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1. Behind closed doors

 When something takes place behind closed doors, it is done in secret or privately.

2. To bite your tongue

 Biting your tongue means that you try not to say what you really feel or think.

3. To spill the beans

 To spill the beans means that you are revealing a secret.

4. To cover your tracks

 If you cover your tracks, you destroy or hide evidence of what you have been doing or
where you have been.

5. To keep/leave someone in the dark

 If you leave/keep someone in the dark, you don’t inform them about something.

6. Behind the scenes

 When you do something behind the scenes, you are doing it in secret.

7. Waiting in the wings

 When you are waiting in the wings, you are ready to act when needed.

8. A balancing act
 When we call something a balancing act, we call it a difficult compromise.

9. To run the show

 When you describe someone as running the show, you are saying that they are in

10. To steal the show (from someone)

 When you steal the show from someone, you outperform them.

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