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A. Definition/Description
Overpopulation has been a major topic since ages and is a subject that we need to
put lights on. Have you ever thought about what will happen when we no longer have
space on Earth for the next generation? These options are a little extreme, but this idea
is called overpopulation, which is an unwanted situation where the number of existing
human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. So what is overpopulation?
Overpopulation is a major cause of most of the world’s problems. Whether it is a
question of food shortage, lack of drinking water or energy shortages, every country in
the world is affected by it especially in our country. The Philippine capital is one of the
most overpopulated places on earth. There are few other areas where so many people
live so closely together: On average there are 41,282 people per square kilometer, but
in some slum regions there are as many as 88,000 people living per square kilometer.
The world’s overpopulation is a growing and complex problem. But for the residents of
Manila the result is quite simple. They are running out of space. Families live in home-
made shacks built in cemeteries, or between railroad tracks or under bridges.  They live
wherever they can find some space. Even the city’s toxic garbage dumps are home to
people who eat, sleep and live surrounded by rotting trash. With so many residents, the
city’s resources are strained to the limit. Large parts of Manila’s 11 million residents lack
clean drinking water, work, and access to healthcare and education.
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B. Scope/Source of the problem

There are a number of factors that contribute to overpopulation. These are the leading
causes: Poverty, Poor Contraceptive Use and Immigration. Poverty is believed to be
the leading cause of overpopulation. A lack of educational resources, coupled with high
death rates leading to higher birth rates, result in impoverished areas seeing large
booms in population. Poor Contraceptive Use though the availability of contraceptives
is widespread in developed countries, poor planning on both partners’ parts can lead to
unexpected pregnancies. Immigration if the number of people who are leaving the
country is less than the number of people who enter, it usually leads to more demand
for food, clothes, energy, and homes. Though the overall population remains the same,
it just affects the density of the population, making that place simply crowded.

C. Impact of the problem in the Philippines

Overpopulation can have a number of effects, most are negative impact on our
country. That is lack of water, resource consumption, and rise in unemployment, high
cost of living, lower life expectancy, degradation of environment and faster climate
change that human activities are changing global temperatures. Larger populations may
speed these changes up. The Philippines needs to deal with a major problem that
poses a threat to economic growth. Overpopulation is the root of almost all problems in
the Philippines and for the country to progress, it only needs to solve overpopulation
and everything else will follow.

D. Possible Solutions

So now we know more about overpopulation and the effects it can have, but what can
be done about it? There are a number of better solutions that we can spread awareness
to have a better country. First, is having a Better Sex Education because lack of sex
education or poorly-implemented education has led to overpopulation issues. Second, is
better education because education plays a vital role in understanding that helps them
to understand that they need to have one or two children at the most. And lastly, Social
marketing because social marketing has already been started by some societies to
educate the public on overpopulation effects

A. Definition/Description
Waste disposal is the collection, processing, and recycling or deposition of the waste
materials of human society. Waste is classified by source and composition. Broadly
speaking, waste materials are either liquid or solid in form, and their components may
be either hazardous or inert in their effects on health and the environment. The
term waste is typically applied to solid waste, sewage (wastewater), hazardous waste,
and electronic waste.

B. Scope/Source of the problem

Waste disposal is essential in today’s society. Due to an increase in population, the

generation of waste is getting doubled day by day. Moreover, the increase in waste is
affecting the lives of many people. So here is the number of factors that causes of
Waste Disposal. The first one is Ignorance; people are unaware of consequence of their
unwise acts. They do not think what will be the effect of their every action concerning
Mother Nature. This is related to selfishness for they don’t think about how it will affect
others. Second is Laziness, people are not following correct rules of proper waste
disposal. They throw their waste in what place they want carelessly thinking what will be
the effect of that one indisposed properly trash. They aren’t able to give time in finding
bins for their garbage. And lastly, the third is being greedy Instead of keeping or trading
excess things to maximize uses, they bought new one for only like not a need.

C. Impact of the problem in the Philippines

Waste disposal has negative impact on our country not only in our environment but in
us also. Our health can be affect due to pollution caused by improper waste disposal we
can have lung diseases, heart problems, skin irritation, problem or abnormality in
breathing, and more are. Our Coastal and Marine Environment can be destroyed
because of dangerous wastes if dumped into the environment leeches the ground and
the ground water where some communities get their drinking water. In marine
environment, improper waste disposal kills aquatic animals due to the excretion of
chemicals. As some waste decomposes, it releases greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere trapping of heat affecting weather condition and can be result in climate
change, air pollution and soil contamination.
A. Possible Solutions

So what is the best solution for this serious topic that we need to be tackled? The best
solution is recycling of the solid waste. Recycle when you can’t avoid waste. Recycling
saves energy keeps materials out of landfills and incinerators and provides raw
materials for creating new products. This conserves and extends the use of these
resources for as long as possible. Bring in bins for recyclables like paper, plastic and
glass to give employees an alternative to the trash can. This is also a good chance to
think outside the box. But the most important and best solution is having a discipline in
yourself always think twice before you do a small action because it permanently effect
of our environment. Stop having greedy, ignorant and lazy behavior. Start for a change,
for a better country, a better life.

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