name 1,, :
;"i;:;"-" flr;;.
:.,r. f.rl .{,m",,, *l'i':n::' T1l::,', -,, r, _,.!i
Address: 'l'{" -;l-;:;;*h'l \lt AJdr""", \ ! ^.;,: ;,-::rilf +;) '-'l . 5;
*J", J.,1,fu
CSnN ,
t/,tt4, r*r,
fi.,1*i, p'od,r, olq ii
i; r" i
said to contain t I
I weight in MT
i'i,gf p*
t .r ,Itord'1 .. 5,, iN".orPks i

t' t-? '..i" .I :....:1,--fu.

.: ,to-
.''{^r' - Amount
-',d'f,if ight Charge
.M-- -oS.'t1', . ,f( rrehht ",, :

R e c e iv e d g o o d s as I e i ; t
" "
i ;;; " " f - ; ;;; ;, ;Yt.: il;
party Document Deta ils
Basis of Booking
E-Way Bill No:-/ST Form at
Invoice No. I
Branch :

The Company is not rerD.".,bt.

c.s.r&rrN Nos., E way Bir No.,"l, s.r.l.i. il.ii4ljj...j#iEli""ril,iiiE _.,is."" E To Pay E pa ia
GllJa9lpaid Transit Insurance By
to Government by f) oEer*ion oetairc
n consignor 5 consignee ,-neportirg Oatuffie.- _1
;-'+il:I;ffiH',ff'"Ii1,,, neason to, oeGnilin:-
..8 /,b".sh q;;;;;,;
.".* -,
:,;-@,*-i:::;,'[';;1'5: I Policy No. :
t .wnro.
pds & -e oa, - .",
. tu"-*
-i; l

;i::,.;,#::""J,:-9..;i:,j# t "*e4e
n@de+,,6E ,d. ,"";
lsrsnature or consisnor Rep.
Not Responsible for Breakage/Leakage

consignor Detaits 1s." ru.,n" ouoffi--*- Any Remarks

Loading Supervisor Details 6;i;s o"erieaq
Name & Signature of Rep. : Name &
IJ ,tJ 4'lo7 5qag{
-h- tr, t..

CI* . ,'DafCl
coNsrGNMENsr NorE esN :ff
I rhe carriirr will not receive or accepl For carriage, gold, silver. j y, precious j ;- '"***-*--?-J.t';-
ew e I I er 9. The canier wit not be responsibre fo. or damage;;
ro-es secL'ilies. latLaote docJmenr c and orher iyoes of prer.q-e 3.6 .. any qoods arsing our o.o- resJtr,nlt r",*.i;Ji"i"-"aiil,i'i"'i'Ior"i
r.""" ".;r;n;;
cirrier are not Eutho.zed ro receive or
valu. ble soods and the staff or aqents or
r,*rt"J ii ;i;
'i"i war be aectaria";ori;;;ili.;;';;;'no,tirities
I o,i ana war oper.riona
a'ceptanv suchgoodsfor carriage lf anv such goods are accepred and/or
I (whether noiy, ;;;; arrests,
booked forcarriage, inadvertentlv or otherwise, the carrer wir bL under no
lcpurrsruntrv wr rdsoever rn respec mer€ot
"i;r;i; "r.t.t"
iestrutns or detainmenrs .tiii* (r"gii &-othJ*i;"), rlors &"nemies,
crvit commotion.
l ny unexpected and/or unavoidable emergencies, the sct{s) ol th eves;
' "e Gr1er will nor acept o.v goods of an infrannabre/ e-\plosive/ ddrge.o.isl: robbers & oaco,ts, frre, t"ot, rain, n*ai,

ke, ord,nary breakage,

ddnag,T nanjre uniess permitteo bv Governnent and unless propely and ser:ref bakage, rlsJfricie;flv y ,ii^,"g, i"rJ;$ ""ru,quE
ir mdke or d1y accrden!
oacked with exi$,ng -egutations/norms, if any. prior ro booxing ]
I howeve- arising.

as la nded at any I
to the nahlre and character ofsuch goods otherwise goods may be carried by the car;ier shoura be.,jumitt"a to'Giiiri"a withtn ts days fro-m ine
be_ destroyed/rendered innoc-uous o; be deatt with a; i aate or hokins, aonq wi[tr orig;;t il;";;;:;;;1f;;;"r;ifd:i;i.'
ll"^.:- :,i-,ro1::. thn[
.or-, fr
ard the Cons'arcr o's-ch goods s']al be a{e ro he qouro le settlJd * o'an'*oju.,io Lt" *"io .ies,',eq,ta,
."-' !:
j1"," T"., ors ana conotions
drre-ror d loss/ ddnaqe dps-r-ctio, o. eToFn(es. d, a. , o- olcarriage,
rndrrecllv, arisin! out of or resuliing fron terms of the booling and carriage ot r1. w€ do naver allow consigno(s), consiqnee(s) or their represeniative(s),
rf any,
soods. i along with our transportation venice but we may constaei ana atm, irirequeii

all gooos
and arl
dns goods llaDle
liable to
io Dreakage
breakaqe ano/or
breakage and/or leakage acceoted for caniage
leakaqe will be accepted caniioe on
onv at II
yv :r the venne
in me
ln vehicle Dfi l4/s. (J
but lY/s, CJ Darcl Logistjcs
Loqistjcs Limited
Ljmited Or its agent(s) or its
aoenttst Or ii-honandF
r'e sl of on,ners
Ihe Irisk owners and/or
nd/or Consiqro(
a Consiqno(s) Constqnee(s).
s) and/or Coneg nee(s). Ii erployee(s)
employee(s) sha ll not oe
be responsrbE
responsible tor
for any
ar da/rage/loss ta and/or deslrJc;o. ot

todevEtefrom any usualorcustomat rcJle(s)and Gr.v q;r oy -i; accident or oherw'se in the course ol dnd ;t the terminatior of transir.
" I __ The
deemed fit by it. "nv;", l12 offceE, ernployees or dg€nts of Ele carrier are not author,zed to
s. ln respeatofsoods which have been covered biinsuEncefromthe carrier,s insurer. I :1,_1L"::Ii9_"199.:991*.
the.effect of or to nesate or to commivomit any aa
rhe i.curance ceases rm nediatety or detivery oi the q;;ai ti," n"ll *"..i.,-a | I -i LontEry to any of Ehe above conditions.
dna o, $ore ar the desi iationi$ dhon named i,.i"rn o, "t" tn" Lpi.y oi l;;;;
r'-om tne ume' or ;;*"r-;;-'ih" .;;;ey"*;';i;;"i ;';r;#"-;:d;j
i l:-91"j-t:111,-"-9" l9l]t9wlthhold and detaiqthe soods ar rhe risk orthe
rh;;d; ;" i.iai-"',ilii'i'u[rr"ii I ?l':l!lg(sl lnd/or colsts.l'e{s) iointtv and severarv u;hr the rrersht & other
sharr occrlr n,.t. u,"Ji"ii'i? I .. *'ars=tlereonarepaidtothec.ame.

l'" A*'"ff/;ffiff-tr#HJ
",,]ilJI'',1,1 conbacts/asreemens entered wid'.
6 Dernufiagewi be;ha;gt @iRs. per kglday qoois is not taken bv the I15 of. disputes
types. arasing out of this consiqnment shall be
if detivery of
conslgnei(s)atterexpi[,or+a"y.ri".iit"i,r"-"ir"iJril;;;;#;J;;'.'"' "- J.. €ntertained and ttied onlv bv appropriate courts atcurugram
; rr aeivery "or goods iJ *t [i", uv r,"
-"irg";i;i;-foT"-il;il; r,", I
16 Ij^,t 99lis"t9ry-q qg part or the consisnor, consisnee to decrare their
,;;"i,. ii;;i '[ J :,"":/t:g,i"gYl"j111%+."1i:L]I*:"i_d_th€irResistration
umeorthei,arrivaratnnard"*inationir,eca.+,[li,]si; Number
5er soods ar.uftenr marker p,i."-o to *""," r.o" ii' ,lr"'i'.**".'"-r''""",',1 I p-AN No.. issued
due;nd/or any amourr wh cl tave;;;"J;r-;"i':i;";;l ",#: ::*,"99:]/:"1l1"Tly]9:r^-1
Go,1. oilnda Ilanv consrsnment SjFl
are 11]llludins
delained forwantofthese informatio;

demurrage and/or any otn"i

snouta -:,.;;J;i'";f"';;, consigno/consrgnee rrill be solely liable for all consequences whatsoever
-- - ,ror^i-'on
-"--'-' "'y, !
L drles/ exPenotrure tncu rrec,
charles/exp;nditurerncurred.' .' - frnaociallyorotherwise,
diymaRers relat nq to CGST/SGSI/IGST/|JIGST,
8. Tre carrrer witi not, under a1y crrcLmiances, be responsibte or liable tor.oss or | the respolsrbjtiry re$ssote y
aanase ro or oestru.tior o! sooa. u;i"J ;;L,r!i
"i"1i"",'iiii ii'ril.-""'v ylll^t1""-c^:1.1-sl:1-c:l:lSnee and.,the rransporr ope'ator shat'in no wdy b;
craim ror compensation in resJe.t oi iucrr 6t;, J5,;,"";";;'Jt.,,Ai,
Carrier rcs€rves to itself the right to repudiate any such ctarm witlrout asstgning
# il I
ble, accountable or Den;lized for the same'
18. AII subject to Gurugram Jurisdidion only.
3ny reason whaisoevet

_ \ '' '1''::" _^'r .!rc,,.ynlaineri to antt accepted by the consignor(s) and/or his agent(s).
'' iroi: 'ir'r: ., :.
ln€ l!017€:e:r:-i _J'] _-']:

Delivery Acknowledgment to be provided on below given space.

qr€r srfh d --r< ftd rrg =srr;r
=r€f-< ff €i t I

Consig nee's Stamp & Signature

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