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“Anyone who speaks the language can teach the language.

I completely disagree with this statement “Anyone who speaks the language can teach the language.”
Mainly, because teaching requires mastery of pedagogical content knowledge and strategies for
effective teaching and learning to take place.

Language teaching comprises the efficient and effective communication of linguistic principles and
materials, from which learners might expect to successfully acquire a language. A competent language
teacher must meet the requirements of a varied group of students by employing successful pedagogical
approaches and tactics such as body language, teacher speak, and scaffolding.

Everyone in my country can speak English, however, only a few can make effective instruction and can
pass on their knowledge in a meaningful way to others. Most of the language speakers, in my opinion,
learn it simply by imitation and frequent exposure to the environment but they don’t have an in-depth
understanding of the rules, structures, and principles of the language.

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