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B_ Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correc, and some have a word which should not be there. fa line is correct, put a tick (7) by the number. Ifa line has a word which should not be there, write the word on the lft. ‘Abay1N COURT 1 ve just come back from an amazing school trp! Five of 2 us from my class were allowed to go spend the afternoon 3 following a court case. The defendant he was obviously 4 ‘guilty ~you could tell him from his face. He was accused 5 ‘of stealing acar buthe has been said that he thought it was his ‘ {riend’s car and he was just borrowing it You should have 7 heard to the lawyer forthe prosecution when he said, You 8 ‘are known to bea person with several of convictions for ° theft, and yet you expect that us to belive this iiculous 0 story Anyway, nobody believe him so, when they * ound him gulty, they sent him tothe prison fortwo months. 2 ‘Asthey were taking him faraway, he shouted at the jury and ‘tied to beat up on a policeman. think fd quite lke to study 4 law it's very much interesting to watch the way people 5 behave when they arenot telling al the trath ‘A. Read the text below and find the word which best ts each space. (CRIME STATISTICS Every year, statistics are released which show (i) has been happening in the country in terms of crime. But we should be suspicious (2)... these statistic. They don't always tellus very much. If they have (@) prepared by the government, they will tend (4) ‘emphasise the positive. 6) contrast, certain newspapers will (6) onthe negative: the victims of crime; the violence; the dramatic rise ‘Some statistics are interesting, however. It (7) naw, for example, that only 40% of all robberies (8) ever solved, compared to 90% of murders. That means that, (9) you be unfortunate enough to (10)... robbed, the chances (1) ever recovering your property are small. OF course, it also means that one (12) ten killers is walking the streets right now. But take courage from the thought that, (13) you are murdered, the police (14) probably catch him (or her)! And, as ifyou couldn't guess, most crimes involving vehicles and mobile phones are committed by people under twenty-five. Finally, (15) ‘most useless statistic of all? The fewest violent crimes~in fact, crimes of any kind ~are committed by people in which age group? The over-6os! B Read the text below and decide which answer (A B, or D) best fits each space. SPORTIN PRISON Forall the arguments about prison, there isno getting (a) from the fact tha it exists. Once the judge and (2) have done their job, we have to (3)... thousands of men and women occupied until they are (4) ‘Sports ideal (6). prisoners fr many reasons. Being (6). punishes people by taking away their freedom; just because someone gets in (7). withthe law, we have no (8). to take away their health as well. Secondly, the @) that you feel when you are Go) up fora long prison (a) can make you very antisocial and aggressiv “The (a2) — thing we want i for people to come out (43) ten years, or even ten months, and (44) up the fis! person they ee. Sport provides a way of controling that 5), 1 Afar Bout ack Daway 2 Apanel Bjuy Cteam Dboard 3 Aol Bstore Cheep Dpreserve 4 Ateleased Bremanded Cabandoned Dcharged 5 Ato Bin Cfor with 6 inwards Bindoors internal Dinside 7 Atrouble Bmess Cwory Dial 8 Ajustice Bhaimess right demand 9 Auniqueness Bremoteness individuality Disolation wo Akeyed Blocked Closed Dbroken a Acontract Bexperience sentence Dcourse 2 Alast Bhest final Dterminal 3 Aduring Bhetore Cafter Dover anit Bight cmug, Dbeat 15 Actime Bviolence assault opportunity Vocabulary “Woeabulary page 157 =>) ‘A. Match the people tothe definitions. 1 the accused 2 thejudge 3 thejay 4 asolietor 5 awitress 6 anorfencer 7 aconvet 2 the person who announces the verdict an passes a person who gives advice about the law « thetwelve people who decide if someone is uly or ot gly 4 acral, someone who commits crime «the defendant, the person who ha ben taken to cour f aprisoner, someone serving prison sentence |g someone wh see a crime beng commited B Use aword rom Exercise Ain the comet frm in ‘each gapto complete the sentences. + Young ae often sven fies instead of being sent te prison 2 The asheathe steney had reached their verdict. 3 lwanted to sell myhouse, oft contacted my 44 There were eas thata vital would not ppestin cout because be had been treater. 5 Two policemen ed the into he courtroom and some of the members of the publi began shouting stim. (Use. phrasal vet fom the boxtn the comrect fom imeach gop to complete the sentences. beat up «eto getaway with oll rake «breakin 1 The ude decided hat, because ofthe ceumstances, he woul him th warning 2 Sofa no-one has elimed esponsibility forthe bomb that inthe dy ceive last ight 3 Make sure you havea goodlck onthe back or thats diel fortheves fo 4 The bank robbers th ever €15, 090 neash 5 "out never thistthe man shouted 8 the haan away 6 The tao men were sentenced skmorths In prison because they had sninnocent young man. D Hasentence is comet put atk (/. tits Inconel rite cored. 1 When the young i was accused a steal she stared oer 2 When hey had collected enough evidence the police finaly charged the mano rad, 3 Tim refused helping Stacey steal the sweets and home to tell his paren what she nas planing 4 Alan Malwelweny Seve, wasconvted for Dace today at Manchester Crown Cour. 5 Altnough the evidence was quite song the ‘cused continued to deny having been ioe in tect {6 Fay blared his younger bother that he broke the window, butt wast eal his fault

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