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How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

Front View

Step 1: In this tutorial, I will show

you how to draw Cloud from Final
Fantasy. Please bear in mind that I
found it difficult locating decent
pictures of this character, so the front
view could probably have been better
if I had had a better example. Anyway,
start off with a circle, then add the the
lower half of the face. The lower half
should be large; the distance from the
circle to the chin should be about half
as long as the circle. Divide the shapes
up with guidelines: four horizontal
guidelines to represent the eyes, nose,
and mouth, and a vertical guideline to
help you line up the features.

Step 2:
Use the guidelines to draw the outlines
of the eyes, nose and mouth. Make
sure the eyes are very round. The noses
in these pictures are defined solely by
shadows; they aren't directly outlined.
Thus, all you see of the nose is a long,
thin triangle that represents the shadow
the nose creates on the face. (1 of 9) [3/7/2000 13:01:58]

How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

Step 3:
Erase any unnecessary guidelines and
sketch the basic shape of his hair.
Don't worry about details right now,
we can add those later. Cloud's hair is
very spiky, and sticks out in weird
directions. To get a feel of where each
main spike should be placed, take note
of where each one sits on his head, and
how far away from the scalp it is.
Draw his irises, which are very large
and round; they should take up almost
the entire eye. Draw the eyebrows, ear
and mouth, too.

Step 4:
Next, erase all the guidelines and add
in the details. Now that you know the (2 of 9) [3/7/2000 13:01:58]

How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

basic shape of the hair, you can draw

the extra details and spikes. Always
draw the main forms of the picture
before adding detail, so you can get the
proportions correct right off. Draw the
neck of his shirt, and add some more
detail to his eye. Clean up your sketch,
and move on to the final step.

Step 5:
Take your final sketch and color or
shade it however you like. Final (3 of 9) [3/7/2000 13:01:58]

How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

Fantasy 7 characters aren't colored in

the usual cel style; the shading is more
realistic. Thus, I opted to use the dodge
and burn tools to help shade rather
than using hard airbrushes to give it a
smoother look.

3/4 View

Step 1:
Next, we'll draw the 3/4 view. Draw a large
circle, then add the lower half of the face and
divide the shapes up with guidelines. These
are pretty much the same shapes as in the
front view, except they have been rotated
downwards and to the side. The 3/4 view has
less guidelines than the front view, but that's
only because adding them would be
unneccesary at this angle. We'll only be using
the guidelines for the eyes, nose, and the
central guideline that runs from the forehead
to the chin. (4 of 9) [3/7/2000 13:01:58]

How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

Step 2:
Next, use the upper horizontal guideline to
draw in the eyes, nose, and mouth. Again, the
nose is defined solely by shadows, so the only
part of it you are going to see is the triangular
shadow of the nose. Draw the ear, too. ^_^

Step 3:
Erase all the unnecessary guidelines. Draw the
basic shape of his hair, making it very thick
and pointy. Don't worry about the details right
now, just try to get the placement of the main
spikes. Add his irises (which should be very
large and round), eyebrows, and the detail in
his ear. (5 of 9) [3/7/2000 13:01:58]

How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

Step 4:
Erase all unnecessary lines. Add the detail and
extra spikes in his hair, and draw his shirt.
Clean up your sketch and move on to the final
step. (6 of 9) [3/7/2000 13:01:58]

How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

Step 5:
Again, the coloring style of Final Fantasy 7
characters differs from the traditional anime
cel style, so try to make the colors smoother
rather than having such crisp edges. Make
sure you don't put too much shading in his
eyes; they should not be too detailed.

Full Body

Next, I'll show you how to draw Cloud in a full body pose. Start
off by drawing the basic shape of the body. This is sort of similar
to my DBZ body tutorial, in that you will use circles and ovals and
cylinders to define the shapes. However, the build of the body is a
lot lighter and thinner, so make sure not to make any of the forms
too large. Umm, I realize this pose looks a tad geeky right now,
but trust me, it will look better when you add the details. :) (7 of 9) [3/7/2000 13:01:58]

How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

Once you have the proportions down, you can start filling in some
of the details. Try to make the pants look loose and baggy around
the ankles.

Next, add in the final details. Hmm... can you tell I'm getting a
little burnt out? ^_~ I didn't have the patience to color this picture,
so you can click here to see the original colored version. It will be
a better example, anyway. ^_^

That completes my tutorial for how to draw Cloud. I hope this was of some help to you.
:) If this tutorial has helped you in any way, I'd love to see your finished work. If you
have any questions, please email me. (8 of 9) [3/7/2000 13:01:58]

How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

This page is created and maintained by Julie Dillon.

All material is copyright by their respective owners.
If you have any questions, comments, et cetera, please send them here.
Arigatou gozaimasu!
This site © 1998, 1999 by Julie Dillon. All rights reserved. (9 of 9) [3/7/2000 13:01:58]

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