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Harambee University

Faculty of Technology
Department of Computer Science
Inclusiveness Individual Assignment
Value: 20

Instruction: Write the correct answer for following Questions.

 Acknowledgement, Clarity, Precision and relevance should be considered
 Write at least 7-10 pages
 Use handwriting or computerized, but handwriting should be eligible.
 Copying/plagiarizing a word or any documents from a partner makes your mark invalid.
 Submission date: 10/12/2013
1) Explain the impacts of disability in rural and urban.
2) Describe the causes of healthcares and its impacts on disability.
3) Explain the inclusiveness environment and its modification to prevent disabling condition.
4) Explain the disability intervention and rehabilitation services.
5) Discuss the barriers of employment of disability with their suggested solution.
6) Discuss and exemplify how to manage Resources for Inclusion
7) Compare and contrast collaborative and cooperative partnership perspective disability.

All the best!


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