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Hemorrhagic Remedies

Hemorrhage active or passive, bright red from all the orifices of the body along with Nausea
(Erig., Mill.); uterine, profuse, clotted; heavy, oppressed breathing during; stitches from naval to

Haemorrhage profuse, dark, grumous (dense clotted, coagulated), from ulceration of bowels
(Crot.); uterine, active or passive; after a fall or rough riding;

Haemorrhagic diathesis; small wounds bleed easily and profusely (Crot., Kreos., Phos.); blood
dark, noncoagulable (Crot., Sec.). Loquacity change from subject to subject.

Nitric acid:
Haemorrhage from bowels in typhoid or typhus (Crot., Mur. ac.); after miscarriage or post-
partum; from overexertion of body; bright, profuse, or dark.

Haemorrhage diathesis; small wounds bleed profusely (Kreos., Lach.); from every mucous
Haemorrhage : frequent and profuse, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a time;
metrorrhagia, in cancer; haemoptysis, vicarious, from nose, stomach, anus, urethra, in

Secale cor:
Haemorrhagic diathesis the slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks (Lach., Phos.);
discharge of sanious (A thin, fetid, greenish fluid consisting of serum and pus) liquid blood with a strong
tendency to putrescence; tingling in the limbs and great debility, especially when the weakness
is not caused by previous loss of fluids.
Uterine hemorrhage when uterus is engorged; with pains in sacrum, extending down thighs and
pressing into lower abdomen of a pregnant woman; profuse protracted flow; tearing, cutting
colic, cold extremities and cold sweat, weak, hemorrhage aggravated from slightest motion,
blood thin and black, black lumpy or brown fluid, of disgusting smell; black liquid blood.

Cinnamon: post-partum haemorrhage. It increases labor-pains, controls profuse or dangerous

flooding, is always safe, while Ergot is always dangerous

Haemorrhages: painless, without fever; bright red, fluid blood (Acon., Ipec., Sab.); from lungs,
bronchi, larynx, mouth, nose, stomach, bladder, rectum, uterus; of mechanical origin (Arn.); of
wounds (Ham.).
Wounds which bleed profusely, especially after a fall (Arn., Ham.).
Haemoptysis: after injury; in incipient phthisis; in haemorrhoidal patients; from a ruptured blood

Thlaspi bursa
Profuse passive haemorrhage from every outlet of the body; blood dark and clotted.
Menses : too early, too profuse; protracted (eight, ten, even fifteen days); tardy in starting, first
day merely a show; second day colic, vomiting, a haemorrhage with large clots; each alternate
period more profuse.
- Haemorrhage or delaying menses from uterine inertia; exhausting, scarcely recovers from one
period before another begins.
Trillium pendulum:
- Haemorrhage : copious, both active and passive, usually bright red; from nose, lungs, kidneys
and uterus (Ipec., Mill.).
- Tendency to putrescence of fluids.
- Epistaxis; profuse, passive, bright red.
- Bleeding from cavity after extraction of a tooth (Ham., Kreos.).
- Menses : profuse, every two weeks, lasting a week or longer (Calc. .); after over-exertion or
too long a ride.
- Flooding, with fainting.
- Menorrhagia : flow, profuse, gushing, bright red; at least movement (Sab.); from displaced
uterus; at the climacteric; every two weeks, dark, clotted (Thlas., Ust.).
- Profuse uterine haemorrhage at climacteric; flow every two weeks; pale, faint, dim sight,
palpitation, obstruction and noise in ears (For.); painful sinking at pit of stomach.

Hirudo Medicinalis: (The Leech or Sanguisuga)

Hemorrhages from rectum or anus of watery blood.
Bright red blood seen in stools, caused by painful constipation.
Epistaxis or nose bleed
Throbbing frontal or occipital headache. (Julian O.A)
Bleeds easily from all the orifices. (Julian O.A)
Haemophiliac types. (Julian O.A)
Icterus (Jaundice) caused by destruction of red corpuscles. (Julian O.A)
Disease due to a change in the quality of blood platelets, prothrombine deficiency,
thrombocyte dystrophy, and capillary weakness. (Julian O.A)
Cutaneous and mucous purpura. (Julian O.A)
Irregular heart-beat and congestion of the veins. (Julian O.A)
Gastro-intestinal malfunctioning, with nausea, vertigo, diarrhoea or constipation (stools streaked
with bright red blood). (Julian O.A)
Very lively and energetic, feels exhausted suddenly; shivers, feels depressed.
Headache at the vertex , accompanied by nausea.
Discomfort in the stomach after eating especially dinner. Indigestion from fatty foods, with
consequent anorexia.
Modalities: Better from sitting from coughing. Worse after defecation. Worse left side, but not

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