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Tiếng Anh Thương Mại

 Unit 1: A new job

1. New words:
- Guided tour: chuyến du lịch có người hướng dẫn
- Induction programme: chương trình giới thiệu (chương trình cảm ứng)
- Graduate trainee: học viên cao học
- Introduce yourself: giới thiệu bản thân
- Information pack: gói thông tin
- Recruit: tuyển dụng
- Charity worker: người làm công tác từ thiện
- Sportsman: vận động viên
- Working with animals: làm việc với động vật
- Builder: người xây dựng, chủ thầu
- Artist: nghệ sĩ, hoạ sĩ
- Pub owner: chủ quán rượu
- A job travelling to other countries: công việc đi du lịch đến các nước khác
- Shop owner: chủ cửa hàng
- Gardener: người làm vườn
- Driver: lái xe
- A workstation: nơi làm việc
- New arrivals: người mới đến
- Colleague: đồng nghiệp
- Director: giám đốc
- Resources: tài nguyên
- Staff: nhân viên
- Degree: bằng cấp
- Office politics: chính sách của công ty
- Conference: hội nghị
- Diploma: bằng cấp
- Executive: điều hành
2. Grammar:
 Carmen: Ah, there’s Richard Eastman. Excuse me, Richard, have you got a
Richard: Yes, of course, Carmen.
Carmen: Well, I’d like you to meet Stephanie Grey; Stephanie has just joined
the Marketing Department as our new assistant. Stephanie, Richard
Eastman’s our Director of Sales and Marketing.
Stephanie: Nice to meet you Mr. Eastman.
Richard: It’s good to meet you, Stephanie. Oh, and please call me Richard.
We use first names here.
 Unit 2: Organizations and roles
1. New words:
- Hierarchy: hệ thống cấp bậc
- Responsibility: trách nhiệm
- Responsible (for): có trách nhiệm
- Subsidiary: công ty nhỏ
- Parent company: công ty mẹ
- Position: chức vụ
- Function: chức năng
- Strategy: chiến lược
- Role: vai trò
- Department: phòng ban
- Human resources: phòng nhân sự
- Production: phòng sản xuất
- Marketing: tiếp thị
- Information technology: công nghệ thông tin
- Finance: tài chính
- Research and development: nghiên cứu và phát triển
- Workshop: phân xưởng
- Accountant: kế toán
- Deal (with): đối phó, giải quyết
- In charge of: phụ trách
- Director of human resources: giám đốc phòng nhân sự
- Managing director: giám đốc quản lý
- Brand manager: quản lý thương hiệu
- Switchboard operator: người điều khiển, nhân viên tổng đài
- Purchasing manager: quản lý bán hàng
- Performance: hiệu suất
- Structure: kết cấu
2. Grammar:
 Well, I am the Warehouse Manager here which means I am responsible for
the smooth running of the warehouse. I deal with storing finished goods and
dispatching orders. I have to make sure that all our records are up-to-date. I
am in charge of a team of seven staff and fork-lift operators. I take care of
my team and their personal safety. I report to Ken Howard, who is the
Logistic Manager.
 Unit 3: Quality
1. New words:
- Upmarket: hảo hạng, loại sang
- Down market: bình dân
- Reliable: đáng tin cậy, xác thực
- Well made: phát triển cân đối
- Overpriced: quá đắt tiền, quá mắc tiền
- Value of money: tiền nào của nấy
- Full price: trọn giá, theo giá niêm yết
- Faulty: lỗi lầm
- Spirit: tinh thần, tâm hồn
- Launching: khai trương, khởi đầu, lao vào
- Discounted price: giảm giá
- Standard of service: tiêu chuẩn của dịch vụ
- Federation: liên đoàn
- Institute: xây dựng, bắt đầu
- Secretariat: văn phòng, cơ quan thư ký
- Annually: hàng năm
- Waste of electricity: tốn điện
- Economical: kinh tế
- Registered: đăng ký
- Inspector: thanh tra
- Plant: máy móc
- Efficiency: hiệu quả
- Computerizing: vi tính hoá
- Energy-monitoring system: hệ thống giám sát năng lượng
- Luxury: sang trọng
- Monitor: màn hình
- Bargain: trả giá
- Negotiate: có thể thương lượng được
- Reputation: danh tiếng
- Fragile: đổ vỡ
- Owner: người chủ, chủ nhân
- Disaster: thảm hoạ
- Competitor: đối thủ
- Argue: tranh luận
- Properly: tài sản, của cải, sự sở hữu
- Cutter: người cắt, máy cắt
- Commitment: lời cam kết
- Definite: xác định
- Rubbish: rác rưởi
2. Grammar:
 Dennis: Well, there are these four-star hotels which are very upmarket.
Angie: Mmm, but at €250 a night they’re really far too overpriced.
Dennis: You’re right. They’re definitely expensive, but tis is often the
problem with the luxury end of the market. We wouldn’t have to pay full
price, though, we could negotiate a discounted rate, say 30% for five
Angie: Mmm, I’m still not sure. Is there something that represents better
value of money?
Dennis: Yes, there is a nice three-star hotel in a good part of town which
isn’t too expensive. Or else there’s this one. OK, you’re going further down
market and it’s quite a way from the conference center, but if you’re not too
worried about comfort or the standard of service, it’s OK.
Angie: Yeah, in the end you get what you pay for, I suppose.
Dennis: The transport service is cheap and reliable so it would be good for
people who are playing for themselves.
 Unit 4: Money
1. New words:
- Bank account: tài khoản ngân hang
- Credit card: thẻ rút tiền
- Emergencies: khẩn cấp
- Bank statement: sao kê ngân hàng
- Receipt = bill: hoá đơn
- Foreign currency: ngoại tệ
- Exchange rate: tỷ giá quy đổi
- Cash machine: ATM
- Go on: tiếp tục
- Envelopes: phong bì
- Notes: tiền giấy
- Carry around: mang theo
- Suppliers: công ty, nhà phân phối
- Clearer: rõ hơn
- Cheque: kiểm tra
- Stay steady = remained stable: giữ ổn định
- Payment: thanh toán
- Loan: tiền vay
- Cash: tiền mặt
- Transaction: giao dịch
- Deposit: tiền cọc
- Carry out: thực hiện
- Associates: cộng sự
- Workmen = employee: nhân viên
- Post-war: hậu chiến
- Consumer: khách hang
- Boom: bùng nổ
- Balance: số dư
- Cash-less transaction: không cần đến tiền
- Offered: cung cấp
- Distributing: phát hành
- Licensed: cấp phép
- Estimated: ước tính
- In circulation: lưu thông
- Owes: nợ
- Carried: cho phép
2. Grammar:
 Receptionist: Good morning, Wessex Bank.
John: Good morning, it’s John Carpenter from ASD here. Could I speak to
Alice Counts, please?
Receptionist: Hold the line please, Mr. Carpenter… I’m afraid there’s no
answer. Would you like to leave a message?
John: That’s OK. I’ll call back later.
 Bill: Hello, Accounts.
Tom: Hello, Bill, it’s Tom. Is Jane there?
Bill: Yes, sure. I’ll pass you to her.
 Secretary: Hello, Personal Finance.
Katrina: Hello, this is Katrina Miller. Is Mike Fox there, please?
Secretary: No, he’s changed office…but if you could wait one moment, I’ll
try to connect you.
Katrina: Thanks.
 Secretary: Hello, Foreign Exchange.
Karen: Oh, hello, it’s Karen Field here. Could I speak to Per Johnson,
Secretary: I’ll just see if he’s there. Hold the line, please.
Per: Hello.
Karen: Hello, Per?
Per: Speaking. Who’s calling, please?
Karen: It’s Karen – Karen Field.
Per: Oh, hi, Karen. What can I do for you?
Karen: Well, I’m calling about the extra Japanese currency we ordered from
you yesterday.
 If we consider the long history of mankind, money hasn’t been around very
long at all. The first coins appeared in Turkey in around the 7th century BC;
and the first paper money, which is what we call notes, appeared in China in
the 14th century. The Italians invented modern banking and book-keeping
around the same time. Most royal heads of Europe had a loan from a
Lombard banker. Until fifty years ago very few people had a personal bank
account. Nowadays, most of us have one to receive our salaries and write
cheques for everyday transactions such as paying bills. In some countries,
people walk round with large amounts of cash, but in Britain and the States
credit card are more popular, and they are even used in public telephones
and parking meters.
 Unit 5: Import – Export
1. New words:
- Import: nhập khẩu
- Export: xuất khẩu
- Overseas: nước ngoài
- Niche: phù hợp, thích hợp
- Competitive: có tính cạnh tranh
- Domestic: nội địa
- Target: mục tiêu
- Recipe: cách làm
- Serve: phục vụ, đáp ứng
- Learning curve: học đường, đường cong học tập
- Ostriches: đà điểu
- Parrots: vẹt
- Incubators: lò ấp trứng
- Stock: cổ phần
- Chain: chuỗi
- Advertisement: quảng cáo
- Aim: nhắm đến
- Origin: nguồn gốc
- Appeal to people (with): lôi cuốn mọi người
- Specialized interest: sự lôi cuốn đặc biệt
- Delivery: phân phát
- Risk: rủi ro
- Brochures: quyển cẩm nang
- Turnover: doanh số
- Trade fair: hội trường thương mại
- Agent: đại lý
- Spread: sự lây lan
- Appoint: bổ nhiệm
- Respect: sự tôn trọng
- Rose petals: cánh hồng
- Frankincense: dầu trầm
- Craftsman: thợ thủ công
- Middleman: trung gian
- Lorry: xe tải
- Pottery: đồ gốm
- Invoice: hoá đơn
- Enquire: hỏi thăm
2. Grammar:
 1. Well, we are aiming at Australians and New Zealanders of Scottish origin
who still have sentimental feelings about the old country. They are our target
2. Our product only appeals to people with a specialized interest. Focusing
on such a niche market is a risk but we have customer in thirty-seven
countries so far, and sales are growing all the time.
3. Most of our sales are to customers who live in this country. We focus on
the domestic market.
4. It is certainly getting more difficult to survive. There are too many other
manufacturers offering similar products. It’s such a competitive market.
5. Over 90% ò our production is for export to Europe, Asia, Latin America,
and the US. We focus on the overseas market.
 Unit 6: Travel
1. New words:
- Trip: chuyến đi (đi lại không có đích)
- Travel: du lịch (đi lại có đích)
- Journey: hành trình
- Fares: giá vé
- Business-class: hạng thương gia
- Flight number: số chuyến bay
- Travel agency: đại lý du lịch
- Budget airline: hãng hàng không bình dân
- Hand luggage: hành lý xách tay
- Boarding card: thẻ lên máy bay
- Lobster: tôm hùm
- Caviar: trứng cá muối
- Exhibition: buổi triển lãm
- Incentive: khích lệ
- Conferences: hội nghị
- Clients: khách hàng
- Departure lounge: phòng chờ khởi hành
- Baggage claim: nhận hành lý
- Facilities: cơ sở vật chất
- Expenses: chi phí
- Alternative: thay thế
- Telecommunication: viễn thông
- Frequent traveler: du khách thường xuyên
- Industry: công nghiệp, ngành kinh doanh, nghề làm ăn
- Final details: chi tiết cuối cùng
- Itinerary: kế hoạch/ghi chép về một cuộc hành trình
- Arrange: sắp xếp
- Attached: đính kèm, gắn bó
- Reception: tiếp nhận
2. Grammar:
 Dear Maurice,
I have organized itinerary for our visitors from Paris – please see attached
document. Please note that there could be some changes. I have to confirm
the visit to the distillery. If this doesn’t work out I’ll arrange a trip to a glass
factory. The distillers have promised to send me an email by the end of the
week with the final details. The golf outing was very popular with our last
lot of VIPs. Can you check that everyone likes golf? Do come back to me so
I can make any changes.
All the best
 Unit 7: Career prospects
1. New words:
- Prospect: triển vọng
- Management: sự quản lý
- Long-term goals: mục tiêu dài hạn
- Training course: khoá huấn luyện
- Leadership: khả năng lãnh đạo
- Communicator: người giao tiếp
- Registration: đăng ký
- Accidentally: vô tình
- Body language: ngôn ngữ hình thể
- Interrupt: ngắt lời
- Presence: gặp mặt
- Immediately: đột ngột
- Motivation: động lực
- Trainees: học viên
- Executive: điều hành
2. Grammar:
 1. It was a pleasure to meet you at this year’s.
2. You certainly have some exciting ideas for shop interiors.
3. I would welcome another meeting where we could look at your portfolio.
4. My business partner, Jerry Lane, is also keen to meet you.
5. Perhaps we could all get together over lunch.
6. We would be able to discuss your design in more depth.
7. I believe we could work together to produce a successful and profitable
8. I hope to hear from you very soon.
 Unit 8: Time is money
1. New words:
- Mathematical: toán học
- Ironing: là quần áo
- Leadtime: tổng thời gian cần thiết để hoàn thành công việc
- Dispatch: vận chuyển
- Process: quá trình
- Aerospace: hàng không
- Tools: công cụ
- Manufacturing: sản xuất
- Urgent: đáp ứng
- Financial director: giám đốc tài chính
- Waste of time: tốn thời gian
- By the time: vào khoảng thời gian, vào lúc
- On time: đúng giờ
- Save time: tiết kiệm thời gian
- Spend time: dành thời gian để…
- Takes a long time: mất một thời gian dài
- Punctual: đúng giờ
- Postpone: hoãn lại
- Schedule: lịch trình
- Appointment: cuộc hẹn
2. Grammar:
 Peter: Well, that’s great news, Sara.
Sara: Yes, but listen, we must meet very soon to discuss this – the deadline
for this job is the end of March you know.
Peter: Yes, of course. Hold on, I’ll just check my diary.
Sara: OK.
Peter: Right, now, would tomorrow afternoon suit you?
Sara: Oh no, I can’t make it this week now; I’m flying to Amsterdam
tomorrow and I’m not coming back till Friday, so can you make it next
Peter: Yes, I think so. Yes, that’ll be fine. Monday the thirty-first. In your
Sara: Yes, please, Peter. Shall we say after lunch?
Peter: Two o’clock?
Sara: OK. Listen, if there’s a problem…like I’m delayed in Amsterdam, I’ll
get back to you on Monday morning, all right?
Peter: Yes, sure, Sara. If not, I’ll see you in your office, on Monday at 2.
Sara: Right, see you then.
 Getting our products to our customer is a long and difficult process. Our
main problem is time. Customer order our printers and then we have to
arrange delivery to their offices. The problem is that we make the printers in
the UK and it can take a long time for our factory to dispatch the printers to
our customer in Germany. This can take a long time. Sometimes we miss
deadlines: we say we want the printers with the customer in two weeks, but
they often get them four weeks later! There are many reasons for the delays:
the factory is too busy, problems with the paperwork, etc. To be successful,
we need to keep our lead time short – it shouldn’t take longer than two
weeks from the customer’s order to the moment the printer arrives at their



Hi everyone. My name’s Charlie Ryan and I have just joined on sale executive in
the Sales Department. I have a diploma in sales and marketing in Business Studies.
Previously, I worked in a call center for six month and one year as a customer
services assistant manager. Right now, I feel a little nervous but excited about this
job. I’m really happy working with you.


Hi everyone. My name’s Jo Tyler and I’m joining the Assistant to the International
Advertising Director. I have finished a degree in languages and have a diploma in
translation. Besides, I have two years of experience teaching in a language school.
I’m really happy I’m going to use my skills and working with you. I'm happy going
to use my skills and I'm looking forward to everyone's help.


Our company were set up in 2005 in Italy and a headquarter in US which name's
The Most. We are developing about the fashion industry and the market leaders in
many countries. We have been trying to expand our operations even further in other
developed different countries. At the head of the company is the CEO. We employ
more than 2000 people worldwide. The company is devided into different
department such as Marketing, Production,... I'm responsible for finding the goods
we need like fabrics, accessories to decorate,... and getting a good price for them. I
also make sure the suppliers deliver on time. After that I will report back to the
Purchasing Manager.


Journalist: Hi, I'm a reporter from the BBC newspaper office. I am glad that you
accepted my interview. Today I want to know more about the process of flower
care from harvest to sale, ok?

The shopkeeper: Of course, I would love to.

A: Thanks, so can you tell me what is the first thing to do?

B: Well, first we receive the flowers and remove the bunches of flowers from the
shipping boxes. Then we tie them in bunches.

B: Oh, that's interesting. I was very surprised to hear that. What about the next

A: Next, on the day of the flower harvest, we use a sharp knife to cut them. After
that, we will put the flowers in the water and adds a solution to some water so that
the flowers live longer.

B: That's sounds good. The caring process seem also complicated. So after
completing all the steps, how to transport them to the market?

A: At the end, after completing the above steps, we ship the flowers to all over the
world in boxes.

B: Thank you for your time. Have a productive day.

A: You're welcome, I am very happy to tell you about my work. See you again.

Employee: Hello. I am an employee of ABC electronics company. How can I help


Customer: Oh yes. I bought a smart TV from your company the other day, but it
seems something is wrong with my TV.

B: Can you give me the order number?

A: RF23M

B: What about the product code?

A: 156P6Y

A: It was delivered to May 6

B: Yes, how about the quantity is 150?

A: No, it is 250

B: Oh, the product color is black, right?

A: No, the product I received is red

B: Well, we are very sorry for this incident. We'll give you a different one for you
as soon as possible. Thanks for calling.



B: Hello, I want to check some information about Ms. Sandy Smith. Is she 40 years
old and from Paris office, isn’t she?

A: Let’s me check… Ms. Sandy Smith, 40 years old and she is from Munich office.
She is on flight HQ937 and arriving at 7.15.
B: Sorry, did you say fifty minutes?

A: No, fifteen. That’s one-five. She will waiting for you in West Terminal.

B: What does she look like? She will be carrying a green briefcase with the
company logo on it, right?

A: No, she will be carrying a red briefcase with the company logo on it. Remember
to arrive before thirty minutes.

B: OK, thanks. I try to arrive on time.


Hi everyone. I'm a trainer for training courses. I'm very happy to stand here and
share with you how to exchange meishi (business cards) in Japan. First, you should
make sure that all the details on your card are correctly translated. Never, ever give
someone an old, or out-of-date card! When you present or receive meishi, use both
hands, and don’t forget to bow and to study each one carefully. Try to understand
who the senior people are. Now, remember, that to the Japanese, the card is an
extension of the person, so treat it with respect and don’t write on it or play with it.
And, I think it’s a good idea to have a special folder where you can keep them all
safe. The Japanese exchange cards much more often than we do so you’d better
have an extra set printed before the trip in case you need it.



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