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EMT 301 Content and Pedagogy in Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education

Title Development of Instructional Materials in Mother Tongue Teaching.
Overview Mother Tongue Teaching – Instructional Materials are the learning materials
which offer concrete guidance to teachers when teaching and learning to
help achieve the desired learning objectives.
Objectives 1. Know the importance on the use of learning materials in the
2. Develop activities and materials that enables students to learn more.

Discussion: Instructional materials are also known as Teaching Learning Materials

(TLM)are any collections of materials including animals and inanimate objects and
human and non human resources that a teacher may use in teaching and learning
situations to help achieved the desired learning objectives.
 Advantages
 Ability to serve as present and future reference materials.
 Allows the visual to be added.
 Provides step by step instruction
 Easily updated content
 Should aid users in data retention and time spans
 Help users retain information in long term which includes process, flow
 Importance:
 IMs are very important to help teachers teach effectively and help
students learn better
 Help students to remember, integrate and apply what they learn.
 The more you can engage students in using materials, the better the
 Are tools used in educational program including active learning and
 For the learners- able to learn by doing. Able to witness what they are
 For teachers- it saves time and controls the class because students give
all their attention
 Cultural Relevance of Instructional Materials
 IMs in a cultural education system is very important which requires
considerations of each member of cultural religion and social norms.
 Requires consideration for each member of cultural religion and social
norms if not the teacher will have less relevance for the students
 Principles to guide the students to learn
 Students will achieve the same competencies as mainstream students but
by different paths
- Children who speak the school language when they begin to school L2
AND children who speak home language and bring to school will have
the same competencies to be achieved by the end of the MTB-MLE
 Develop activities and materials that enable students to use what they
know (their language and culture and what they have learned at home and
 school) to learn new concepts.
 Ensure that textbooks and learning activities and materials reflect the
community’s and parents.
 Values: which ideas, actions and behaviors do they consider good and
hon; reject as bad or dishonorable
 Goals: what do they want the children to do when they finish their
 Ensure that outcomes and indicators for all grades focus on . . . academic
(concept) development, and socio-cultural development
 Ensure that textbooks and learning materials focus equally on meaning
especially higher level thinking and o accuracy (e,g, decoding text,
memorizing multiplication table
 Ensure that textbooks and learning Materials build students’ fluency and
confidence in using L1 and L2 for everyday communication and for
academic learning.
 Ensure that traditional wisdom, knowledge, culture and experience are
affirmed in textbooks and other learning materials.
 Include plenty of activities that get the children working with partners and
in teams.
 Include plenty of activities that encourage students to use higher level
 Include creative writing rom the first week of school
 Emphasize reading, reading and more reading?


Evaluation: As a future Teacher, how would you maximize the utilization of Instructional
materials and other educational techniques in school to enable students to achieve
academic performance?


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