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Why is this an important lens by which to view the civil rights movement?
At the dark end of the streets is a depiction to the rise of civil rights movement brought about by
Rosa Parks an organizer and investigator to the rape case on Recy Taylor by seven armed
men. Formation of African –American organizations and women’s group formed the strongest
campaign to attain justice for Tylor that had not been witnessed for decades. The judges
dismissed the case and Taylor’s home was firebombed with subsequent death threats. The
author narrates on the rise of civil rights movements that protested against sexual violence,
ritualistic rape of the Black women by the white men. Throughout the Jim Crow era there was a
persistent enforcement of rules of racial and economic grading since white men assaulted Black
Black women through their frequent protests against sexual assault and multiracial rape
powered civil rights campaigns in the south bringing about the Black power movement. The
book also narrates on how the Montgomery city buses degraded the Black women who endured
too much as they headed to cook for their white bosses. Rosa Parks refusing to move from her
seat on the bus lead to her arrest. Jo Ann Robinson organized and led a boycott that lasted for
a year breaking the back of the Montgomery city bus bankruptcy. The resistance against the
tactics of rape to Black women is an integral part of the civil Rights Movement in the 1950s-60s.

2- Choose at least three individuals from the text whom you think should be highlighted through
exhibits. Why are they so important?
Rosa Parks is the best investigator and organizer in Abbeville, since she is the foundational
member of the NAACP that deconstructs the national practice of victimizing the black women.
Her actions in acting as a bridge between sexual violence and investigations depicts a strong
will in exposing cases of rape and the emotional struggles victims’ experience. Through her
intervention in Taylor’s rape case, the subsequent campaigns have led to the recognition of
black respect in the south of the United States.
Jo Ann Robinson being an active member of the boycott after the arrest of Park depicts a
character or resilience on keeping the boycott alive. Robinson leading a caravan to Nixon’s
house to sketch plans for a citywide boycott shows bravery in fighting for the rights of Black
E.D. Nixon as a man in support of Black women helped in fighting the case of Colvin’s rape.
Through his connections and the field of expertise Nixon is a necessary tool for the mass
movement. His actions in helping parks obtain an appeal after arrest in the bus, exhibits his
undying support in fighting for the Black women Rights.

3- What kind of connections can be made to the material from our discussions?
The narrative plays a crucial role in fighting for the gender inequalities and the racial
discrimination of the Black women in the society. The presence of various activists such as
Rosa Parks sheds a limelight to the community of the various discriminations that exists in the
South and the entire community. Therefore it forms a platform to address the existing social
injustices in the community, providing a detailed procedure on how to fights for the rights and
freedoms in the society.

4- Why is McGuire’s work so important? How does this information complicate our traditional
narrative of the movement?
McGuire’s work plays a crucial role in exposing the court documents that lacked the legal
recourse in representing the black communities. The legal barriers that were created in
deterring black people from obtaining justice through sexual harassments. The narrative also
seeks to expand on the understanding of civil rights movement as women aired their voices in
the war against the white supremacy.
The publicity of the information complicates the traditional narrative since there were minimal
women voices that existed for decades, this had resulted to the continued fail of the judicial
system on addressing sexual and racial prejudice. The continued resistance of black women led
to the development of activism that shaped the traditional view of civil rights movement.

- How would you advertise this to the community for the greatest impact? How do you stress the
importance of this history to the community?
The distribution of the narrative to the social media and in the libraries for learners to access
would serve a larger group in accessing the content and gaining knowledge. In making the
content available for free, it will entice more learners to read without incurring any costs. The
continued stress on the importance of the occurrences of events will help impact the community
on the actions to be taken and strengthen the formed movements in fighting for their rights and
injustices. Additional accessing the existing formed movements and expanding my knowledge
to them on the history of the narrative will help in generating new ideas on making the
organization more strong.

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