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Andre Alberto Aguirre Apolo

Facilitator Derek Wong


25 July 2021


In our society it is difficult to be a woman we know, but how about to be a man? It is

just a perfect life?. I don't think that being a man could be a difficult life, since even if men

have some facilities in many aspects, men also have problems in other aspects. That why the

world must be change their mentality and give more important to the mental health and talk

more about these stigmatized issues, since everyday more and more young people see their

way lost because they do not know how to overcome their problems

A lot of men don't exteriorize their feelings, because how many times we've been

listening, you are a man, and men don't cry. Society has put a barrier between the feelings of

the men and the people who are around them, just because men don't cry? Right?

The most suicides are from men and is just because they don't let out their feelings and

carry with that on their conscience. Now just imagine how a young Man feels to lose his father,

his brain and heart must be shattered, and the worst thing is that he feels that he must endure

all that pain within himself.

We must normalize to show feelings, that a man can feel weak and vulnerable,

normalize that sometimes, men need asking for help and need emotional support too. For

example, in my country, we are even now a society with a lot of traditional Education
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especially in social aspects and people do not take much importance to the mental and

emotional health of young people. Another very important point is not only educating young

people but also parents since they are the ones who indoctrinate their male children incorrectly,

but it is not the parents' fault either since they grew up with a way of seeing the world very

archaic, and they do not know any other way, it is our duty as a society to teach them to raise

young people who contribute to society and may then be able to help others.

To summarize, mentality must change, demonstrate that having emotional health is as

important as other aspects of life, and better understand the feelings that go through the mind

of a young person who has gone through a very difficult situation such as losing a child. Family

psychology should be implemented in more schools to help young people solve their doubts

and thus improve the quality of life. In addition, young people must be raised with strength but

not stubbornly, who are able to express their feelings and communicate them effectively

towards others.

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