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GE 15- 11378



1. Human disturbance activities allow undue pressure to lakes, rivers, wetlands, streams, and
forests. These activities cause habitat loss to numerous organisms which trigger the loss of native
plant growth, wildlife depletion, and destruction of aquatic communities.

2. The biotic and abiotic variables that shape the biotic community are essential physical and natural
factors. Plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi are examples of biotic components. These variables
are accompanied by competition, predation, and illnesses, all of which have a significant impact
on the establishment of the community's structure. Water, sunlight, and temperature are
examples of abiotic factors. Sunlight is vital for organisms to obtain energy they require to survive,
and temperature is important for the distribution of organisms in a community, whereas water is
necessary for the movement of oxygen and minerals within an organism.

3. Yes, ecological communities are extremely impacted when human population and economic
activity grow. The structure and function of ecological communities are significantly impacted by
the loss of biodiversity and natural habitats caused by widespread urban development and rural

4. Severe climate change and weather patterns, disease, predator-prey relationships, temperature,
and pollution are all factors that limit environment functionality. Any excess or reduction of these
components causes natural habitats to be degraded and destroyed, impairing ecosystem

Biological Diversity

Physical Factors Biological Factors Chemical Factors

Physical, biological, and chemical factors are intrinsically interrelated with each other. They are composed
of complex interdependent pieces that perform their own particular functions. Any modification in one
causes the other parts to make a sort of reaction which may lead to the eventual destruction or prosperity
of a biological community. That's any changes within these factors acts as a catalyst to the birth of diverse
species, growth, mutation, reproduction, and other activity patterns which eventually, shape the
biological community.

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