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Pamela Mora

4 PS
Product: Price:
The products we will offer are Prices will be comfortable and
products that people usually consume accessible to all budgets, especially
on a daily basis, besides being able to the target market to which the
to enjoy our different types of product is directed, which is the
dressings and sauces to taste, also middle and upper class.
each product comes with its The price should take into
respective portion of chips. consideration the profitability, the
probability of reaction of the
competition, and any other variable
associated with the value of the
transaction for the product.
Promotion: Place:
In terms of promotions it refers to We will be located in the city of
advertising, sales promotions, online Guayaquil where our customers will
promotions and referral sales. have wifi zone, that way they can also
The promotion of the beverages enjoy our website and comment on
offered by the local will be focused on how they liked the product.
promotions and innovations in sales, The store will have enough space to
for example: we will have 2x1 on locate the necessary equipment to
Fridays, holidays many offers, we will start the production and
also focus on the customization of commercialization of our fast food.
glasses to differentiate ourselves
from the competition.

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