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During the great social and economic upheaval of the nineteenth century industrialized
environment shocking perspectives on religion was also birthed. Due to this state Weber (1904)
contended that Calvinism is legacy which resulted in Western Europe industrialized stated. This
stunning transformation stimulated the curiosity of sociologists such as Karl Marx and Max
Weber. Certainly, Marx and Weber had an agenda to reveal the role that religion plays in
integrating society. Max Weber a phenomenal all-rounder in the social sciences, was born to a
prosperous German, Calvinist family. Weber set off on legal career but had a curiosity of the
human conditions. Weber considered industrial capitalism as the essence of rationality (Gerth
and Mills, 1946 Weber shared the glaring distinction that religion can act as a form of social
order. He merely followed his curiosity in determining how the religious instincts determines
religious actions. Firmly holding on to the view that religion was a part of everyone’s rational
choices. The rational choice theory entails people who go after their own self-interested, and
make choices that are reasonably expected to maximize positive outcomes while minimizing
negative outcomes. Even sociologists Roger Finke and Rodney Stark (1988) first considered
the use of Rational Choice Theory to explain some aspects of religious behavior. In fact, what
Weber was expounding on religion is based on cultural needs of man and is important for them
to make rational choice s\to enhance human life and human development. Weber in “The
Protestant Ethics” (1905) states that it is the ideas, beliefs and values of human societies that
guide the way their member acted.
). While Marx a great influencer born to parents of the Christian fate. Marx explicitly criticized
the industrial-capitalist society.

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