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Quennie Marie D.

Francisco (Bridging course – Bio)

The human body is an extraordinary creation and shows how creative God is.
From a simple unit down to the most complex which we amazingly call human. In
our lecture I have learned systems and their separate functions. There are many
ways to care and protect the systems from the many different problems they can
The human body is made up of several organ systems that all work together as a
unit to make sure the body keeps functioning. All of these are essential for it helps
us survived our daily lives and keeps us alive. Like for example our digestive
system which is responsible for breaking down food into nutrients, which the body
uses for energy, growth, and cell repair while the endocrine system for releasing
hormones which is important for the control and regulation of all the major
functions and processes of the body such as energy control. Another system is
the urinary system that focuses on keeping the body clean for its mainly function
is on eliminating fluid waste in our body also the reproductive system that is very
vital in reproducing life for it ensures the continuity of human race on earth.

These systems work continuously to maintain homeostasis for survival of the

individual. There is a need for us to know the structure of our body and its
function for us to be knowledgeable enough in taking care of it and in making and
maintaining it healthy.

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