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Happy Tholi Ekadashi, an auspicious day to offer incantations to the Lord Vishnu, the supreme

Almighty of this universe. This day also marks the change in day and time. Beginning from tholi
Ekadasi day time starts decreasing and night time starts increasing, which means days start getting
longer and night starts getting lengthy. According to Hindu beliefs, one day for God is equal to one
year of a human life time, which means first six months (dakshinayinam period) of a Hindu year as
one morning for Indian Gods and the last six months(uttarayanam period) of a Hindu year is
considered to be one night for Hindu Gods. Therefore tholi Ekadashi which is the first of 26 ekadasis
falls in the monsoon period marks the beginning of hibernation for the Lord Vishnu on ksheerasagar-
cosmic ocean of milk, on sheshanga-the cosmic serpent and is seen in Shayan Mudra for a period of
four months. It is observed on sukla paksha, waxing phase of the moon in Ashada masam (June-july)
when Lord Vishnu goes to sleep on this day and wakes up after four months on Prabhodhini
Ekadashi. Vishnu eventually awakens from his slumber four months later Prabhodhini Ekadashi –
eleventh day of the bright fortnight in the Hindu month Karthika masam(October-November) this
period is known as chathurmas (four months) which coincides with the rainy season. Thus Tholi
Ekadashi is the beginning of chaturmas. Devotees start observing the chaturmas Vrata to get the
blessings of the Lord Vishnu.

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