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Let's get the backgrounds out of the way: I took up serious running late last year. 28th of November
2010. RAC's 32 km tough one in Randburg.

Four hours and eighteen minutes later I was bruised, tired and totally beaten. Sunken-
red eyes. Bleeding Nipples?! Never seen that before. Horrified!!

Wrong T-shirt! Wrong shoes! Wrong everything! Had six beers the night before.Yes! That's right. I
made two promises. To my brother and to a friend. I had to keep both. Seven hours later I was
playing resistance games with the tarmac while nursing a hangover. Life!

My brother nailed the race in 3 hours and thirteen minutes. I could only keep up with him the first
17km. He is a seasoned runner! He is an old campaigner! Most importantly he had a plan and I had
none whatsoever.

My "plan" was to run and see how far and fast I could go. Drink as much water as possible (I sweat
excessively. I need lots of water to compensate for the loss). Stop and walk when tired. Stretch before
and after the race. Eat something before the race. I thought I had the race covered. Mr I-have-an-

I was put in my place quick.

On the 17th kilometer mark I stopped at a filling station-garage. To refresh. I went to the restroom and
just sat there. Finished. Nineteen minutes later I summoned enough courage and continued. The race
was never the same. My pace dropped from 6 minutes per kilometer to 12-15 minutes per kilometer. I
walked more than I ran. Just as long as I finish the race. Fifteen kilometers to go. The thought was
insulting. What was I thinking? Moron! Curse once more! Dig deep! Deep breath! Courage! Silent
curse a kilometre later! An endless contradiction of emotions.

To set the record straight that was not exactly my first run. I did the Soweto 10km challenge a few
years ago (I can't remember when). I also used to do "road-works" when I was a teenager. Road-
works are just practice runs on the road. On weekdays I also run 20 minutes or 1 hour on the
treadmill. I average 3.5km in 20min and 9.5km in 1 hour. I started going to the gym almost three
years ago: just to have a hobby.

I stopped smoking almost three weeks ago (today is the 7th of March 2011) after 19 years of casual
smoking. (Casual translates to an average of six cigarettes a day). I am not sure how long this would
last. It could be four months, four years or four decades. I am not going to worry and stress about it. I
am not using any medicine, patches or supplements. Just sheer will-power. I am taking it one day at a

As you may have realised, I drink beer. No whisky, wine or brandy. Just beer. I don't (can't) drink one
"dumpie" of beer. A "dumpie" is a 340ml bottle of beer. I drink at least four of those or nothing at all. I
consider one beer a waste of time and money. Let¶s not debate this. That¶s just how I see it.

In any case I have since cut down on alcohol. Why? Reason one: Running. Reason two: Studies.
Reason three: I am not getting any younger. Thirty-nine years and counting!?

As you may have deduced by now I am a complete novice: a novice of novices who is continually
learning and making mistakes. Some of the lessons are painful, disheartening and unnecessary.

Lessons learned: wear the right running clothes; wear the right shoes; arrive at least 30 minutes
before the race; practice and train regularly; have a plan.

Next chapter I will tell you about my second race: Johnson Crane Marathon in Benoni.

Cheers for now

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