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Famous people around the world

This is Frank Gehry. Where is Mr.
This is Paco de Lucía, from Spain.
Gehry from? He’s from canada.
What’s his occupation? He’s a
And what’s his occupation? He’s
an architect.

This is Maria Sharapova. She’s This is John Travolta. Mr John

from Russia. What’s Ms. Travolta has 2 occupations.
Sharapova’s occupation? She’s He’s an actor and a pilot. He’s
an athlete. from the United States.

This is Angélique Kidjo. What’s This is Banana Yoshimoto. Ms.

her occupation? Ms. Kdjo is a Yoshimoto is from Japan. What’s
singer. She’s from Benin. her occupation? She’s a writer.

Taken ffrom Top Notch Course Book

1) Are the sentences True or False about the people above? Write T for true and F for false.
a. Mr. Gehry is an architect. ( )
b. Paco de Lucía is a musician. ( )
c. Maria Sharapova is from Argentina. ( )
d. John Travolta has just one occupation. ( )
e. Angélique Kidjo is from Benin. ( )

2) Answer the questions about the people.

a. What’s Mr. Gehry’s occupation?

b. Is Paco de Lucía an architect?
c. Where is Maria Sharapova from?
d. What are Mr. Travolta’s occupations?
e. What’s Yoshimoto’s occupation?

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