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Hinduism and Buddhism are two of the five major religions in our world today. They
are widely practiced, and have survived for centuries. Both have similarities and
differences, like the other religions. Hinduism is a combination of all types of different
religious beliefs and philosophies that developed thousands of years ago, in India.
While Buddhism originated in the Indian subcontinent and share a very long, but rather
peculiar and uncomfortable relationship. All Hindus do not practice or follow the same
doctrines because they are more on chanting or formal rituals. Even though they
worship many gods, they only believe in a single god, Brahma. Hindus pursue
knowledge and understanding of the truth that human beings’ nature is not confined to
the body or the mind. And, everyone should strive to achieve dharma.

While, the religion of Buddhism believed that everything in life is impermanent and
always changing and if your life is based on material possession it means that it does
not make you happy. They have Four Noble Truths the heart of Buddhism and Eightfold
Path which they made a guide for their everyday lives. Because of freedom, rebirth of
cycle, beliefs, tradition, meditation and self-discipline, Buddhism is a well-established
and organized religion having a set of beliefs and practices, commonly known as the
Dhamma based on the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path that influences the
growth and development of India.

Despite the fundamental differences between both the religions, Hinduism and
Buddhism influenced each other in many ways. The two religions have similarities that
changed and improved the beliefs of many people in life. Both Hinduism and Buddhism
emphasize the illusory nature of the world and the role of Karma in keeping men bound
to this world and the cycle of births and deaths that there is an afterlife and not
everything ends with death. Both emphasize compassion and non-violence towards all
living beings because both religions teach that the individual soul of all living bodies,
including animals, was part of the creator spirit, Brahma. Both believe in certain
spiritual practices like meditation, concentration, states of mind. That helps and
influences a million of people to become a good person and have a good karma.

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