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Continuous Assessment II

CSE3020 Data Visualization

Slot: F2 Exam Duration: 90 Mins Maximum Marks: 50

Answer all the questions (Draw diagrams using colors wherever applicable)
1. Explain the multidimensional visualization techniques i) Scatter plot matrix ii)
Principal component analysis and their capabilities in visual inference for stock market
application with suitable diagrams. (10 Marks)

2. Discuss how visualization can be used to explore the attributes in Bayesian model
construction and validation. (5 Marks)

3. List the packages used for generating trees and networks in R. (2 Marks)
(a) Explain matrix view and containment techniques for network visualization.
(6 Marks)
(b) Compare the capabilities of three network visual idioms: node edge diagram,
matrix view and containment (4 Marks)
(b) Write R code to generate tree map for 100 nodes with explanation for the
parameters. (3 Marks)

4) a) Elucidate kmeans and hierarchical clustering (Single, complete Linkage) techniques

(use the dataset given below). (10 Marks)
b) Write R code to cluster the data given below using kmeans and hierarchical clusterin
g techniques with proper explanation for the parameters. (5 Marks)

Index A1 A2 A3 A4
1 21 6 110 4
2 21 6 110 4
3 22.8 4 93 4
4 21.4 6 110 3
5 18.7 8 175 3
6 18.1 6 105 3
7 14.3 8 245 3
8 24.4 4 62 4
9 22.8 4 95 4
10 19.2 6 123 4

5) Elaborate change over time view manipulation techniques with diagrams. (5 marks)

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