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Main Course Supplementary Materials

Gamma (8 Pre-Intermediate) Regular
Unit 11A


Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences with USED TO.


I was very shy when I was a child. Now I’m not. I used to be very shy, but now I am not.

1. My father worked in a factory for many years, but now he doesn’t have a job.

2. When I was a child, I watched cartoons on TV. I don’t watch cartoons any more.
3. When I was in a high school, I wore a uniform at school. Now I don’t.
4. Melissa had a cat. She doesn’t have a cat now.
5. I drank a lot of milk when I was a child. Now I don’t

Exercise 2: Fill in the gaps with USED TO or DID ………… USE TO.

A: Where did you use to live before you moved here?

B: We used to live in İzmir.

1. A: What games __________ you __________ play when you wew a child?

B: I ______________ play hide and seek a lot.

2. A: Who ____________ you _____________ play with?

B: I _______________ play with my cousin, Cem.

3. A: What time ___________you ______________ go to bed before you started school?

B: I ________________ go to bed at midnight.

Main Course Supplementary Materials
Gamma (8 Pre-Intermediate) Regular
Unit 11A

4. A: What programmes ______________ you _________________ watch on TV when you were in


B: I ___________ watch talk shows.

5. A: How ______________ you _______________ go to work before you bought your car?

B: I _______________ take the bus.

Exercise 3: READING

I used to be very naughty when I was a child. I remember that I used to drive my parents mad. For
example, I used to be very jealous of my elder sister so I used to hide her books when there was an
exam. And naturally, my parents used to punish me often. They used to lock me in my room for hours.
One of my worst habits was that I used to bite my finger nails when I was nervous. Another thing that
I remember is that I didn’t use to wake up early because I didn’t use to like school very much so I was
always late for school. At school I was troublemaker too.
I used to make my friends talk and laugh by making funny faces at them. What’s more, I used to
refuse to do class work, so I was a bad example for the rest of the class. That’s why the teachers often
used to call my parents to school. And I remember I used to hate literature and science, but I used to
love physical education and art classes. In fact, I used to be the best at sports in the class.

A. Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE?

1_______ He used to dislike school.

2_______His teachers used to complain about him to his parents.

3_______ He never used to disturb his classmates.

4___________ He used to dislike literature and science.

5___________ He used to be good at all classes.

Main Course Supplementary Materials
Gamma (8 Pre-Intermediate) Regular
Unit 11A

B. Answer the questions. Give a short answers.

1. Why did he use to hide his sister’s books?


2. How did his parents use to punish him?

3. What did he use to do when he was excited?


4. Why was he always late for school?


5. What subjects did he use to be good at?


Exercise 4: Read this student's journal. Find and correct four mistakes in the use of used to.
When I was younger, clothing didn't used to be a problem. All the girls at my school used to wore
the same uniform. I used to think that it took away from my freedom of choice. Now I can wear what I
want, but clothes cost so much! Even blue jeans, today's "uniform.", used to be cheaper. My mom uses to
pay less than $20 for hers. I guess they didn't used to sell designer jeans back then.:

Main Course Supplementary Materials
Gamma (8 Pre-Intermediate) Regular
Unit 11A

Exercise 5: Look at the sentences below, and make two more sentences about each
situation in the table below.

Past Time What has changed? Present Time

e.g. I used to live in İzmir with my I have moved to Ankara. I live in a dormitory in
family. Ankara now.

I have given up smoking.

I didn’t use to play the guitar.

3. She has put on weight.

4. I do not attend a university

preparation course any more.

She used to have long hair.

I don’t have a cat now.

7. There used to be a tree in the


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