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Personal Statement
for Hugh Sykes © Self Awareness is delivered by Apricot Training Management Limited

Hugh's Qualities

Soft tempered, attentive, calm, loyal, composed, reliable, persistent, tenacious, hard worker, sincere, inquisitive, egocentric,
courageous, assertive, conceptual, insistent, composed, deliberate, probing

Hugh's Foundations

l Accepts a challenge and sees a task through

l Takes decisions within his area of competence and interest
l Knows his own mind
l Reserved and sincere
l Is an active listener who checks the detail

Personal Statement

This is a very steady, dependable person who approaches problems in an organised, practical way. He is unlikely to show
signs of panic, even though he may be somewhat anxious inside. Hugh displays
a very calm, controlled attitude. He is not usually a quick reactor being able to
reach out and take charge of situations. Hugh is not very sociable and may
come across to others as somewhat reserved and negative. He works best
when something is at stake and when he can solve his own problems.

He can become exceedingly strong -willed and even defiant; particularly if he

considers that an injustice has been done. Hugh is self -motivated toward doing
things independently and in his own way without outside interference. He has a
tendency to be possessive and while he will forgive, it is unlikely that he will
ever forget.

Hugh is a hard worker who takes a no -nonsense approach and sees very little
need to persuade or motivate others. Though not quick to express his feelings,
he will speak his mind.

Hugh has a naturally reflective style is therefore motivated to learn when he can
be sure of a combination of security, appreciation, hard work and challenge.
Opportunity for advancement and recognition for good work are also key

Hugh’s ideal tutor will be a diplomatic but direct leader who discusses and
agrees the exact requirement with him and then gives sincere praise and reassurance that accomplishments are both
worthwhile and appreciated. There is also a need for security and structure which should be recognised if Hugh is to give of
his best.

Things That Hugh Is Likely To Do Well

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l Working methodically and persistently in order to complete tasks
l Taking things on in his specialist area of competence and interest
l Tying up the loose ends and seeing a task through to conclusion
l Listening to others and considering their opinions
worthwhile and appreciated. There is also a need for security and structure which should be recognised if Hugh is to give of
his best.

Personal Statement Report for Hugh Sykes continued

Things That Hugh Is Likely To Do Well

l Achieving goals in an organised and persistent manner

l Working methodically and persistently in order to complete tasks
l Taking things on in his specialist area of competence and interest
l Tying up the loose ends and seeing a task through to conclusion
l Listening to others and considering their opinions

What Hugh Has To Offer

Hugh has a natural blend of attributes which combine to shape his approach to new tasks; he tends to specialise and is always
organised with great powers of concentration. This is driven by his great determination to succeed, although he usually keeps
his feet on the ground.

Study skills which should come easily to Hugh are those of strategic planning and an innate ability to get to the root of a

Areas to develop with the tutor could focus on setting priorities for study. A practical exercise which works well is to build a
priority organiser which lists various things that Hugh needs to achieve, rates them for importance, and then allocates
appropriate time and resources to each.

Hugh will be able to make a significant contribution to any organisation because of his balance between excellent organising
abilities, determination, patience and attentive and sensitive listening skills and his ability to work independently to achieve
meaningful results.

His acceptance of traditional values and standards and systems and procedures that have proved themselves over time
indicates that he is likely to be a stabilising influence in the learning environment with much emphasis on loyalty and concern
for the welfare of all those his group. He is likely to encourage active participation from all concerned and also be prepared to
listen to and consider others' opinions.

The likely career path for Hugh may build around using his powerful abilities to organise, plan and deliver meaningful, realistic
outcomes; whatever the problem or opportunity.

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