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Cover Art by David Gallagher Art by Jobn Blanche, Wayne England, Dayid Gallagher, Des Hanley, Toby Hynes, Mark Gibbons, Paul Smith, John Wigicy. PRODUCED BY GAMES WORKSHOP k. Sogo ad Naar a als ign Eat Raise cs hes Woe Ls cine Rh Ai ym nt} Gams evtsinp psn he eg ce Thelen thes an ths @ANES tYORGHO? un we ous rone usta canon CONTENTS WARHAMMER CAMPAIGN, BRETONNIANS & WOOD ELVE CHOOSING FORCES. ROSTER SHEETS SPECIAL CHARACTERS, ‘THE PERILOUS QUEST... TROUBADOURS' TALES. ‘THE BARON'S SHIELD BRING ME THE HEAD OF DROGO LE MAL". ‘THE DEMANDS OF HONOUR. (CAMPAIGN MAP BEAL QUEST. SCENARIO I ‘THE TOURNEY, sera THE TOURNEY AT QUENELLES ENTER THE WOOD EINES. DEATH DEFORE DISHONOUR FIGHTING THE TOURNEY SCENARIO II THE BATTLE OF THE TENTS, ELF TREACHERY. SCENARIO MAP. FIGHTING THE BATTLE SCENARIO IIL THE PERILOUS PILGRIMAGE . THE PRICE OF HONOUR THE LADY OF CHALLOTIE. PERILOUS PILGRIMAGE LURKERS IN THE GLADE - GITING THE BATTLE. . SCENARIO MAP. SCENARIO TV BATTLE OF THE TREE OF SHIELDS . SGRAVAIN'S QUEST COUNCIL OF WAR SGRAVAIN'S DREAM, HE TREE OF SHIELDS FIGHTING THE BATT CENARIOMAP.. WOR RG eeroe 4 “ 4 4 6 6 16 ae, “7 18 8 » » APPENDIX I: THE CHANSON DE CHAILLOTTE, TOURNEY AT QUENELLES. ...- Eretunaians Wood Fives BATILE OF THE TENTS. Bretonnians Wood Elves THE PERILOUS PILGRIMAGE . - bretonnians Wool Leos ‘THE BATTLE OF THE TREE OF SHIELDS... Bretonatans Wood Elves ‘BRETONNIAN TOURNEYS TBE FIELDS OF BREFONNIA {THE JOUSH & Ub JABLEAUX DE BATAILLE: HERALDS? RULES & LOURNEY KC CREATING A JOUSTING TEAM NIGHTLY VIRTUES, "THE LADY'S FAVOUR ‘ThE Jousr JOUSHING PLOYS: “THE TABLEAUX DE BATAIL THE BLACK KNIGI (CHALLENGING THE BIACK KNIGHT. NIGHTRY VIRTUES OURNEY PRIZES TOURNEY RO. ‘CARD BUILDING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS. seal a 2 223 a 2 30 31 31 S ERRRARE RE Eee a ee eee ? a WARHAMMER CAMPAIGN Perilous Quest is one of a series of Wartimmer Cainpaign supplements, Each campaiga presents number of encouaters berween two cial forces, ‘culmivtaing ira decisive bartle to determine the winner. BRETONNIANS AND WOOD ELVES This supplement deserbes she advcnnares ofa Questing Kight named Azrivain de Beas Quest, He is the hero ol 2 famous tetonavan troubadour ballad whit tells ho» his quest to rescue 1a Damorscle de Challowe who appeared © him i a vision, gathered momentum Ino & Small Erraniry war against the Wood ach Wishammer Campaign supplement is designed azound pwo chal forces, but with the chief emphasis on fone army ia pamicular Portions Quest, as is ttle sugges is based stone Beetonnians, and will prove a Useful supplement for any Bsrevonman player. Noc only Goes it include cules for Bghting the campaign, but it also inchices special cules fhe Bretomnian jousti tournaments, and a set of card buildings tor a Hreicnnan encampment and rollqusry wagon which will be exualy useful in future bustles Perifows Quast and. other supplements in this series are fereate) Qe This betite is based on she vorse of the Chanson de Chatlotte which tells of bow the treacherous Wood Bees stole the prizes ef the tourney without een wetting 10 soo if their comuesaders bud wore Ut by fale contest! This seus lo hates fatefil comseqruersees. F TREACHERY Realising at a Wood BF viewony in the tourney was by so meuns assured, ancl just after seeing yet another Pt Prinze rumble from his sale, Auhelwya gave a discreet signal to one of bis hooded retainers who stole away Unnotleed. A few moments lates, while everyone's attention was focused on the exeitement ofthe jousting, 5 commotion broke out ainong the tents and pavilions fn the adjoining field, It was here, un the large pavilion, thar the tourney prizes were being guarded. Suddenly a fiesee beast, some sore of ferocious wild eat, rnin amok among the Breronntan tenes, pursued by number of Wood llves. The beast had managec w get loose from the Wood FIP encampment ie the woods beside the tourncy field and the Wood Bif retainers were THE BATTLE OF THE TENTS - SCENARIOTI OF THE TENTS {4 sera ai nina near icc trying to recapeuce it, or pretending tol The beast caused total confusion as Men-atanns struggled to catch i ‘while grooms and servants rashid! inal clirections to get fou of the way, hs was only a diversion. Soon che enclosure way swarming with Wood Elves who quickly overpowered: the hanefil of guards there. The great pavilion was pped open and the chalice was stolen. Without regard for honour or faie play the Wood Elves had aot even waited for the outcome of the coumey, ‘Ths was espicab'c behaviour. The Brotonniaas were outraged! “The commotion was seen from the Eauberg de Mayonne by the Castellan of Quenelles, evetlooking the courney field. He hastily musiered every available man to cey and festone order Ie wats not anil he reaches tbe tents Qa it was clear the Wood Elves were up to something. Uofomunstely 2ll he Knights were attending the joust and were not at hand to stop the wily Ehes [rom looting the prizes. By Some secret arrangement Hawk Riders rom Loren appeared overhend, ready’ t0 take away the stolen remsand speet! them safely back vo dhe depths of the forest. The Castellan and his men had to act fast! 12" BRETONNIAN DEPLOYMENT ZONE WOOD ELF DEPLOYMENT ZONE. 12 coud ~ Hedges crtnces ig 7a Prize Paviion 1 FIGHTING THE BATTLE ‘The Raisfe of rhe Tents is the second in a series of encounters berveen Wood Elfand Breronnian forces. he outcome of this hartle decides AoW many magic items the Wood Hires steal from the prize pavilion. Those can be aged hy the Wond Eves in the final bate THE BATTLEFIELD ‘The seitng, for this hale Is the cent enclosure ext 6 the tourney field The tents belong to the various Knighily rettnues: snd are grouped around che prize pavilion Along one sid of the fisld flows the river Jrienne The tent enclosure is in the muddle of she Dattiefield and is shown on the map as the fenced off area, Use the hoardings prewided in the box and other ‘suitable scenery pieces, such as fences or hedges you may have in your scencey callection, wo represent the ‘enclosure perimetes. Remember tp leave gaps berween, the hoatelings so that both armies are able to getinto the op the bactlediete as shown on the map using the tents aad prize pavilion included in this pack, Alternately, you and your opponent can agree On ‘aariation of the batdefeld to stie the scenery which you have available ‘The Armies Eseh player refer othe Restle Senall for Wis army in ‘order to chore forces for the battle, The Battle Setoll also describes any special rales which apply, 25 well as, viviory conditions, victory gains and tactieal hints. Deploying for Battle ‘The Wood FM army is deployed first. Its ones may be dopleyedt up to the middie fine othe table hut ne closer than 18° to the side edges. The Breioanian army is deployed afierwarits 1s esis can be deplayed 00 12" of ies mblo edge. SPECIAL RULES. Waywarcher Traps — Waywarchers that ace tn she tented cnclosure will automatically set aps beowecn the tents, uulising tent ropes, poles, and anytbing else taat eames to hand, Any enomy charging the unit within the cenclosuce will aetvate the taps THE BATTLE Who has the first tucn? ‘The Beetoonsan aemay has the fest turn, How long does the battle fast? The Bartle ofthe Tents raged (rom justefore che end of the toumey in che late afternoon, until sunset brought aan end 1 hostllites. To represen this the barde lasts for four game tums each representing about one hour of daylight in the oniginal Bartle Each side will therefore complexe four turns unless the battle ends earker ma sudden death vicery far the Bretonnians. VICTORY OR DEFEAT ‘Tis battle docs not result in a seu gnttorward victory oF defeat for one side or the other Inscead, the Woor! Elves gain more loot the longer they can hold off the Bietonnians LOOTING THE PRIZE: ‘The prize pavilion contains four magic items thar the Rreiennkins have taken out af Atel Loven. ‘The Chalice is obviously the top prize for the Bretonnians, the Silver Arrow will look nice tacked cn 2 Knights shield, the Gold Casket is worth a crown or rw0 andl the OKt Stick AS seen 25 0 hit of 4 booby prize! These are laelled 1st

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