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DARRYL: Recogntion Rites is the most awaited activity of the Good Samaritan

School as we witness the 20th Closing Program. Guest, Faculty and

Staff, beloved Parents, graduates, friends, ladies and gentlemen… The

ASH LEE: May I request everybody to please all rise for the Invocation, to be
lead by the Selected Kinder 1 pupils, and please remain standing for
the singing of the Philippine National Anthem to be conducted by
Teacher Criselda Y. Potot.

DARRYL: To welcome us to this memorable day, may I call on Faith Armero,

Kinder 2 Second Honors. Let us give her a big round of applause.

ASH LEE: At this moment, let us have the presentation for Candidates for
Promotion. To help us, we would like to call on our beloved Principal,
Mrs. Sally P. Fuentes. Let us give her a big round of applause.

DARRYL: At this point ladies and gentlemen, we have here with us a

Representative from the Departmen of Education, to do the
Acceptance, Confirmation and Inspirational Message.

ASH LEE: Next we have the awarding of medals to honor pupils with their
respective parents. To help us, we would like to call on Rev. Alvin S.
Jovita, to be assisted by Mrs. Sally P. Fuentes.

DARRYL: At this pointm we would like to call on Ash Lee S. Dungog, Kinder 2
First Honors, for her Words of Thanks. Let us give her a big round of

ASH LEE: Next we have the Pinning of Ribbons and giving of Special Awards to
Model Pupils with their respective parents. To help us, we would like to
call on Mrs. Sally P. Fuentes, to be assisted by Mr. Napoleon B.

DARRYL: Next we have the giving of Loyalty Awards. To help us, we would like
to call on Rev. Alvin S. Jovita, to be assisted by Mrs. Sally P. Fuentes.

ASH LEE: The most awaited part of our program is the Presentation of the
different levels. First to present, we have the Kinder 2 pupils. They
are going to sing and dance to the song “I’m Ready to Go!”. Let us give
them a big round of applause.
DARRYL: We have another presentation by the Kinder 1 pupils. Let us give them
a big round of applause.

ASH LEE: Next to present, we have the Nursery 1 and 2. Let us give them a big
round of applause.

DARRYL: Another presentation by Kinder 1 pupil, a poem entitled “Education” by

Denver Emmanuel Efren. Let us give him a big round of applause.

ASH LEE: At this juncture, we would like to call on the Nursery 1, Nursery 2,
Kinder 1 and Kinder 2 pupils for the Farewell Song entitled
____________________. Let us give them a big round of applause.

DARRYL: Please all rise for the closing prayer to be lead by Trish Angel
Omandac, Kinder 1 pupil.

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