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Timing versus Sizing Skill in the Investment Process

Ronald J.M. Van Loon

JPM 2018, 44 (3) 25-32

This information is current as of July 28, 2018.

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Timing versus Sizing Skill
in the Investment Process
Ronald J.M. Van Loon

Ronald J.M. he information ratio (IR) is one The relationship between skill and the
Van L oon of the key performance metrics IR has been formalized in the fundamental
is a portfolio manager
in active portfolio management. law of active management (Grinold [1989]),
at BlackRock in London,
U.K. It is defined as the ratio of active which relates the maximum attainable IR returns of a portfolio or strategy to the stan- to the information coefficient (IC, defined
dard deviation of those active returns. It can as the correlation between the manager’s
be used to compare added value between forecasts and subsequent realized return) and
portfolio managers or between investment to breadth (N, the number of independent
strategies and measures how effective the port- positions per year) in the following form:
folio manager has been in transforming active
risk into active return. Active risk originates IR ≈ IC N (1)
from active management, with the portfolio
manager choosing to overweight or under- The fundamental law offers an important
weight securities relative to a benchmark and insight, which is that for investment success,
choosing the size with which to do so. “it is important to play often (high breadth)
The IR measures the outcome of the and to play well (high IC)” (Grinold and
active management process, but it does not say Kahn [2000, p. 157]), but it is not intended
anything about the process through which the as an operational tool. For an effective prac-
outcome was established. Was excess return tical implementation, there are operational
created because the portfolio manager chose challenges in both the measurement of IC
the right overweights and underweights, as the measurement of N. The IC is the full
or was it due to position sizing—allocating sample correlation between the manager’s
larger exposures to the investment decisions forecast and the subsequent realization of
that proved correct versus the decisions that those returns. It thus depends on the manager
proved incorrect? These are questions of skill, explicitly forecasting the expected return
with the former being an example of the of every decision over its given investment
portfolio manager having skill in direction horizon and setting the size of every posi-
timing and the latter being an example of tion in accordance with the law, which is not
the portfolio manager having skill in posi- what every manager does. For fundamental
tion sizing. Both types of skill inf luence the or judgmental active investment processes in
IR, but in different ways. In this article, we particular, the manager will typically forecast
investigate the relationship between the two the direction of the position (e.g., outperform
types of skill and the IR. or underperform) but will decide on the size

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independently, depending on conviction, liquidity, and THE RETURN-GENERATING PROCESS
other factors. This makes the IC difficult to interpret
for a fundamental or judgmental investor. Consider an investor with starting wealth S 0.
The fundamental law has been extended in a At the start of the period, the investor makes either an
number of ways to deal with the operational challenges. overweight (long) or underweight (short) investment
Clarke, de Silva, and Thorley [2002] considered the decision in an investment strategy. At the end of the
impact of investment constraints and showed that the period, either the decision proves profitable (generating
maximum obtainable IR is reduced in the presence of a positive rate of return of u with probability p) or it
constraints. Hallerbach [2014] applied the fundamental proves loss making (generating a negative rate of return
law to directional forecasts only, that is, where only d with probability 1 - p). The return-generating process
the direction of the forecast is used for positioning but can schematically be represented as in Exhibit 1.
where the size of the position is independent of the size The single-period expected return on that strategy,
of the forecast. Different assumptions on the distribu- E(r), can be represented as
tion of excess returns are considered. For a directional
timing strategy in which excess returns follow a normal  uS   dS 
E(r ) = p ln  0  + (1 − p )ln  0  (3)
distribution, they showed that IR must be reduced by a  S0   S0 

scaling factor of approximately , or 20%.1
π where
Constable and Armitage [2006] offered an alterna-
tive interpretation of the link between skill and the IR p = probability of a win
by defining skill as the batting average, or the proportion ln(x) = the natural logarithm of x
of investment decisions that the portfolio manager makes u = the positive rate of return in case of a win
that prove correct. Modeling the active management d = the negative rate of return in case of a loss
process as a binomial process, they formalized the rela- S 0 = the original investment
tionship between the IR and the batting average, p, for
a single decision over a single period (N = 1) as Now consider the case in which ln(u) = -x × ln(d).
This represents the situation in which the return in case of
2p − 1 a win is a fixed proportion of the return in case of a loss.
IR = (2)
2 p(1 − p ) If x = 1, the return-generating process is symmetrical and

will be determined by ln(u) and p. The process will then be
Notably, both approaches express skill through a special case, as described by Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein
a single metric, either the IC or the batting average, [1979]. If x ≠ 1, the return-generating process is no longer
without making the distinction of whether skill origi- symmetrical, and the return in case of a win will not equal
nates in accurately forecasting the direction of the return the return in case of a loss. We take an ex-post view of
or accurately forecasting the magnitude of the return. investment skill. If the investor has skill in market timing,
Constable and Armitage [2006] considered examples the investor is more likely to call the direction of the return
of when the return distribution is skewed and showed correctly, and p > 0.5. If the investor has skill in position
that, when two strategies have the same IR, the batting sizing, winning positions will return more than the nega-
average will give independent and additional informa- tive return of losing positions, and x > 1. We can rewrite
tion about the skewness of the return distribution. the single-period expected return of the strategy as
In this article, we extend the binomial process by
1 1
introducing skewness in the return-generating process. E(r ) = ln(u )  p − + p  (4)
This will allow us to disentangle skill in forecasting  x x 

the direction of the return from skill in forecasting
the size of the return. We start with a single-strategy, The variance of the strategy can be written as
single-period example before extending to more realistic
 1 2
settings. Var (r ) = ln(u )2  p(1 − p )  1 +   (5)
  x 

26    Timing versus Sizing Skill in the Investment Process Winter 2018

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Exhibit 1 to a multiple-decision setting. The intuition is clear:
The Return-Generating Process For multiple decisions, noise in decision making will
cancel out, and skill in timing will be the average of
p whereas skill in sizing will be average of x, across N
independent investment decisions. To further demon-
strate this, we can see the return-generating process in
Exhibit 1 as a single trial Bernoulli process. For N inde-
pendent investment decisions, each of which generate
return ui with probability pi or return di with probability
(1 - pi ), we can see the process as a repeated Bernoulli
process, which follows a Bernoulli distribution with
mean E( r ) and standard deviation σ( r ). We set N as the
number of independent investment decisions per year
The expected IR of the strategy is the ratio of
and define the hit ratio (HR) as the number of winning
the expected return of the strategy over its standard
decisions as a proportion of total decisions, which for N
deviation, σ(r), or the square root of variance. Note that
independent decisions equals p. The win/loss rate (WL),
this ratio is time dependent because the denominator and
which is defined as the average return of the wins over
nominator scale differently with time. For the single-
the negative of the average return of the losses for N
period, single-strategy case, when we set the period Δt
independent decisions, equals x.
as one year for simplicity’s sake, we can express the IR
According to the central limit theorem, when N
in annualized form as
is sufficiently large and for returns close to the center of
1 1 the distribution, the distribution of standardized returns
p 1+  − of a repeated Bernoulli process will be approximately
E( r )  x  x (6)
IR = = normal. Returns will be close to the center of the distri-
σ(r ) 1
p(1 − p ) 1 + 
 bution when p ≈ 0.5 and x ≈ 1. Similar to the results of
 x Hallerbach [2014], for large N, the IR needs to be scaled
Note that in the symmetrical case of x  =  1, by (see also Grinstead and Snell [1997, p. 325]).
Equation (6) collapses into our Equation (2), the defi- π
nition of IR over a single period as by Constable and When N is sufficiently large, and for values of p
Armitage [2006]. close to 0.5 and x close to 1, the IR can be written as
In practice, the value of p will be close to 0.5,
1 
hence p(1 − p) ≈ 0.5. We can then redefine the single- IR ≈ 1.6  HR − N (8)
 1 + WL 
period IR, for values of p that are close to 0.5, as

1  2 8
IR ≈ 2  p − (7) where 1.6 ~ 2 or
 1 + x  π π

Equation (8) represents the IR as a function of skill
Equation (7) expresses the single-period IR as a in market timing (HR), skill in sizing (WL), and breadth
positive function of p (the probability of correctly timing (N). The introduction of the WL in the formula for IR
the return) and x (the size in case of a profit relative to introduces a new dynamic: It is possible to still obtain a
the size in case of a loss). Note that in the special case positive IR when the HR is less than 0.5. If the average
of x = 1, the IR equals 2p - 1, the definition of IR profits exceed the average losses by a large enough margin,
for directional forecasts as by Grinold and Kahn [2000, the IR would continue to be positive. Conversely, an
p. 153]. When x ≠ 1, the risk-adjusted return depends investor could make the right decision more often than
not only on correctly forecasting the sign of the predic- not but still be unable to obtain a positive IR as a result of
tion but also on correctly forecasting the magnitude. average losses exceeding average gains. The relationship
Now that we have established the one-period IR between skill and investment results is the same as in any
for a single decision, we can extend the same analysis other game of chance: A player can gain an edge over

Winter 2018 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement    27

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Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3
Combination of HR and WL for Incremental Values Change to Adjustment Factor when Time Series
of IR (N = 12) of Excess Returns Has Excess Kurtosis

Source: Hallerbach [2014].

as a small increase in skill in position sizing when the WL

is equal to around 1.2 This result does not say anything,
though, about how easy it is to increase skill in either
dimension. Results from behavioral finance studies indi-
cate that behavioral biases can lead to profits being gener-
his or her competitors by taking small winnings consis- ated too early and losses being held too long, consistent
tently while limiting the drawdowns and/or by taking with the disposition effect (Shefrin and Statman [1985]).
the occasional large win to compensate for smaller, but Presence of the disposition effect in an investment process
more frequent, losses. Either way, once an edge has been would show itself through WL being less than 1.3
established, the player needs to play as often as possible.
Equation (8) shows that the central insight from the fun- FAT TAILS
damental law can be extended: It is important to play
often (high breadth), to forecast the direction correctly It is a stylized fact that many financial market time
(high HR), and to size exposures well (high WL). series exhibit fat tails. Our Equation (8) assumes nor-
The trade-off between HR and WL is visualized mality, so for it to be of practical use, we will have to
in Exhibit 2, which shows the curve of combinations of allow for fat tails specifically. Hallerbach [2014] derived
HR and WL for given levels of IR of a monthly switching the IR under the assumption of a Student t-distribution,
strategy. The area to the right of the IR = 0 line shows in which the IR depends on the degrees of freedom in
combinations of HR and WL that would lead to a positive the distribution. When the underlying time series of
payoff. Exhibit 2 shows that a portfolio manager should returns of the investment strategy or portfolio exhibit
sometimes accept a trade that has a probability of success excess kurtosis, the expected return of the time series is
of less than 0.5. The IR = 0 line represents the equation affected less than its standard deviation, lowering the IR.
HR = 1/(1 + WL). Hence, a rule of thumb that follows In terms of our Equation (8), the presence of fat
from Equation (8) is that, if an investment decision has an tails lowers the constant factor 1.6 on the right-hand
asymmetric payoff, the minimum required probability of side of the equation. For ease of reference, the adjusted
success changes from 0.5 to 1/(1 + WL). As an illustration, constant factors are given in Exhibit 3. The presence
in the extreme case of WL = 1.5, the HR can be as low of fat tails does not alter the structure of the relation-
as 40% for the IR to remain positive. Equation (8) and ship between the factors in Equation (8), although it
Exhibit 2 show that a small increase in skill in timing is does lower the value of IR by up to 12% for any given
about twice as valuable in terms of risk-adjusted returns combination of HR, WL, and N.

28    Timing versus Sizing Skill in the Investment Process Winter 2018

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Exhibit 4
Expected IR vs. Delivered IR for 4 Investment Styles in Four Asset Classes

Note: Time period: January 1972 to December 2012. N = 12.

Source: Kolanovic and Wei [2013].

EMPIRICAL RESULTS higher HR than the value strategy but results in a lower
IR nonetheless because of a lower WL.
To corroborate our findings, we next consider our Feldman, Jung, and Klein [2015] conducted a fur-
theoretical results against empirical results from other ther study that deals with risk and return characteristics
papers. of active investment strategies. We replicate four of the
Kolanovic and Wei [2013] reported risk and return strategies mentioned in their paper5 and report the results
characteristics of four investment styles across four asset in Exhibit 5. Overall, the predicted results in Exhibit 5
classes for the time period 1972–2012. They considered show a close match to delivered results. Feldman, Jung,
risk and return of traditional long-only, momentum, and Klein [2015] reported a higher IR for the Fed model
value, and carry strategies, implemented in the equities, versus the CAPE model, for example, although the Fed
bonds, commodities, and currency markets. Exhibit 4 model has historically delivered a lower HR than the
shows the reported Sharpe ratio of each strategy, including CAPE model. The difference in IR is explained by the
excess kurtosis, HR, and WL.4 The final column shows higher skew and lower excess kurtosis for the Fed model
the estimated IR based on the reported statistics and versus the CAPE model. The difference in skew and
shows a close match to delivered results. The separate kurtosis could be the result of the design of the strategy:
impact of HR and WL on the IR can be demonstrated The Fed model switches completely out of equities when
by contrasting the three strategy types for the currency a negative period is forecasted, whereas the CAPE model
markets. For currency markets, the carry strategy returns switches proportionally, meaning it will continue to
the highest IR, almost fully due to a high proportion include equity sensitivity from crises even when these
of decisions proving correct (HR = 63%), with the WL are accurately predicted. This depresses the WL ratio and
almost equal to 1. The value strategy in currency mar- increases kurtosis on an ex-post basis. Thus, although the
kets is right less often (HR = 55%) but compensates by CAPE model is positioned correctly more often than the
delivering higher returns when the directional forecast is Fed model, the latter strategy on an ex-post basis led to
correct (WL = 1.14). The momentum strategy achieves a higher IR as a result of the sizing dimension.

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Exhibit 5
Expected IR vs. Delivered IR for Four Hypothetical Strategies

Note: Time period: January 1976 to December 2016. N = 12.

Source: Feldman, Jung, and Klein [2015].

Exhibit 6 using a Monte Carlo simulation. We consider an investor

Simulation Results from an Active Switching who faces a monthly choice to invest in either equities
Strategy between Equity and Bonds (S&P 500) or long-term government bonds (Barclays
Bloomberg U.S. Treasury Index). The monthly return
data span the period from January 2000 to December
2016 and are taken from Bloomberg.
For each strategy, we assume that the investor has
skill in either timing market direction (through varying
the HR) or in sizing (varying the WL). For each com-
bination, we run a simulation with 10,000 iterations.
We report the findings in Exhibit 6. As shown in the
exhibit, the results from Equation (8) are a very close
approximation to the simulated IRs. Skill in calling the
market direction and skill in calling the market size both
have a positive effect on the IR. A 10% increase in skill
in calling the market direction (e.g., HR increases from
50% to 55%) increases IR by 0.26. A 10% increase in
skill in calling the market size (e.g., an increase in WL
from 100% to 110%) increases the IR by 0.13.


The explicit consideration of skill in position sizing,

through the WL, offers additional insight in measuring
and managing investment performance. The central
insight from this article is that investment success fol-
Note: Time period: January 2000 to December 2016. N = 12.
lows from the breadth of decisions and two distinct types
of skill: skill in forecasting the direction of the market
Overall, Exhibits 4 and 5 show a close match of correctly and skill in sizing positions. The insights from
expected IR to simulated IR and that the results from Equation (8) also have a number of important practical
Equation (8) are robust to extreme scenarios (e.g., non- implications. Investors who record their investment
normality, or the case in which HR is far from 0.5 or decisions can use the formula to decompose risk-adjusted
WL is far from 1). returns into its three components and steer their efforts
As a final check, we next consider our theoretical for potential process improvements accordingly. The
results against simulated results from active strategies formula can also be used to decompose a time series

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of excess returns into the frequency of outperformance be at the minimum for single-period IR to remain positive,
and the skew in outperformance, allowing these to be ln(c )
equal to 0.5 + .
analyzed separately. 2σ
The measure of skewness reported by Kolanovic and
Wei [2013]—the gain-to-pain ratio—is easily converted to
the WL as WL = .
In this article, we build upon the central insights HR
The leading economic indicator (LEI) strategy is
of the fundamental law of active management and a switching strategy that is fully invested in the S&P 500
decompose the IR into three components: the HR, the when the Conference Board LEI index rises three months in
WL, and breadth. The introduction of the WL in the a row and switches to being fully invested in three-month
formula for IR introduces a new dynamic: It is possible T-bills when the LEI index declines three months in a row.
to obtain a positive IR—even when the investor gets The yield curve strategy is 100% invested in the S&P 500
more decisions wrong than right—if the average profits if the end-of-the-month yield spread between the 10-year
exceed the average losses by a large enough margin. T-note and three-month T-bill is positive and 100% invested
We quantify the relationship between the three com- in three-month T-bills otherwise. The Fed model is based
ponents and show that, from the starting point of the on the switching strategy of Shen [2003]. If the value of the
unskilled investor, increasing skill in market timing spread between the earnings yield of the S&P 500 and the
is about twice as valuable as increasing skill in sizing. 10-year T-note spread is below its historical 10th percentile,
the portfolio is 100% invested in three-month T-bills; other-
The presence of fat tails lowers the IR for any combina-
wise, it is invested 100% in the S&P 500. The CAPE strategy
tion of HR, WL, and breadth, but it does not alter the is a switching strategy that invests proportionally more (less)
structure of the relationship. We apply the decomposi- in the S&P 500 if the ratio of the current Shiller cyclically
tion to different investment strategies across multiple adjusted price/earnings ratio (CAPE) falls below (rises above)
asset classes and show that the relationship holds with its long-term average.
great accuracy, even when the underlying assumptions
are violated. REFERENCES

ENDNOTES Clarke, R., H. de Silva, and S. Thorley. “Portfolio Con-

straints and the Fundamental Law of Active Management.”
I would like to thank Ronald N. Kahn for valuable Financial Analyst Journal, Vol. 58, No. 5 (2002), pp. 48-66.
comments and suggestions.
When the distribution of excess returns has fat tails, Constable, N., and J. Armitage. “Information Ratios and
the IR is reduced further, with the scaling factors inversely Batting Averages.” Financial Analyst Journal, Vol. 62, No. 3
related to the degrees of freedom of the excess return dis- (2006), pp. 24-31.
tribution. As an example, for a directional timing strategy
in which excess returns follow a Student t-distribution with Cox, J., S. Ross, and M. Rubinstein. “Option Pricing:
five degrees of freedom, the IR must be reduced by a scaling A Simplified Approach.” Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 7,
factor of approximately 26%. No. 3 (1979), pp. 229-263.
The first derivate of IR with respect to HR as a
fraction of the first derivative of IR with respect to WL is Feldman, T., A. Jung, and J. Klein. “Buy and Hold versus
0.5 (1 + WL) 2. Hence, improving skill in market timing is Timing Strategies: The Winner Is:…” The Journal of Portfolio
relatively more valuable if the investor already possesses skill Management, Vol. 42, No. 1 (2015), pp. 110-118.
in position sizing, and vice versa.
Another factor that will inf luence the WL is transac- Grinold, R.C. “The Fundamental Law of Active Manage-
tion costs. Transaction costs reduce the return in case of a win ment.” The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 15, No. 3
as well as the return in case of a loss. If we see transaction costs (1989), pp. 30-37.
as a drag on return, that is, both ln(u) as ln(d) are reduced by
ln(c), then the WL is reduced in the presence of transaction Grinold, R.C., and R.N. Kahn. Active Portfolio Management:
costs by 2 × ln(c). This implies that the HR after transaction A Quantitative Approach for Producing Superior Returns and Con-
costs needs to compensate for the drag on return and needs to trolling Risk, 2nd ed. East Windsor, NJ: McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Winter 2018 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement    31

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Grinstead, C.M., and J.L. Snell. Introduction to Probability.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1997.

Hallerbach, W.G. “On the Expected Performance of Market

Timing Strategies.” The Journal of Portfolio Management,
Vol. 40, No. 4 (2014), pp. 42-51.

Kolanovic, M., and Z. Wei. “Systematic Strategies across

Asset Classes. Risk Factor Approach to Investing and Port-
folio Management.” Global Quantitative and Derivatives
Strategy, JPMorgan Chase & Co., 2013.

Shefrin, H., and M. Statman. “The Disposition to Sell Win-

ners Too Early and Ride Losers Too Long: Theory and
Evidence.” The Journal of Finance, Vol. 40, No. 3 (1985),
pp. 777-790.

Shen, P. “Market Timing Strategies That Worked.” The Journal

of Portfolio Management, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Winter 2003),
pp. 57-68.

To order reprints of this article, please contact David Rowe at

drowe@ or 212-224-3045.

32    Timing versus Sizing Skill in the Investment Process Winter 2018

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