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TA 2020/2021

1. What do you think about economic sciences, explain your answers?

2. Mention kinds of utility and explain with your owns words!

3. What do you know about the bid price or buying price!

4. What the meaning of production, explain your answer!

5. Explain the differences between the customers, suppliers, and producers!


1. economics is the study of human behavior in choosing and creating prosperity. The essence of
the economic problem is an imbalance between unlimited human needs and a limited number
of means of satisfying needs.
2. (Element Utility)The use of basic goods is that objects will be useful and beneficial if they have
the original substance needed, can be felt directly and clearly by the human senses. Someone
will immediately comment or argue when obtaining benefits from these items. (Time Utility)
Usefulness of time is an object that will be useful and beneficial if it is used properly at the right
place and at the right time.
(Place Utility)Usefulness of place is an object that will be useful and beneficial to humans after
moving from a place where it should be placed.(Form Utility)Usefulness of form is an object that
will be useful and beneficial to humans after changing the shape as desired.(Service
Utility)Usefulness of service is an object that will be useful and beneficial if there are services.
(Ownership Utility)Use of property rights is that objects will be useful and beneficial after being
3. Offers are a number of goods or services offered by a seller at various price levels and within a
certain time.The purchase price is the price or cost incurred when buying goods.If the selling
price is higher than the purchase price, it is called profit or profit, if the same is called break-
even, if the selling price is lower than the purchase price it is called loss.
4. Production is an activity carried out to add value to an object or create new objects so that it is
more useful in meeting needs. The activity of increasing the usefulness of an object without
changing its form is called service production. [1] While the activity of increasing the usefulness
of an object by changing its nature and shape is called the production of goods.
5. Customers are the parties who buy our merchandise. Meanwhile, a supplier is a party who sells
the merchandise we buy. Producers are people who make a product / item that can be used or
purchased by other people.

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