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Your task is to write the answers to each of the following questions.

should exceed 50 words but no more than 100 words for each questions:

1. Case Study

Read the case study and answer the following questions to discuss coaching

A hospitality worker from a large hotel chain is in line for promotion. However,
there are reservations about his behavior in meetings and his ability to get the
best out of his team.

Originally a Chef, he has many of the characteristics typical of the profession. He

is intelligent and fast thinking with a sharp approach to issues, admired intelligence
in others and believed that he would be rated highly by his managers if he
continually demonstrated his own competence - even if this meant putting others

He was intolerant of people who thought more slowly than himself and this
intolerance was extended to more senior managers as well as to members of his
own team.

There was also a problem with his line managers as he did not see the need to give
them reports on his progress, expecting them to trust him to get on with the job.

a. Why does the worker need coaching?

Answer: The Worker need coaching because:
i. The worker is in line for promotion so he needs to learn new
ii. He is not performing to required standard
iii. Not following the company rules and regulations
iv. Not working as, a team
v. Not showing respect to his seniors and staff members

b. How often and for how long do you think this is required?

Answer: Formal coaching usually occurs on a weekly or monthly basis. The

supervisor should go over previous issues to see if they've been resolved, as
well as discuss the employee's current work performance.
c. What is the purpose of coaching the worker?

Answer: The purpose of coaching the worker is to develop his skills, teach him
the importance of team work, to respect his seniors and the staff members and
follow company rules and regulation

d. What skills does he need to learn?

Answer: He needs to learn communication skills, social skills, working in a team,

show respect and empathy to his staff members, following rules and regulations.

e. How could you check to find out if he understands the reason for his
coaching sessions?


 By talking to him directly

 By effective communication with the person
 Showing him evidences like staff complaints and management requests

f. What procedures should be highlighted to him in relation to his job?

 Step One: Analyze. Collect and interpret performance data and segment
employees by performance. Step Two: Prepare
 Step Three: Conduct
 Step Four: Document
 Step Five: Follow up

g. What types of feedback should be given to him?

 Positive feedback
 Negative feedback
 Constructive feedback

h. How could you support him in practicing his new skills?

• Visual observation and questioning of the employee
• Observing and evaluating the skills of the employee through having
them demonstrate and explain what they are doing
• Monitoring customer complaints. Effective monitoring entails: Being
specific about skill levels expected
• Checklists that are comprehensive and unbiased or leading
• Being open minded about results of the monitoring, allowing for
outside variables like bad days, illness, distractions
• Using a variety of monitoring tools to ensure that an accurate overall
picture of skill development is obtained

i. Who do you think you might need to report back to?

Answer: I need to report back to Senior Managers

j. What types of barriers to change might he have?

• Breakdown in communication
• Inappropriate circumstances for coaching
• Insufficient opportunity to practice
• Language or cultural barriers
• Shyness or lack of confidence

2. Effective Workplace Communication Poster

Conduct some research and develop a workplace appropriate poster outlining

effective communication techniques that are suitable to use in a workplace training


Communication techniques suitable to a workplace training context. In order for

workplace training to be effective, a good base of communication will need to be
established by using suitable communication techniques. Some of the main
communication techniques include:

 Verbal
 Non-verbal
 Written
 Email
 Telephone

When communicating with the trainee you will need to make sure that you speak in
a clear and concise way to help prevent any misunderstanding. Ensuring suitable
communication techniques for a training context will help to provide the trainee
with clear and understandable information when they need it. It will also allow you
to keep track of their understanding and to clear up any issue that they may have.

3. WHS Requirements Fact Sheet

Develop a fact sheet outlining relevant legislative work health and safety and
hygiene requirements for your workplace.


The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 provides a framework to protect the
health, safety and welfare of all workers at work. The main object of this Act
is to provide for a balanced and nationally consistent framework to secure the
health and safety of workers and workplaces by:

 protecting workers and other persons against harm to their health, safety
and welfare through the elimination or minimisation of risks arising from
work; and
 providing for fair and effective workplace representation, consultation,
co-operation and issue resolution in relation to work health and safety; and
 encouraging unions and employer organisations to take a constructive role in
promoting improvements in work health and safety practices, and assisting
persons conducting businesses or undertakings and workers to achieve a
healthier and safer working environment; and
 promoting the provision of advice, information, education and training in
relation to work health and safety; and
 securing compliance with this Act through effective and appropriate
compliance and enforcement measures; and
 ensuring appropriate scrutiny and review of actions taken by persons
exercising powers and performing functions under this Act; and
 providing a framework for continuous improvement and progressively higher
standards of work health and safety; and
 maintaining and strengthening the national harmonisation of laws relating to
work health and safety and to facilitate a consistent national approach to
work health and safety in this jurisdiction.
4. Principles of Training Resource.

Develop a suitable workplace reference resource that discusses the following key
principles of training:

a. Explanation.
b. Demonstration.
c. Review.
d. Listening to trainee explanation.
e. Observing and evaluating trainee demonstration.
f. Providing constructive and supportive feedback.


• Explanation. = principles of training help to guide the trainer in selecting the

correct training type and method in creating training sessions that will
improve performance. They help the trainer choose the workload for the
athlete to ensure they are not levelling out or failing to improve. The trainer
uses them in order to ensure their training matches competition and is
specific to the adaptations needed.

• Demonstration. = Demonstration of work skills is typically provided by

experienced workers or supervisors in the workplace. Relevant learning
resources and learning materials are accessed.

• Review=The principles of training help to guide the trainer in selecting the

correct training type and method in creating training sessions that will

• Listening to trainee explanation. =A good listener will listen not only to what
is being said, but also to what is left unsaid or only partially said. Effective
listening therefore involves observing body language and noticing
inconsistencies between verbal and non-verbal messages, as well as just what
is being said at any given moment.
• Observing and evaluating trainee demonstration = Trainers and human
resource professionals use training evaluation to assess if this is measured
through workplace observations, comparing before and after. Conduct
training feedback surveys; Assess training programs to address trainees
learning needs

• Providing constructive and supportive feedback. =Constructive feedback is

providing useful comments and suggestions that contribute to a positive
outcome, a better process or improved behaviors. It provides
encouragement, support, corrective measures and direction to the person
receiving it.

For this task you are to provide effective on-the-job coaching to four
different colleagues.

This may be completed in an industry workplace with colleagues or in an

appropriately simulated environment with individuals to participate by role
playing in roles relevant to your chosen tourism, travel or hospitality field. 


 For this task you will require various relevant work tasks in which to
coach others. These may include:

 Improving customer service skills

 Operating a cash register/POS terminal
 Waiting tables/order taking
 Developing itineraries

Colleague 1
Name: John
Trainer: James
Time: 12:45
Reason for Coaching: Improving customer service skills

Description of task(s) to be coached:

 Active Listening
 Handling Complaints
 Personal Appearance
 Communication Skills
 Improving Tone of voice

Colleague 2
Name: Sylvia
Trainer: Christina

Time: 12:45

Material needed: Manual for handling cash register/POS terminal

Reason for Coaching: Operating a cash register/POS terminal

Description of task(s) to be coached:

 Cash register instructions covering the basics: how to make a

sale, entering the price, handling EMV chip cards and debit
card transactions, etc. 
 Procedure for opening and closing the register each day
 Retail store policy on returns, exchanges, etc.
 Contact information for technical problems, merchant
processing service numbers, and for staff able to answer
advanced questions such as entering a layaway or processing a
 Process for balancing the cash register and how large a
shortage is allowable

 Detection of counterfeit currency.

 Proper cash handling techniques.
 Detect and discretely report a potential stolen credit or debit

Colleague 3
Name: Joe
Trainer: Monica

Time: 12:45

Material needed: Menu

Reason for Coaching: Waiting tables/order taking

Description of task(s) to be coached:

o Greeting
o Giving and Collecting Orders:
o Approaching the Table
o Explaining the Menu
o Taking the Food Order
o Delivering the Food
o Making Suggestions to the Customer
o Upsell

Colleague 4
Name: Rachel
Trainer: Phoebe

Time: 12:45

Reason for Coaching: To help her learn to develop itineraries

Description of task(s) to be coached:

 Create a list of tasks

 Schedule tasks to be performed
 Define SMART Goals and Objectives.
 Make a List of the Sessions or Activities. ...
 Carefully Allocate the Time for Each Session. ...
 Go over Your Schedule a Few Times.

 To effectively prepare for on-the-job coaching, you will need to:

 Identify and document the need for training for at least four
colleagues, using a range of factors.

 Using own observation
 Considering requests for coaching
 Review performance evaluation
 Analyse feedback from customers/ clients
 Analyse employee satisfaction levels
 Map competencies

 Meet with each of the four colleagues to identify and discuss

their specific coaching needs.

The coaching that is required for the employee to undertake a
particular task needs to match the needs of that particular
To make sure that the coaching session does match the
employee’s needs as well as the needs of the job you must
determine who the employee is. This means taking into account
their past history, including past experience, skills, and training.
In order to determine the specific experience, skills and
training a staff member has previously had you would need to
both observe the staff member and have a discussion session
with them.
Finally, you must determine the best method of coaching for a
particular employee and for the task at hand.
The time and place chosen for conducting a coaching session can
determine the effectiveness of the session.

 Organise the coaching sessions with each individual.

 Motivation: Explain the reason for the training and how
the trainee will benefit from the training, seek their
opinion on issues and involve them as much as possible
 A trainee Centered Approach: Ensuring the trainee is the
focus of the training, ask them questions and draw on
their past experiences
 Training of learning: Make the training relevant to the
job, use real life example from own experiences so the
trainee can see the benefit of the training
 The environment: Make sure the training is carried out in
a positive, professional and helpful learning atmosphere
 Activity: Use exercises, practical sessions or class
discussions to keep the trainee involved
 Reinforcement: Repeat, summarize and reinforce the
main points
 The training process: Structure training in such a way
that it does not interfere with their job
 Hold the session in private place so it remains
 Perform the following steps with each of the four colleagues to coach
them on-the-job and within common commercial time constraints:

 Explain to the colleague the overall purpose of the coaching. 

The overall purpose of the coaching is to:
 Teach new skills
 Meet the company standard
 Help them achieve goals
 Help them perform to the best of their ability
 Help them build personal relationships

 Clearly explain and demonstrate the specific skills being


 Technical Skills: Use of POS Terminal/cash register, use
of computer
 Communication Skills: Talking to the customers, taking
orders, greeting, use of effective words.
 Management Skills: Developing itineraries
 Social Skills: Improving customer service skills, taking
orders, waiting tables,

 Communicate the required background knowledge and additional

information to the colleague.

Communicating the information is done by:
 Staff Meeting or briefing sessions
 Informal Chats
 Private Meeting
 Formal Meeting
 Internal Memos
 Emails
 Through Telephone

 Check the colleagues understanding of the required information

by listening to their explanation of the task.

 Pay Attention: Give the colleagues undivided attention,
and acknowledge what they are saying. Put aside
distracting thoughts. Avoid being distracted by
environmental factors. For example, side conversations.
“Listen" to the speaker's body language.

 Show That You're Listening: Use your own body language

and gestures to show that you are engaged. Nod
occasionally and Smile and use other facial expressions.
Make sure that your posture is open and interested.

 Provide Feedback: Our personal filters, assumptions,

judgments, and beliefs can distort what we hear. As a
listener, our role is to understand what is being said.
Listen to the colleagues and provide either positive or
negative feedback in a diplomatic manner.

 Defer Judgment: Interrupting is a waste of time. It

frustrates the speaker and limits full understanding of
the message. Allow the speaker to finish each point
before asking questions. Don't interrupt with counter

 Respond Appropriately: Active listening is designed to

encourage respect and understanding. You are gaining
information and perspective. You add nothing by
attacking the speaker or otherwise putting her down. Be
candid, open and honest in your response. Assert your
opinions respectfully. Treat the other person in a way
that you think they would want to be treated

 Advise the colleague of any organisational procedures that

relate to competing the required workplace tasks, including any
relevant legislative work health and safety and hygiene

 Proper Grooming
 No excess Jewelry
 Clean Uniform
 Short Hair and Long hair tied back
 Must wear PPT when necessary
 Use of gloves to handle ready to eat food
 Cleaning the premises regularly
 Taking bath regularly and not using excessive perfumes
 Take out rubbish regularly
 Do not lift heavy items ask for help when needed

 Provide an opportunity for the colleague to practice their skills.

While explanations and demonstrations are an important part of
training, many people will be more likely to retain the
information they learn when they can implement the skills.
Practicing work skills is the best way for people to understand
what they have been taught.
 Delegating tasks or letting them complete the task under
supervision will give them an opportunity to practice their
 Give them special assignments
 Job Rotation
 Secondments- letting them join another department for
a short period of time

 Encourage the colleague to ask questions throughout the


Effective questioning techniques are useful for determining the
level of knowledge that a co-worker has about their job role.
You can use this information to assist with planning a way to
teach them the job skills that they need at the level they are
at. Effective questioning techniques include:
 Open questions – generally start with "what", "why" or
"how" which require more detailed answers

 Closed questions – will receive a single word response or a

short answer

 Reflective questions – require examination of existing

knowledge or information before giving a thoughtful

 Review the task.

On completion of a coaching session, the coach should always
review and revise the session by going over the session step by
step. Notes should be made of areas where improvements could
be made for running future coaching sessions. These are some
areas which may be addressed:
 Clarity of presentation
 Achievement of objectives
 Coverage of all necessary steps
 Ease of following demonstration
 Time of presentation
 Place
 Assessment of participant/s
 Equipment used
 Introduction
 Body
 Conclusion

 Observe and evaluate the colleague as they demonstrate their


It is very essential to observe and evaluate the colleague as
they demonstrate their skills to assess understanding. It is
normally done under the supervision of a more experienced
staff member so any mistakes can be corrected and any
questions answered.

 Provide feedback in constructive and supportive manner.

Feedback for the person being coached is a very important
element of a coaching session because it is feedback which
allows the participant to determine how well they understand
what they are being taught. Feedback should encourage the
participant to continue trying and practicing.

 For each colleague, complete the following steps to follow-up coaching

 Provide supportive assistance and monitor the progress of
colleagues’ new workplace skills.

The monitoring stage of coaching (i.e. checking that the learner
is actually able to do the task they have learned and repeat it in
the workplace) is often neglected by coaches because the
coaching session is seen to be complete once the session is
finished. In fact, it is the monitoring process (checking and re-
checking that the skill has been developed) which will determine
whether the process is in fact complete or not. Monitoring the
employee in the workplace will show whether or not they have
the skill or require further coaching. Monitoring the employee
is also important because it provides the employee with support,
motivation to keep improving and guidance or help if this is
required. Monitoring can be undertaken in the following ways:
 Checklists - filled out by a supervisor, the coach or the
employee, which may list items that can be ranked as:
Needs Practice or Good or Excellent
 Visual observation and questioning of the employee;
Checking of figures for improvement in sales figures,
speed of service, and accuracy
 Observing and evaluating the skills of the employee
through having them demonstrate and explain what they
are doing
 Monitoring customer complaints. Effective monitoring
entails: Being specific about skill levels expected
 Checklists that are comprehensive and unbiased or
 Being open minded about results of the monitoring,
allowing for outside variables like bad days, illness,
 Using a variety of monitoring tools to ensure that an
accurate overall picture of skill development is obtained

 Report the progress of the colleague to the appropriate person.

 Report the training results to a Training Manager,
Executive Chef or Department Manager

 Identify if there are any performance problems or difficulties

with the coaching, and rectify or, if required, refer to the
appropriate person for follow-up.  

 Breakdown in communication
 Inappropriate circumstances for coaching
 Insufficient opportunity to practice
 Language or cultural barriers
 Shyness or lack of confidence
 The trainee does not understand the benefit and purpose
of the training
 Trainee is not at ease or comfortable
 Poor attendance at the training session

 Once you have successfully coached four colleagues in job skills on-the-
job, you will need to sit down with your
 Briefly describe the objectives and scope of the training
provided for each colleague.


Colleague 1
 To improve customer service
 Handling customer complaints properly
 To be able to communicate with customer in a manner
which promotes good will, trust and satisfaction
 Accurately identifying potential customer’s needs
 Providing friendly and courteous offers of assistance
beyond customer original request
 Promote organisations services and product to encourage
repeat visitation

Colleague 2
 To be able to operate cash register/POS terminal
which includes Cash register instructions covering
the basics: how to make a sale, entering the price,
handling EMV chip cards and debit card
transactions, etc.

Colleague 3
 To be able to take orders and waiting tables
 Proper grooming
 Menu knowledge
 Delivering food
 Upsell
 Make suggestion

Colleague 3
 To be able to develop set of every tasks
 Schedule tasks to be performed
 Define SMART Goals and Objectives.
 Make a List of the Sessions or Activities
 Carefully Allocate the Time for Each Session
 Go over Your Schedule a Few Times.

 Communication techniques used throughout the coaching tasks

conducted that are suitable for workplace training.


Communication techniques used:

 Briefing Sessions
 Informal Chats
 Emails
 Verbal- Telephone
 Private Meetings


SITHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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