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Executive Summary

Business Overviewv

Merehabete Resort, located in Alem Ketema is a new getaway, upscale, business retreat Resort focused

providing rooms with an Eco friendly clean and modern that ik attractive to leisure and business visitors
to the

area. The rooms will feature furniture made from Eco friendily material, bedding fabric made from
bamboo, high

end technolo8Y, and modern accessorles.


Merehabete Resort is an all-inclustve resort, will offer alf the luxury including daily cleaning and
turndown services.

Free local calls, cable TV, a free wireless network, and various other amenities. Additionatly, the Resort
will include

several conference rooms and a Ballroom seating up to 200 for large meetings and Weddings.

in addition, we will be taunching a hospitality and culinary school and on the job training.

Evening entertalnment, large movie sereen, outside cook out, and folklore stories told by locals seating


Customer Focus

Merehabete Resort will primarily serve international guests, Ethioplan dlaspora, locals, and Companies
who seek

comfort, solitude, quiet, ambiance and great dining.

100,00 visitors to the area in 2018 according to Office of Tourism

Typical travelers are famlly with kids (85%) and in professlonal, managerial, or technical (15%).
According to

Survey of business Travel

65% between ages of 40 and 49, 16% 18 to 29, 10% 60+, 5% 12 to 29, 4% 50 to 59 according to natlonal

Household Survey of Business Travel.

Diaspora average household Income of $S5,900 US and local income Birr 85,900 according to office of

Management Team
Merehabete Resort Is led by Ayalnesh Chanlalew who has been In hotel industry for 25 plus years. While

Chanlalew has never developed a hotel from the ground ug, she has worked In hotel Industry most
recently as a

general manager and has held varlous positons in the management chaln. Ayałnesh Chanlalew ls an

chel, owned a restaurant and food packaglng business delvering lo major grocery stores. As such

Chanlalew has an in-depth knowledge of the hotel business Ihcluding the operatlons slde and the

management slde.

Success Factors

Merehabet Resort is unlquely quallied to succeed due to the following reason:

1. The proxlmity lo the capltal is 180 KM

2. There 1s currently no resort or hotel în the communlty we are entering. In addtlon, we have surveyed
the major tour

comganles who frequent the area for bird watching and visiting hlstorlkal churches determlned that
they have frequent

tourlsts who would use our resort when launched.

3. The management team has a track record of success In the hotel industry.

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