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by Daniel P. Towle, D. C., DNBHE

The true natural CHRONIC diseases are those that arise from a chronic miasm and that,
left to themselves without their specific remedy, continue to increase indefinitely,
tormenting the patient with ever greater suffering to the end of his days, despite the best
mental and dietary habits.

These diseases are by far the gravest, most numerous scourges of humanity after those
caused by medical abuse. The most robust physical constitution, the most orderly way of
living, and the most lively vital energy are not equal to eradicating them. (Aphorism 78

Hahnemann had demonstrated that, even with the passage of many years and the codifying
of many homeopathic principles, his mind was still open and active. Because of this
continued mental flexibility, he proposed the theories for chronic disease and miasm.

He had found, as we each have also, that certain cases were only temporarily benefited by
the use of well-chosen remedies. However, either due to relapse or the transmutation of the
disease state to a new form, a 'cure' was not really being effected. The concept of miasms
filled that missing void and homeopathy took its next giant step forward.

We must recognize that this is all theory, an extensive, grandly evolved theory that we have
been taught, but theory nonetheless. There is no proof as yet, just theory that fits most of
the facts as we know them. This is reminiscent of the state of astronomy prior to 1930.
Astronomers could demonstrate mathematically that a ninth planet should exist, and
theorized its size and orbital characteristics, but they could not prove it. Does this mean that
the planet Pluto did not exist simply because we did not have the technology necessary to
see it? No, of course not. In 1930, we developed a telescope with sufficient resolution to be
able to see (and thus prove) Pluto existed. So far, the technology to see (and thus prove)
homeopathy and miasmatic forces is not available. Does this mean that miasms don't exist?
No, of course not. It just means that science is not far enough along to provide us with the
tools needed to 'prove' what we do. Just as the advance in technology provided a refinement
of the information on Pluto, allowing us a more accurate picture of its place in the universe,
eventually science will refine our miasmatic approach to render us a more accurate picture
of its place in the human system. So, in the meantime, we deal with a detailed theory that
provides us with consistently good results.

The gradual transmission and incredible development of this ancient contagion, for
hundreds of generations and through many millions of human organisms, explains to some
extent the countless disease forms into which it has evolved throughout the entire human
race, especially when we consider the great number of extrinsic factors and the
indescribable diversity of distinct congenital human constitutions that have contributed to
the formation of this great variety of chronic diseases (secondary symptoms of psora).

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It is no wonder that so many different, often prolonged internal and

external noxious influences should produce such an endless variety of
deficiencies, deteriorations, untunements, and suffering in such widely
varying organisms permeated by the psoric miasm. (Aphorism 81 Organon)

Originally, the three miasms were classified as psoric, syphilitic, and sycotic. Each of these
will be introduced later. Having unveiled these chronically operating poisons in certain
diseases, it became necessary to find remedies with a corresponding action in order to
obtain the complete simillimum.

Dr. John Clark points out that Hahnemann's idea of chronic disease is different from our
common usage. Hahnemann did not imply any time frame in which a condition became
chronic (such as when it exceeded its acute stage); he meant a disease which was due to a
poison or miasm which had a chronic evolution, gradually destroying a person's health and
well being. By example, a common cold will have an acute evolution, rising and fading
rapidly with no lasting organic changes, compared to syphilis which will pass from an
acute stage quickly and will go into a chronic disease development gradually while
continuing to create a variety of permanent lesions with the slow loss of health. The
outcome is aptly described by Boericke, who stated that chronic disease will be
"...undermining the health to such a degree that the vital force can only make imperfect and
ineffectual resistance, which may result In the final destruction of the organism." (Not
much to look forward to, is it?)

"The unprejudiced observer takes note of nothing except the changes in the
health of the body and of the mind (disease phenomena, accidents,
symptoms) which can be perceived externally by means of the senses. He
notices only the deviations from the former healthy state of the now
diseased individual, which are felt by the patient himself, remarked by those
around him, and observed by the physician. All of these perceptible signs
represent the disease in its whole extent; that is, together they form the true
and only conceivable portrait of the disease. The physician who grasps with
requisite carefulness, the whole group of symptoms, possesses a sure guide.
If he succeeds in removing the whole group of symptoms, he has likewise
most assuredly destroyed the internal, hidden cause of the disease."
from The Healing Art of Homeopathy by Hamlyn, M.D.

Disease itself is impossible to observe. What we can see is the symptom picture as it
changes and affects the body. Disease conditions are as elusive to our observation as is
thought. We can only recognize thought as it is transformed into action. So too, we can
only recognize disease by the signs and symptoms it produces. The symptoms we see are a
record of the expression of the Vital Force energy to the morbific agents it has been
exposed to.

Of course, for homeopathy, there was but one step to take. By recognizing the etheric
(almost spirit like) nature of disease, the tool needed to clean it out has to operate on the
same dynamic plane as does the disease. The disturbed dynamis of the body can be
improved or cured with a potentized or 'dynamized' remedy. This sets the stage for a new
battlefield; no longer are we chasing signs and symptoms around the body while the
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miasmatic forces are free to stir up more difficulty. Now we pursue the source of the
problem using the symptom picture as a road map to let us know where and what kind of
miasm needs to be dealt with first.

The first miasm to be reviewed is that generated by syphilis or luetism, generally accepted
to be the diathesis resulting from the imprint left behind by syphilis through the
generations. All of us have been exposed to the treponemes -- mostly through our ancestors
-- and some individuals have been more heavily 'imprinted' than others, providing us with a
series of clues to look for. Also included are those with an alcoholic heredity or even
personal alcoholism since the frequent and repeated consumption of ethanol brings on a
similar symptom picture as the syphilitic miasm.

The syphilitic patient starts by having pathologically reversible disturbances which, if left
untreated or improperly treated, lead to irreversible structural lesions. Although the primary
and some secondary stages of syphilis can be treated, the tertiary stage will always have the
permanent organic lesional changes.

For the background and review of known pathology, I'd like to quote extensively from (and
give great credit) to Harris Coulter, Ph.D. author of AIDS and SYPHILIS - The Hidden
Link, available from B. Jain Publishers of New Delhi, India.

"Syphilis erupted in Europe during the waning years of the sixteenth century. Because the
outbreak coincided with the return of the Columbus expedition from the New World, and
the first countries affected were Spain and Portugal, his sailors were accused of picking it
up from the Caribbean Indians, but historians do not really know if that is true. The plague
was phenomenally virulent during its first decades, with many dying during the primary
and secondary stages.

"In following centuries, it assumed a chronic form and was an ever-present fact of medical
life everywhere in the world, no longer feared for its immediate lethality but, but still
dreaded for its capacity to cause long-term disabilities.

"In 1945, when the new medicine, penicillin, seemed to promise a total cure, syphilis
treatment was the first priority. A massive campaign was unleashed in the United States,
and millions of federal dollars were appropriated every year for this still-scarce and
expensive drug.

"At first the campaign seemed successful. From 1948 to 1950, the number of new cases
declined from over 100,000 per year to fewer than 10,000. But because the benefits of
penicillin seemed to be obvious, no controlled study was ever done to determine if the new
drug was truly curative, "clinical impression" remained the basis of the positive evaluation
of penicillin treatment. In particular, no large-scale or sustained effort was made to
investigate the long-term consequences of treatment - to ascertain how healthy these 'cured'
cases really were."

As a personal observation, I'd like to bring your attention to the period between 1945 and
1950. Most of those people treated are going to be in the 60 to 90 year-old bracket now.
This is the group that is spearheading the current healthcare crisis due to the tremendous

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amount of chronic degenerative disease conditions. Furthermore, if the treatment success

rate was as poor as it is currently, many more people became infected (since they thought
they were cured but remained infectious) than were first postulated. This is another
interesting corollary to our current health dilemma. Then, to add more fuel to this fire, the
beginning of the births of the 'baby boomers' occurred during this time. We may all be
substantially 'tainted' by these miasms, which may be significant contributor to the modern
day plagues of AIDS, SIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Cancer, etc.

Back to Dr. Coulter.

"This was a mistake. In the early 1960's to everyone's surprise, new cases started to
increase, and it became evident that the relationship between syphilis and penicillin is less
straightforward than physicians had assumed in the first promising post-war years. There
were 25,000 new cases in 1965, over 35,00 in 1987, and 100,000 in 1988, giving the U.S.
its highest incidence of syphilis since 1950.

"But this disease had not really been eliminated at all, merely perverted and driven
underground. It remained a subterranean source of infection which was revitalized by the
intensified sexuality of the 1960's "flower children" and their descendants.

"During 'the great penicillin fallout' from 1945 to 1960, when this medicine was used to
treat every condition from acne and attempted abortion to zona and the Zambesi ulcer,
physicians noted a startling alteration in the typical case of syphilis. The classic symptoms
of the disease were presenting much less frequently - and were seemingly 'masked' or in
some way disguised by the treatment.

'"Ordinarily the first sign of syphilis infection is the chancre - a sore which appears on the
genitals one to three months after infection and which marks the onset of the 'primary'
stage. The adjacent lymph gland becomes swollen, a condition known as "regional

"The disease then 'matures' for up to six months and enters the 'secondary' stage,
characterized by a 'macular' (spotty) roseola-like rash and other skin symptoms. The
regional lymphadenopathy becomes generalized and affects the body's whole lymphatic
system; and is described as a 'valuable diagnostic finding' and 'one of the most
characteristic aspects' of syphilis; the lymph nodes are .painless enlarged, rubbery, non-
tender and freely movable.

'Patients complain of rashes, fever, itching, sore throat, headache, malaise, vertigo,
sweating, Insomnia, nausea, prostration, anorexia and weight loss, loss of hair, or aching In
the bones and joints. They have hypertension, kidney disease, swollen liver, or a swollen
spleen; some have acute meningitis with cranial nerve involvement. At this stage syphilis
may be confused with such conditions as infectious mononucleosis, iritis, meningitis,
neural hearing loss, uveitis, Bell's Palsy, neuroretinitis, proctitis, hepatitis, pneumonia,
lichen planus, cancer, nephritis, arthritis, dementias and other mental illnesses, cancers and
lymphomas, gastrointestinal disorders, psoriasis and other skin eruptions (smallpox), and
even drug reactions. For this reason secondary syphilis is called

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'If the primary and secondary stages are not treated, or are treated inadequately, two-thirds
of the time the symptoms will disappear, the patient will feel better, and no trace of the
treponemes can be found in his fluids or solids. This is called the 'early latent stage.'
However, he is still infectious, and the disease can relapse back into the secondary stage:
such relapses occur in up to five percent of cases and are a natural part of the disease

'Patients treated successfully during the primary or secondary stages, i.e., 'cured' of syphilis
and, in theory, no longer infectious, cannot readily be distinguished by serological tests
from those in whom the disease Is latent and who are still infectious.

'Persons who have ever had syphilis, whether or not treated, are unlikely to develop a
chancre upon re-infection; the disease apparently passes immediately into the secondary

'After the latent stage comes 'late' or 'tertiary' syphilis, when the treponeme penetrates the
heart, brain and nervous system, causing lesions known as gummatous or plaques; on the
surface, these transform into ulcers which may eat away the nose, the lower lip, the palate,
etc.; inside the body they cause cardiovascular and neurological disorders (tabes dorsalis,
paralysis, insanity). In theory, the individual with tertiary syphilis is not infectious.

'The introduction of 'long-acting penicillin,' so convenient for both physician and patient,
undoubtedly made matters worse. Knowing that this drug affects treponemes while they are
dividing (by interfering with cell-wall synthesis) and calculating that they divide every 30-
33 hours, physicians concluded that two or three shots of long-acting penicillin every 33
hours would completely eradicate the disease. But all treponemes do not always divide
every 30-33 hours, and penicillin does not diffuse uniformly through all the tissues of the
body. So many treated with long-acting penicillin remained uncured.' (They just thought
they were cured and so the disease spread as fast and as furiously as humans could attempt

'Some were cured, others were not. Happenstance treatment with antibiotics merely con-
fused the clinical picture, so that neither physician nor patient had an accurate idea of what
was actually occurring.

'Even tertiary syphilis changed it's appearance, manifesting strokes, seizures, and other
signs and symptoms not previously associated with syphilis.

'However, the treponeme spreads rapidly through the body within a short time after
infection and eventually makes Its way Into the cerebrospinal fluid, the eyeball, and other
recesses where it ceases replicating altogether or replicates very slowly, thus becoming
invulnerable to penicillin. The benzathine penicillin used today cannot penetrate the blood-
brain barrier to sterilize the eyeball and the cerebrospinal fluid; aqueous penicillin is
needed. This makes latent and tertiary (neuro) syphilis so difficult to treat with success.

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'The advent of treponemal antibiotics has shifted the concern of the physician from
treatment to diagnosis. Indications are that, far from eradicating syphilis, these antibiotics
are driving the disease underground and increasing the difficulty of detection. Although the
incidence of the disease has more than trebled since 1955, the chancre and the secondary
rash no longer are commonly seen. Undoubtedly some of these lesions are being
suppressed, and the disease masked by the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. It is difficult
otherwise to explain the predominance of latent syphilis in current medical practice. The
ominous prospect of a widespread resurgence of the disease in it's tertiary form looms
ahead. (author's stress added)

'Much less complex and expensive, and thus more frequently used, are the 'serological' tests
measuring antibodies to T. pallidum in the patient's blood. Of these the VDRL cardiolipin
(beefheart antigen) test and the RPR (rapid plasma reagin) treponemal antibody tests are
the best known and are used for large-scale screening of suspect individuals. But the
antibodies they detect are 'non-specific,' meaning probably provoked by the treponeme, but
not necessarily, and they can be thrown off in a number of ways. The patient can be
'positive' ('seropositive') because of a high fever, genital herpes, cirrhosis of the liver,
infectious mononucleosis, smallpox vaccination, leprosy, an autoimmune disease, heroin
addiction, and many other factors. Even drinking a beer and taking an aspirin 24 hours
before the VDRL can give a false negative response, or a false positive reading may be
simply congenital,

'The VDRL and RPR are especially likely to be false negatives at early stages of the
disease; in one reported series the VDRL failed to detect reactivity in 57 percent of
syphilitic patients.

'Paradoxically, the individual who has been infected but untreated for many years, and
whose body has learned to coexist with tertiary syphilis, may also test negative. But he may
be entirely infectious.

'Somewhat more precise is the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorbed (FTA-ABS) test

for treponemal diseases such as yaws or Lyme's Disease. The FTA-ABS becomes positive
earlier in the disease than the VDRL, but it can yield a false positive reading if the patient
has abnormal immune globulins in the blood due to rheumatoid arthritis or some related
disease. Pregnancy can even cause a false positive, The margin of error has been found, in
various series, to be seven, ten, and even 37 percent.

'And the individual who has been successfully treated for syphilis usually remains FTA-
ABS positive for life: thus no laboratory test can determine if he has been reinfected.
Reinfection or relapse will be overlooked if the physician decides that the positive test
results are holdovers from the earlier Infection.

'This lifetime positive reading was thought to be unimportant (a 'serological blemish') when
syphilis was seen as a curable disease. Since the emergence of AIDS the authorities can no
longer be sure. As a group of French researchers noted in 1987, 'It is possible that the
persistence of positive reactions may be due to the persistence of seats of quiescent

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'Prior to penicillin syphilis was said to be 'easy to diagnose - hard to treat.' After penicillin
it become 'hard to diagnose, but easy to treat.' Now, in the post-penicillin age, it has
become 'hard to diagnose and hard to treat.'

'Physicians in the heroic 1950's thought that penicillin cured syphilis, and that the cured
case promptly ceased being infectious. Today, until the contrary la proven in properly
controlled trials, syphilis must be assumed to be incurable, the infected individuals must be
considered to remain infectious forever.

'Far from being eradicated, syphilis has merely stepped back a pace in order to spring
forward once again. It threatens to wreak as much damage today as ever before in its
history, and the sixteenth-century predictions of Girolamo Fracastoro, the author of the first
book on syphilis, is becoming a reality:

'And this disease of which I speak, this syphilis, too, will pass away and die out, but later
will be born again and be seen again by our descendants just as in bygone ages we must
believe it was observed by our ancestors."

The only thing I can add to this material at this point is that it is no wonder syphilis is a
'miasm,' it well should be.

The constitutional type of syphilis is referred to by Grauvogl as the OXYGENOID type,

which John Clarke, M.D. states will be cured by mercury. He states that this is because a
weakened power of resistance against the destructive energy of oxygen may be acquired by
attacks of acute epidemic disease and by syphilitic infection. Printed below are the anti-
syphilitic remedies which can be cut out and used as a bookmark in your repertory.


Main Remedies. Ars-iod., Aur-met., Carb-an., Carc., Kali-iod., Kali-sulph., Merc-cor.,

Merc-io.- fl., Merc-iod-rub., Merc-sol., Nit-ac., Phyt., Sil., Still., Syph., Tub.
Secondary Remedies. Aeth-rner., Ars., Ars-rnet., Aur-br., Aur-iod., Aur-rnet., Asaf., Calc-
ar., Calc-fl., Calc-iod., Calc-sulph., Cinnib., Con., Fl-ac., Hep., lod., Kali-ar., Kali-bi., Kali-
carb., Kali-fl., Kreos., Lach., Led., Lyc., Med., Merc-vivus. Merc-brorn., Merc-cyan.,
Merc-dulsis. Phos., Phos-ac., Sars., Staph., Sulph., Sulph-iod., Thuja.
Tertiary Remedies: Anac., Arg-c., Arg-met., Bad., Bapt., Benz. ac., Carbo-veg., Clem.,
Cor. Crot., Guaj., Glabra. Gua., Hekla lava, Kali-mur., Kalm., Osm., Petr., Plat., Rhus-tox.

Below is a listing of common syphilitic condition divided by region. The material has been
assembled from Drs. Choudhury, Bannerjea, Eizayaga, and Hahnemann. These are listed
on a separate page so that those that are Inclined can take the pages to a printer and have
them reduced 60 to 75 percent, stapled together, and placed in your favorite repertory as a
book mark and quick reference source.

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Syphilis is referred to as the destructive miasm since its most significant characteristic is
destruction, perversion, dissolution, and degeneration. The patient can very easily destroy
himself, or anybody or any precious thing quite cold bloodedly. All of the fascists,
anarchists, and exploiters of the world are the product of syphilis.

Dr. Eizayaga reports in his book that the syphilitic patient 'inspires pity and compassion'
which I have found to be quite reliable.

Mentals Desire to kill; fear manifesting as anguish, slow mental deterioration,

forgetfulness; mental paralysis; when depressed they keep this inside, first warning of
depression is suicide; melancholy; very closed person and will not worry their friends with
their troubles; they do not express their suffering; introverted, do not like company, prefers
to be alone; can read but not retain anything due to mental paralysis; mentally blunt, loss of
mental clarity; idiocy; suspicious and suppressive (conceals), moral degeneracy and
dishonesty; two characteristic obsessions: money loss and of microbes. All manias and
aggravations worse at night.

Head Migraines worse at night, better daytime, either basilar or linear to one side; dull
heaviness or piercing pain worse at night and at rest, sometimes with an oppressing band-
like sensation around head.

Hair Dandruff with thick yellow crust, hair falls in bunches usually at the vertex; moist,
greasy, and offensive odor, falling hair from eyebrows, ingrown eyelashes; dry, dead or
greasy hair, oily hair with a sour smell, baldness, especially complete baldness.

Eye troubles worse at night; structural eye changes like ciliary neuralgia; weakness; ptosis
(Syph. and Syc.); deformities of lens; all refractory changes.

Ears: Head and ears large in comparison to the body; all sorts of organic lesions (with Tub.

Nose Ulceration or codes of nasal septum; diminution or loss of sense of smell; flat or
depressed nose: thick scabs which obstruct the nasal cavity, frequently offensive; snuffles
in children.

Mouth Metallic or coppery taste; ulcers in the oral cavity; asymmetrical teeth, tooth decay
at gumline one after another; tongue has imprint of teeth; saliva is long and thread like;
crowns of the incisors are cresentric or semilunar due to decay; voice hoarse.

Face and Coloration Grayish oily, greasy face; in infant they have gray, old, puckered,
dried, wrinkled skin like a geriatric; high cheek bones; thick lips with deep fissures in the
lips; rough skin; eyelids red and inflamed, eyelashes scaly, crusty, broken, shabby,
irregularly curved, and imperfect.

Heart High blood pressure, irregular pulse; very little mental disturbance in heart troubles;
occ. dyspnea; will die suddenly of heart diseases, cardiac conditions more dangerous than
in psora because they can be 'silent' and patient unaware of difficulty.
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Chest and Lungs One or two distinct barks like a dog on coughing.

Abdomen Often bedwetting; see stool.

Stool Dysentery; worse at night accompanied by profuse warm or cold perspiration which
is exhausting and debilitating.

Male Erections troublesome, painful or without desire.

Sleep Rolling of head from side to side,

Skin Eruptions around the joints, flexures of the body or in CIRCULAR groupings, rings,
or segments. Copper colored or raw ham color, brownish or very red at the base; no itching
and very little soreness. In Tub. and Syph. patients there is much scarring and increase in
cicatrical tissues.

Pains Rheumatism often aggravated at night. esp. scapulohumoral periarthritis; long bone
pains agg. by percussion; burning, bursting, and tearing pains, worse with change in the

Desires and aversions Desires stimulants, coffee, tea, alcohol, smoking (all in excess);
very spicy meat; cold food; indigestible foods like chalk, dirt, etc.; big salt eaters. Aversion
to meat, esp. less spicy cuts, aversion to animal foods.

Tendency Prone to develop at age 40, prefers tissues of mesenteric origin.

Modalities Worse from sunset to sunrise, on perspiration, nocturnal discharges, seaside,

sea voyages, warmth, summer, night sweats. Better from sunrise to sunset, change of
position, temperate climate or prefers mountains. Relieved internally when ulcers appear on
the skin or with the onset of other pathological secretions (leucorrhea).

Additional Notes In reference to taste, taste should be neutral, any perversion or

falsification has a miasmatic basis. Foul taste of Nux vomica in the morning, bitter taste of
Bryonia in the morning, Nat-mur. and Phos. have a bloody taste, Mercury has a metallic
taste, psora has a burnt taste and sycosis has a fishy taste.

In reference to Eizayaga's observation that Syphilitics inspire pity and compassion, he also
states Psoric personalities awaken liking, and the typical developed Sycotic personality
inspires revulsion and antipathy

· Author : Daniel P. Towle, D.C., DNBHE

· Article Title : MIASMS: A BRIEF REVIEW, PART 1
· Publication Name : Prover, The: The Journal of the Chiropractic Academy of Homeopathy
· Volume & Number : V. 4; N. 1
· Publication Date : 01-30-93
· Page : p. 20-26

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A Brief Review of Miasms (Part 2)

by Daniel P. Towle, D.C., DNBHE and Luc Chaltin, N.D.

Gonorrhea is caused by the gonococcus bacteria which creates prolonged inflammation of

the urethra, causing a chronic purulent discharge which is highly contagious. Prior to its
isolation in 1879, gonorrhea was a plague of tremendous virulence. According to Dr. N.K.
Banerjee, gonorrhea is a far more serious disease to treat than syphilis because: 1) it is a
hundred times more obstinate to treat than syphilis; 2) even when properly treated early, the
disease sometimes fails to properly respond (usually due to complication by other miasms);
3) after the disappearance of the discharge under any non-homeopathic treatment, at least
90% of the cases are not really cured, the gonorrhea remains latent because of the
suppression driving the disease into the patients Vital Force an establishing a sycotic

This topic needs to be divided into two sections: first is the acute pathological infection
with its typical sequela, and second is the miamatic stamp it leaves on the constitution of
those infected ( and maltreated ), as well as their progeny.

As Dr. Hahnemann stated in the Sixth Edition of the Organon (Aphorism 78): even a very
healthy young adult doesn't stand a chance when dealing with the miasms; their effect on
the Vital Force is just too devastating to repel.

"The true natural chronic diseases are those that arise from a chronic
miasm, which when left to themselves, and unchecked by the employment
of those remedies that are specific for them, always go on increasing
and growing worse, notwithstanding the best mental and corporeal regimen,
and torment the patient to the end of his life with ever aggravated sufferings.
These are the most numerous and greatest scourges of the human race; for
the most robust constitution, the best regulated mode of living and the most
vigorous energy of the Vital Force are insufficient for their eradication."

According to Harrison's textbook, Principles of Internal Medicine, Neisseria gonorrhea is a

gram negative diplococcus whose only natural host is human. The United States has a large
infected population - much greater than reported by the CDC because "sub optimal clinical
practice including the use of sub curative therapy and especially failure to trace infected
contacts, probably contribute to the higher incidence rate in the United States." (Harrison's
page 624) The single-most important axiom about the epidemiology of this disease is that
gonorrhea is usually spread by carriers that have no symptoms or have ignored the
symptoms that they do have.

The usual incubation period for urethritis (commonly called "the clap") is two to six days
or longer with some not having symptoms at all. If untreated or resistant to antibiotics, the
urethritis will last an average of eight weeks with 5 to 10% developing orchitis. Anorectal
infection may be asymptomatic or produce burning/itching, tenesmus and a bloody
mucopurulent rectal discharge. These symptoms subside, leaving a chronic asymptomatic

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In women, the acute gonorrheal attack is often misdiagnosed as "cystitis" (some report as
much as 50% of the time) and confirmation can only be made with an endocervical culture
gonorrhea. In at least 15% of the infected women, the infection will extend to the fallopian
tubes causing acute salpingitis. In a small percentage, the infection becomes systemic
gonococcemia which has eruptive pustules, fever, and arthralgias. Current medical
treatment revolves around the use of antibiotics and there are strains that are completely
resistant to the widely used drugs of today.

If the gonorrheal discharge is suppressed, then the most common sequelae includes
orchitis, prostatitis, and particularly rheumatism. In orchitis, there is inflammation of the
testicles (usually left more often than right and rarely both - although alternating sides can
occur) which begins as a sensation of deep, dull pressure which continues to worsen until
the testicle swells from four to eight times it's normal size and the pain can radiate into the
surrounding tissues.

In prostatitis, the inflammation of the prostate can occur months or years after the first
occurrence of the disease. The symptoms can include a feeling of weight and heat in the
perineum, frequent and or painful urination and even fever. It seems likely that many cases
of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BHP) are the chronic results of previous infection.

The elbow and tarsal joints seem to be especially susceptible to the suppression of
gonorrhea. The arthralgia will last 2 to 3 weeks with a fever if left unattended or may remit
sooner if the urethral discharge can be restablished. According to Homeopathic Medical
Repertory by Robin Murphy, ND (page 139) there are 16 primary remedies for acute
urethral discharge caused by gonorrhea; in the chronic stage there are eight remedies listed.

There can also be gonorrheal inflammation of the eye if there is a contact spread of the
urethral discharge to the eye region. This results in severe eye and head pain, violent
photophobia (this is the theoretical basis for the prophylactic application of the 1% silver
nitrate eye drops used at birth, to prevent gonorrheal infection), fever, and a yellow/green
mucous discharge. With the current practice of medicine, the number of patients that have a
culture and sensitivity done on the ocular discharge in conjunctivitis is no doubt
extraordinarily small. Typically, patients are given eye drops containing an antibiotic/
steroid combination which suppresses the problem quickly but no one knows where the
conjunctivitis came from or to what malignant form it will metastasize to next if the disease
was driven into the Vital Force.

If the urethra discharge is suppressed or the condition passes through the inflammatory
stage of the disease untreated, then there is a chronic minor discharge otherwise known as
the gleet. Gleet is an intractable discharge which poses only minor annoyance to the patient
except that as Dr. N.K. Banerjee states "the disease brings erosion of the orifices of the
ducts of the prostate gland or seminal vessels. A case of neglected gleet is prone to cause
stricture of the urethra or affect the prostate, bladder and kidneys." Further, he states that
the cure of this chronic ailment can never be effected without combating the psoric taint
behind it. This reflects the necessity of treating the patient - not the disease - with the
appropriate antipsoric and anti syphilitic remedies as needed.

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This can be restated: By aiming at the entire system of the patient, the physician will soon
cure his gleet; but by directing his attention to the gleet alone, he is surely not to cure one
or the other. If complicated by psora, the psoric taint will be pervading the whole organism
to the point where it lowers one's Vital Force rendering the patient susceptible to the
innumerable forms of ailments (both degenerative and acute) which plague humanity as
well as significantly weakening the Vital Forces response to the appropriate homeopathic
remedies (making a cure much more difficult to achieve). This psoric taint is vital to note
as per the Organon (Sixth Edition).

Incalculably greater and more important than the two chronic miasms just named (syphilis
and sycosis) however, is the chronic miasm of psora, which, whilst those two reveal their
specific internal dyscrasia, the one by the vereral chance, the other by the cauliflower like
growths, does also, after completion of the internal infection of the whole organism,
announce by a peculiar cutaneous eruption, sometimes consisting only of a few vesicles
accompanied by intolerable voluptuous tickling itching the monstrous internal chronic
miasm - the psora, the other numerous, I may say innumerable, forms of disease, which,
under the names of nervous debility, hysteria, hypochondriasis, mania...defects of the
senses and pains of thousands of kinds, etc., figure in systematic works on pathology as
peculiar, independent diseases. (Aphorism 80)

Ultimately the patient will never be cured until the latent psoric weakness is completely
eradicated and the patient's Vital Force is free to fully and normally express itself. This is
especially important in understanding Dr. Bernard's work: psora sets the state for ALL
illness and disorders to occur.

According to G.H.G. Jahr, MD, the prognosis deteriorates under any of the following

1) Suppression of the discharge and spread of the dyscrasia to other

2) Suppression of the discharge leading to gleet;
3) Recurrent infection and re-infection by repeated contacts with infected
4) Complication by syphilis or psora.

He states that he does not consider a case cured until it has been two years with no
discharge or symptoms of the disease, and reports that Sepia and Cannabis are his most
used remedies for treatment. If the case is multi-miasmatic and anti-sycotic treatment has
not yielded the expected results, then the psoric miasm is tackled first to force the psora
into a latent state and allowing the sycotic state to become more evident and treatable. The
same procedure holds for syphilitic complications; when the sycosis is resolved, then the
other miasm(s) is/are dealt with next.

The treatment of acute gonorrheal infection can be challenging, but reasonably

straightforward. Dealing with the hereditary or acquired constitutional disorder is more
complicated and can be approached from a variety of concepts. The French homeopathic
school considers sycosis to be a chronic reticulo-endotheliosis whose indications conform
to the pathogenesis of Thuja. Therefore, they state that Thuja is sycosis because sycosis is

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Thuja. Grauvogel termed sycosis the hydrogenoid constitution and had a different set of
primary remedies and rationale for care. These will be reviewed below after further
reference to the Sixth Edition of the Organon.

Hitherto syphilis alone has been to some extent known as such a chronic miasmatic disease,
which when uncured ceases only with the termination of life. Sycosis equally ineradicable
by the vital force without proper medicinal treatment was not recognized as a chronic
miasmatic disease of a peculiar character, which it nevertheless undoubtedly is, and
physicians imagined they had cured it when they had destroyed the growths upon skin, but
the persisting dyscrasia occasioned by it escaped their observation. (APHORISM 79)

Classically, we observe and elicit all the patient's symptoms since this reflects the
pathological derangement of the organism's Vital Force, and only the totality of these
symptoms gives us a faithful reflection of this sickness. All of case taking is geared
towards individualizing the patient, then carefully selecting the remedy (simillimum) and
potency needed. Treatment and follow through are described in Aphorisms 272-285 of the
Organon as well as being extensively detailed by many authors. The three typical remedies
for the three dyscrasias are Mercury (syphilis), Thuja (sycosis), and Sulphur (psora).

Sadly, as if to add insult to injury, the hereditary sycotic taint that we are all statistically
afflicted by to some degree or another is provoked and amplified by the current medical
practices of today including the mismanagement of gonorrhea as well as the effects of
vaccinosis (exposure to serum vaccination or blood products) and the widespread use of
many injetable medicines - especially antibiotics. This accounts for the rapid dissemination
of sycotic conditions in the United States today.

The necessity for a miasmatic doctrine is not just to provide a theoretical framework for an
archaic concept; it is actually a guide to treatment protocols. This is evident in The Chronic
Miasms by J.H. Allen, MD in which he states:

"The fact that we cannot select the most similar remedy possible unless we
understand the phenomenon of the acting and basic miasms; for the true
similia is always founded upon the existing miasms whether we are conscious
or unconscious of the fact. It is the difference between intelligent warfare and
fighting in the dark." Further, he states "Disease is the vicarious embodiment
of some miasmatic influence that has bonded itself with the life force,
producing disease according to the type, as seen in Psora or any other of the
chronic miasms. The miasms are destructive in every way, of both the mind
and body and they tear at the very spirit of man. It is disorganizing disease
that fills the state institutions of every description and we cannot meet these
conditions intelligently until we recognize the ancient origin of disease and
under take its extermination of the basis of miasms."

Referring back to an earlier paragraph: Thuja is a critical remedy in the treatment

of sycosis. There have been thousands of pages dedicated to this elusive remedy, and a
thorough review of the topic is beyond the scope of this article. However, in considering
the concept of chronic reticuloendotheliosis, there are a number of hallmark characteristics
worthy of mention. Some of these are given below.

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"Thuja is sycosis; sycosis is Thuja"

The etiology of the sycotic terrain classically includes recurrent urethral infections,
gonorrhea and viral urethritis. Hahnemann says that the juice of Thuya is bound to cure
venereal condylomata, specifically when they are not complicated by other miasmas.
Presently, the sycotic condition can be triggered by repeated vaccinations, which are now
customary because of the frequency of foreign travel which necessitate the various
vaccines or sero-therapies, and chemotherapy treatments, chiefly corticoids and

The typical sycotic patient is recognized by a certain typology. Morphologically, he

becomes fat easily, infiltrated with water and filled with cellulite. The woman gains weight
easily and doses herself with diuretics that aggravate her sycosis. The skin on her face is
oily and shiny with numerous blackheads and comedones. There are frequent varicosity's
on the nose. Purplish-blue lips with a whitish edge on the lower lip as if he or she had just
drank some milk. Frequently, a slight eczema, red and pruritice is between the eyebrows.
Frequent chalazions and sty's of the eyelids. The extremities of the eyebrows are

The sycotic type has a particular mind set of slight obsessional fancies, centered on daily
concerns such as a forgotten letter, gas not being shut off, a disagreeable comment made by
their boss, etc. They think about them more often at night when they are sleepless. The
other psychological state includes obsessions with a kinesthetic basis: such as an
impression of having glass legs which will shatter at the least shock or having the
impression of having a live animal inside the belly. Further, there can be hallucinations of
the spilt personality kind: feeling of being two persons, or of always being followed by
someone or impressions of the head being separated from the body. These bizarre
symptoms are often encountered during depressive mental states.

There is an unhealthy appearance of the skin with a great many spots and numerous warts.
Thuja is an important homeopathic remedy for warts. Clinical observations and studies by
veterinarians have objectified its action on animals. These warts are generally pruriginous
and bleed easily. We will use Thuja 6 X or 12X every day and combine it with Vitus
Vinefera buds (Glyc. Mac.) 1D, 50 to 100 drops daily.

Thuja perspires easily. He is moist, mostly in the genital area, and this perspiration has a
disagreeable fetid odor. Lastly, we note the frequent presence of condylomata and papillon
around the genital orifices, particularly rooster's combs from venereal contamination with
its well-known hopeless recurrence.

The digestive system shows some of its own peculiarities such as an immoderate liking for
tea which is drunk enlarge quantities, an excessive desire for salt, and abdominal swelling
with a great deal of gas with intestinal spasms. In this patient, we observe the presence of
intestinal movement recalling those of the fetus in his mother's womb, which accounts for
the sensation that there is something alive in there. Chronic constipation with retracting
stools, the stool goes back into the rectum although it was already partially expelled. Or on
the contrary, a watery stool, forcefully expelled, early in the morning or after breakfast.

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The symptom picture of the genitourinary tract demonstrates first and quite obviously the
element of recurrent gonorrhea. Likewise, in what is called the "military drop" the patient
who has a sero-mucous drop at the orifice of the ureter after being treated for gonorrhea, is
amenable to Thuja. Enlarged prostates react favorably to Thuja 6X. In women, the picture
includes fetid and black menses, leucorrhea, often greenish, fibrous uterus, and very
pronounced pain of the left ovary.

All these illnesses are distinctly aggravated by dampness. Likewise, it shows a rather
precise timetable: It is aggravated between 3 and 4 a.m., with insomnia, during which he
ponders on his anxieties. The symptom picture demonstrates a marked left laterality with a
clear clinical snapshot, one can proceed to fill out greater detail with time and experience
until the practitioner grasps the whole of the situation.

Further insight into this complex topic can be gained by referring to the famous French
homeopath, Dr. Henri Bernard. The following paragraphs are selected from his book with
some additional notes from the co-authors.


We know today that the sycosis is caused by different agents and not only by the
gonococcus. It is caused or aggravated by vaccination, infusion of serums, infection by
coli-bacillus, and , in general, all the agents that infect the body for a long time, as well as
the unnatural toxins that invade our tissues. This causes a particular condition by altering
the reticulo-endothelial tissue (connective tissue) which often provokes the apparition of
fibroid tumors or tumors of the mucous membranes. The prescriber needs to recognize that
the statement "agents that infect the body for along time" will include candidasis, viral
conditions like cold sores, mononucleosis, hepatitis, shingles, etc., in addition to things like
a poorly treated case of syphilis or malaria. A severe trauma such as a bad fall, a motor
vehicle accident, or extensive burns can create "the unnatural toxins that invade our
tissues"; apparently, this may also include the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and other
sources which can activate a latent sycosis and distort the remedy picture with a sycosis

The symptoms that are common to all sycotic patients revolve around
hydrogenoidism. This will be dealt with in greater detail in a later section of this article.
Briefly, all of a patient's symptoms are aggravated by water, wet weather, rain, snow, when
being on a diet containing a high percentage of water, sometimes even taking a bath or a
shower. This aggravation is observable in patients suffering from generalized cellulites, in
overweight patients with a low fat content, or visible in local edemas such as from the
ankle, the eyelids, the lower cheek, and the fingers that swell to form little sausages. The
edema is better visualized in those places where the skin is laying directly onto the bone
such as on the tibia or chin, and is painful when touched. It is generally worse at the left
side, because the sycosis, which affects the circulatory and excretory systems has a
pronounced left laterality, the same as the cardio-renal meridian.

The homeopath can note that "from generalized cellulites in overweight patients" describes
a huge group of people that cannot lose weight, or that put weight on easily. Many trauma
cases go through a 30 to 50 pound weight gain within months of having their latent sycotic

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condition activated by the injury as mentioned above; helping them or any other sycotic
patient to lose weight is virtually impossible if proper attentions not paid to his miasm
lurking about in the back ground. Many of these overweight patients were exposed to a
source of toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, radioactive agents, or medication that
need to be removed (drainage is a future article topic) from the system so that the Vital
Force can respond well to the indicated remedy (drainage is a future article topic) from the
system so that the Vital Force can respond well to the indicated remedy (these are
Hahnemann's "obstacles to cure" that must be removed for successful treatment). The
weight gain and edema of PMS can have hydrogenoid roots, but this is quite variable
between patients and requires careful repertorizations.

The general character of pain is reminiscent of Rhus-tox.: the aggravation is by rest or

immobilization and the amelioration is by movement. The patient wants to change his
position frequently. The beginning of the movement may be painful, but becomes better
after short exercise. The nightly aggravation is also explained by the aggravation caused by
immobilization or rest.

The water retention in the connective tissue is mediated by the lymph system. The lymph
system has no motor to pump the lymph liquid around as has the blood stream. The
circulation of the lymph is activated by the different in osmotic pressure, but more
importantly by the action of the muscles in the body. This explains the aggravation when

This type of patient is very tired and wants to rest; he is worse in the morning or after a
long rest. Often, he will wake at 3 a.m. and then have an uncomfortable sleep for the rest of
the night. This creates a great deal of irritability during the day. He will be very sensitive to
any change in the weather, especially when rain or thunderstorms are in the forecast, which
often causes migraines. This type of weather increases the problems with his metabolism.
How many arthritic and asthmatic patients do you see that cannot handle weather changes,
cold fronts, hot humid weather, etc.?

The sycotic patient is often melancholic and depressed physically and morally. He worries
about his condition and the inexplicable tiredness. This is the "doctor hopping" patient
because he cannot find any doctor that is capable of making the correct diagnosis. This
person ends up with tranquilizers at night, anti-anxiety drugs during the day and often some
type of diuretic or heart pill for the fluid build up. This adds to the "unnatural toxins that
invade our tissues" and ultimately worsens the condition, and, as Dr. Hahnemann put it
(Aphorism 78), "torment the patient until the end of his life with ever aggravated
sufferings"; finally death ensues.

According to Dr. Bernard the key remedies to consider in general cases of sycosis include
Thuja, Natrum carb., and Natrum sulph. In the treatment of arthritic conditions, review
the possibilities of Kali-carb., Natrum-carb., Graphites, Ledum, Natrum-mur., Rhus-tox.,
Ruta, and Pulsatilla. In conditions of both gonorrhea and sycosis, use Medorrhinum; if
treating colibacillosis and sycosis, then use Collibacillinum.


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In reviewing the work of Grauvogel, it becomes apparent that his emphasis was on
determining why a symptom was better or worse according to hot or cold weather, wet or
dry conditions, summer or winter, seashore or mountain, dietary preferences or
avoidance's, etc., according to what influences these characteristics have on the
composition of the blood stream. It was Grauvogel's contention that a patient is not cured
of a condition (whatever it may be), even if it has been years since the last episode, if the
patient still does not feel quite as well in damp as in dry weather or is adversely affected by
a draft of air or by eating certain foods. These remaining states indicate imbalances in the
body chemistry which he referred to as hydrogenoid (sycotic), oxygenoid (syphilitic), and
carbo-nitrogenoid (psoric) constitution. For the purposes of this article, the hydrogenoid
constitution will be explored since it reflects an excess of hydrogen in the body and
consequently a retention of water in the blood and tissues.

According to Grauvogel, it would be a great error in concluding that the hydrogenoid

constitution is solely the result of sycotic contagion. Within this group of patients, he found
that they were aggravated by anything which increases the molecules of water in the body,
such as mineral baths or consuming certain aquatic foods and animals, fruit (such as
watermelon), and even some vegetables. All diseases in such constitutions are increased by
cold; also by cold and cooling foods such as sour milk, hard eggs, mushrooms, and
cucumbers, and chiefly by living by water, especially standing water. Furthermore, they are
sensitive to a moist atmosphere and humidity; if there is to be rain, cold, or storms, many of
this constitution can feel and foretell this in advance with a much higher level of success
than our meteorologists can (How many weather sensitive people do you know? They are
all of hydrogenoid nature.), since the weather changes typically aggravate their condition. It
should be noted that this is the opposite of the oxygenoid-syphilitic constitution which feels
better with the approach of a storm.

The only periodicity is for irregular and paroxysmal courses; this can be very intermittent
with months passing between bouts. Glauber's salts, also known as Nat-sulph., were held
in the highest esteem for balancing out the fluid of the body (one of his favorite
combinations was Nux Vomica in alternation with either Ipec. or Arsenicum album).

Often times the differential between Thuja and Nat-sulph. is the laterality. If there are
symptoms of warts and discharges (with or without a history of gonorrhea) on the right
sided with a head injury or significant grief, warm-blooded with a sweet tooth, look to Nat.
sulph. If the warts or discharges are left sided, again with or without a history of gonorrhea,
aggravated by vaccination and a distress caused by eating onions, consider Thuja.


A review of sycosis would not be complete without reference to the nosode of gonorrhea,
Medorrhinum. Again, like Thuja, a complete review of this remedy is well beyond the
scope of this article. A fascinating review of many of Medorrhinum's peculiar images can
be found in the outstanding two-volume set by Catherine Coultier Portraits of Homeopathic
Medicines. The following excerpts are from Volume 2, and great credit must be given to
her for this work.
"Suppression or improper treatment of the gonorrheal virus, or its inheritance, also re-
emerge as sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, erosions of the cartilage, and other bone and limb

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affections: restless legs, edema of the limbs, cramps in the calves and feet, swelling, and
painful stiffness of the ankles, tenderness of the heels or balls of the feet so intense that the
patient cannot walk on them, and so forth. Many of these pains and discomforts exhibit the
nosode's characteristic general time modality: worse from sunrise to sunset, better from
sunset to sunrise. This important symptom is a classic contrast with Syphilinum's nighttime
aggravations. Not to be disregarded, however, is the Medorrhinum early morning (5-6 a.m.
aggravation, as well as the nighttime burning of the legs and feet (like Sulphur, in the bed
he sticks his feet out from under the covers), and the aching that make sleep impossible.

"Medorrhinum's efficacy in different kinds of brain damage is soundly rooted in the mental
picture emerging from its proving and clinical cures - notably Hering's comprehensive
listing of the various defects of mind and memory; 'entirely forgets what she has read in
previous line; forgetfulness of words and initial letters; cannot remember names; has to ask
name of her most intimate friend; forgets her own name [!] ; cannot spell right...cannot
comprehend what is being said; momentary loss of thought; loses constantly the thread of
his talk; in conversation occasionally stops, and, on resuming, could not think what word
he wants to use; because he does not know what to say next, begins all right but does not
know how to finish,' and so forth. Also H.C. Allen's report that they cannot remember the
least thing any length of time; writes everything down of any importance; cannot trust
herself to remember it' (and note the latter's comment 'Syphilinum forgets occurrences,
Medorrhinum names, words, and what he is reading'). Thus the mentally deficient patient
merely presents the remedy's episodic or low grade weakness of intellect in a chronic and
intensified form.

Many of us have seen the symptoms of failure of memory following the suppression of a
gonorrheal discharge,' writes J.H. Allen, 'but even those of us who have not been so
privileged can witness the reverse process; the strengthening of the memory with the
gonorrheal nosode.'

"Medorrhinum's mental excess or exuberance even finds a physical parallel in the

overproduction of secretions; profuse expectoration, catarrh ('gonorrhoea is the mother of
catarrh') (the nosode 'often restores a gonorrhea discharge': Boericke), and an over growth
of tissues' (Roberts): Moles (especially on parts of the body exposed to the sun), warts,
condylomata, polyps and other fleshy excrescence's (the word, "sycosis" is from the greek
for "fig wart", thickened skin, and stockiness (in contrast to Tubercullinum, who eats much
yet remains thin, Medorrhinum eats little, yet remains fat). Also thick crop of hair, bushy
beard, or extra full mustache suggests an underlay of Medorrhinum in the person's
constitutional makeup.

"When a physician suspects a sycotic miasm but, thought paucity of symptoms, cannot
decide between Medorrhinum and Thuja for a lingering gentile urinary tract ailment or
infection, rheumatic pains, or some mental condition, he might opt for the former if there is
a clear history, back ground, or indication of gonorrhea; for the latter if there is a history of
vaccination engrafted on "sycotic"soil, as with persons in the armed services, frequent
travelers to Third World countries, or heavily immunized children. In any case the two
remedies are complimentary." Further character analysis can be found in the chapter on
Medorrhinum found in Coultier's book.

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Dealing with the miasms is critical for all homeopaths; psora is a perturbation in nutrition;
sycosis compels it to accumulate debris which should be eliminated, and syphilis causes it
to degenerate and destroy. The mixture of these explains all the degenerative diseases to
plague mankind. The aphorism of H.G. Peres states: "It is not enough to safeguard the
individual who is a passing phenomenon: it is more important to safeguard the species." Dr.
Ortega suggests that the miasmatic doctrine be applied to eugenics, by prenatal treating the
mother on a constitutional basis, we can successfully treat the child, and the benefits for
each succeeding generation would compound and become apparent.

Some of the general manifestations of the sycotic miasm are presented below in chart form;
following this will be a listing of the major anti-sycotic remedies. This list can be reduced
in size by 75% and used as a book mark in your favorite repertory.


Absent minded, weak memory, fixed ideas, suspicious, jealous, cruel, mischievous. very
private, makes a secret of many things, practices concealment. "All the vicious individuals
on earth - thieves, robbers, and murderers are the products of Sycosis. It makes a beast of

HAIR: Circular alopecia, premature gray hair, fishy odor from hair, stubby, dead broken
hair in beard.

HEAD: Headache on vertex of frontal region, worse after midnight, happens more
frequently in children than we recognize, often accompanied by coldness of the body,
sadness and prostration.

EYES: Worse with the change of the season and in rainy weather.

EARS: Gouty concretion in the baby born of sycotic parents.

NOSE: Loss of smell, hay fever which alternates clear then totally plugged, snuffles in
children, better by nasal discharge with a fish brine odor to it.

MOUTH: Has a putrid, musty, or fishy taste.

FACE: all warty eruptions, moles, papillomas, dropsical, yellow color to the face
corresponds to sycosis.

HEART: Rheumatic heart disease, tachycardia due to reflexes such as gastric disturbances,
flatulence and uterine irritation.

STOMACH: Pains better laying on stomach or by pressure over the stomach. Prefers beer,
rich and fatty meats which are well seasoned with salt and pepper. Better hot drinks and
warm foods. Children born of sycotic parents suffer from colic almost from the moment of
birth, with indescribable suffering, extreme force in the expulsion of gas from the stomach
(lead remedies include Lycopodium and Argentum nit.)

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ABDOMEN: Accelerated and exaggerated peristalsis accompanied by slimy mucous

stools, griping colic and rectal tenesmus, causes the patient to be very cross and angry,
pruritc and a scanty watery discharge oozing form the rectum that has a fishy or fish brine
odor. Appendicitis is strongly sycotic.

CHEST AND LUNGS: Cough with very little expectoration, requires a great deal of
coughing to raise it so there is a prolonged teasing cough. Typically bronchitis with hard,
dry racking coughs in early autumn and /or winter, starts as a watery coryza and after a few
days moves down to the chest where it can remain for weeks with scanty expectoration.

URINARY ORGANS: Sycosis in children when they scream on urination, painful spasms
of urethra and bladder, Bright's disease, prostatic troubles.

MALE/FEMALE: Burning menses, spasmodic, colicky pains of the reproductive organs

often coming in paroxysms of pain. Leucorrhea thin and yellowish green with odor of stale
fish or fish brine. All pelvic inflammatory disease have a sycotic basis; in the chronic state
there are ovarian cysts and cystic degeneration of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Male see

EXTREMITIES AND PAINS: Joint pains and pains which are stitching, pulsating, or
wandering in nature. Pains in the fingers and small joints, all pains worse rest, better gentle
movement, stretching and rubbing. also better in dry fair weather, worse approach of a
storm or in humid damp atmosphere, dropping barometric pressure or becoming cold. Nails
are ridged or ribbed and all forms of gout.

SKIN: Patchy scales that occur in circumscribed spots, eczema, herpes circinates and
herpes zoster; tinea versicolor, barbae and tonsuraus. All warts and warty growths, verruca
planta is another hereditary form found on the hand, faces and other sun exposed surfaces
of children. All forms of ringworm which if suppressed leads to significant disruption of
the Vital Force. Also found in impetigo, and there can be moles which are a tertiary
symptom varying in size from a pinhead to a pea that is smooth, shiny, bright red appearing
as a polka dot on the skin.

MALIGNANCIES: Malignancies can develop at any age, all sycotic manifestations are
characterized by the slowness of their recovery.

The most recommended remedies for treating sycosis are broken down into three categories
as given below.

CATEGORY"A": Arg-m., Arg-nit., Kali-s ., Medo., Nat-s., Nit-ac., Psor., Pyro., Rad.,
Sepia, Staph., Tarent. Hisp., Thuja, Variol.

CATEGORY"`B": Agar., Apis, Aster., Aurum-met., Bar-carb., Calc-carb., Causticum,

Dulc., Ferr., Flas., Grap., Iodin., Lach., Lyc., Mang., Mez., Phyto., Sarsa., Secal., Sele.,
Sil., Sulphur

CATEGORY"C": Alum., Anac., Ant-crud., Ant-t., Aran., Aurum, Bryonia, Carb-an.,

Carbo- v., Cham., Cinnab., Con., Euphr., Hep., Kali-carb., Merc., Petr., Puls., Sabina

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The authors expect to publish a second article on sycosis aimed at the newer information
that has become available as compared to the present article which counts heavily on
information that is 20 to 200 years old. If any of the readers have sources of additional
information such as books recently translated to English or articles that appear in other
journals, please send them to Dr. Towle to be included in the future material presented.
Thank you.

1) Harimohan Choudhury, Indications of Miasms. New Delhi, India: B Jain Publishers Ltd.
2) J. Compton Burnett, Vaccinosis and its Cure by Thuja. New Delhi, India: B. Jain Publishers Ltd.
3) John Clarke, Constitutional Medicine. New Delhi, India: B Jain

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