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NAME: ___________________________________________________________ DATE: ___________________

SECTIN A: Choose the correct answers

1. When we volunteer we___________ ( )
a. do as we are told b. offer to help c. get paid to help
2. At school we can volunteer to __________________ ( )
a. tidy the classroom b. become a prefect c. write the school rules
3. ___________is an example of a school development activity. ( )
a. getting to school on time b. participating in school events c. taking the bus to school
4. Culture include _______________ ( )
a. music and dancing b. religion and language c. both (a) and (b)
5. National culture is important because __________ ( )
a. it unites us as Tanzania b. it make us the same as other countries
c. it help us to decide where to go to school
6. we can promote our national culture by_______ ( )
a. listening to the radio b. celebrating national festivals c. visiting other countries
7. One advantage of promoting national culture is that it _________ ( )
a. teaches us traditional skills b. keep us safe c. teaches us different language
8. A district council is made up of __________ ( )
a. several wards b. villages c. tribunals
9. The head of the District Government is ___________ ( )
a. the district secretarial b. the president c. the district commissioner
10. Wards are collections of ________ ( )
a. districts b. cities c. villages
11. There are ___________ regions in Tanzania ( )
a. 25y b. 30 c. 40
12. The national emblem of Tanzania is used on documents such as_______ ( )
a. pass ports b. personal letters c. news papers
13. Outdated customs and traditions in Tanzania do not include: __ ( )
a. inheriting widows and beating women
b. encouraging women to get an education
c. female genital mutilation
14. The ______ is the head of the reginal government . ( )
a. district commissioner
b. regional administrative secretary
c. regional commissioner
15. Soil erosion is caused by ______________ ( )
a. children playing in the veld b. animals trampling a path c. planting trees
SECTION B: Fill in the blanks
Write down four examples of Tanzania national holidays
16. ___________________________________________________
17. ___________________________________________________
18. ___________________________________________________
19. ___________________________________________________

Write there department of ward government

21. ___________________________________________________
22. ___________________________________________________

23. What is the motto of your school emblem? ________________________________________________


24. Draw your school emblem

List down three national symbol and its meanings

26. ______________________________________________________________________________________
27. ______________________________________________________________________________________

SECTION C: Write true or false

28. A school badge identifies the school that you go to __________________________________
29. A school badge is something to proud of ____________________________________________
30. Kiswahili has played an important role in the history of Tanzania as a nation______________
31. People are defined by their disability ______________________
32. Kicking a child is not child abuse ________________________
33. Some acts that hurt children are acceptable _____________________

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