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Estimate Actual Covid Cases in India during the

second Wave?

The rise of Covid cases in India during the second wave begun to peak during the
month of April, where every day the cases start to record 1 lakh and day by day the
condition became worst and by the month of May the cases started to record more
than 3 lakhs and 50 thousand. The worst day was May 07 2021, on this day India
recorded the highest number of cases I.e., 4 lakhs and 14 thousand cases.
If we estimate the total number of cases in India during this second wave of Covid19
almost around 1 crore and 72 lakhs.
I estimated the second wave Covid cases from April 1 2021 to June 11 2021.
For the data I referred to Times of India Website.
Reasons for assumptions: I did not have to have assume much it was a clear figure
where every day the number of cases was recorded.

2. How many Teachers are there in state of


If we have to amount the total number of teachers in a state of Uttarakhand, we need

to know the total primary, secondary and higher secondary schools, center/state
owned colleges and universities including institutes for Vocational and Technical
Education are there in the state.
Total number of schools, colleges and Universities are 24,138 in which the total
number schools including junior, senior and intermediate are 23,991 and the number
of teachers in these schools are 81,110. Total number of Colleges and Universities are
147 and the number of teachers in these colleges are 24,955.
Therefore, the total number of teachers in state of Uttarakhand is 106,065.
Reference: The Uttarakhand state Website
3. How many people are involved in Primary Sector in
the state of Uttar Pradesh?

The Primary Sector of Economy includes extracts or harvest from the earth such as
raw materials and basic food while Uttar Pradesh’s provides third largest economy of
all states in India. Agriculture is the major sector of state economy which employs 72
percent of the total work force.
The 72 per cent of the total work force population in Uttar Pradesh is involved in the
primary sector like Agriculture, Fishing, Mining etc.

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