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Mar 22 2021

6 Bene ts of Headless CMS – What your Business can gain?

Technology is quickly changing the way things were done in the
past pushing even the ‘advanced tech’ of a few years back slowly
out of the market. These latest innovations are improved versions
of their older counter parts and address the changing demands in
a more comprehensive way.

Headless CMS is a fresh concept that is quickly becoming popular

over the traditional or coupled CMS. The traditional content
management systems are still in the market and serving, but their
days might be numbered, particularly in applications that demand
maximum e ciency.

Going headless is the new in-thing in the CMS arena and if your business relies on content marketing to drive revenue, you might just
be in need of it. Let’s begin with a short brief on what is Headless CMS and how it di ers from the traditional Content Management

What is Headless CMS?

In the language of web development, the front-end or the user interface is considered the ‘head’ of the CMS, and the backend is the
‘body’. A headless CMS will essentially come without the ‘head’, which means it will provide a perfect backend that will work as a
content repository, and a CRUD interface that you can use seamlessly for Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting content or any part
of it but no display interface.

Unlike the traditional CMS, the headless CMS does not combine a front end or a display part where the users interact with the content.
Instead, the headless CMS comes with an API to the data which can be used for integrating your content repository with any or several
frontends as per your needs.

In a traditional CMS, the front end and the backend are linked together. Your editors are creating and updating content on the backend
of the same website that is being displayed to the users. It is a single application for both the tasks, which makes it somewhat simple.
Most of these CMSs support WYSIWYG, which means ‘What You See Is What You Get’ which makes them friendly for non-techies.
WordPress, Wix are some common examples of traditional CMS.

Bene ts of going ‘Headless’

The traditional CMSs are simple, still, the market is quickly moving towards adopting the ‘headless’ technology. Let’s nd out why?

1. More Flexibility
One of the top bene ts of headless CMS is that it is API driven and not bound to the frontend. This gives maximum exibility to the
developers as they are not restricted by proprietary development protocols. Any preferred programming language can be used for the
development and as the CMS dictates no speci c syntax, developers can structure code to integrate with even the most complex
systems without restrictions.

For example, Kentico headless cms is completely devoid of the front-end, giving the developers total control over how the content
should be displayed.

2. Future-Proof
In headless CMS, the presentation or display layer is fully separate from the logic and data layer. This enables you to structure and use
the content with any presentation layer. So, when you want to shift to the latest front-end technology, you will not need to go through a
cumbersome technical upgrade process. Some changes in the API will ensure that your content repository and elements are perfectly
distributable over all – old or new display platforms.

3. Supports Omnichannel Architecture

For digital marketers omnichannel presence is a must and creating content that works for all the channels can be a challenge.
Separately managing each of the platforms is highly demanding and often not organized enough for seamless operation. A headless
CMS supports easy integration with any existing business system or channels o ering an e ortless experience for all the customer
touchpoints. It gives the scope to create a personalized experience for each of the channels from the same backend while using the
same content and element repository.

4. More Scalable
Compared to the traditional CMS, the headless model is certainly more scalable in every aspect. Any new addition or up-gradation to
the back end does not impact the performance of the frontend or website. With a headless CMS, you have unlimited hosting and
deployment options. As the frontend and backend are severed, a back-end issue or upgrade doesn’t impact the frontend. In the same
way, if there’s an upgrade for the frontend, it will not impact the backend, making the management simple and less time- consuming.
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5. Better Security
Enhanced software architecture is a key point of headless CMS andINTELLIGENCE
this o ers a bunchDYNAMICS 365 KENTICO
of bene ts including XPERIENCE
better security. 13 CAREERS
The access CONTACT
to the CMS is controlled internally, which minimizes the risks of security issues like hacking. There is a structured protocol to publish
content and as per need, it can also be encrypted to ensure maximum safety.

6. Cost E ective
It is a more cost-e ective solution in the long run. Any changes, like adding new functionality or a new channel, can be done easily on a
headless CMS without the help of developers. It makes the process more e cient and saves on cost.

For example, Kentico headless comes with customized options to accommodate any changes you would like to implement to the
backend and your marketing team can directly use these features without any assistance from the developers.

If your business has a high demand for content and depends on digital to reach more customers or to o er better service, moving to a
headless CMS like the Kontent CMS is a wise option that will ready your business for the future.

About Raybiztech
As the Kentico Xperience 13 Gold Partner, Ray Business Technologies carries a competitive track record in all facets of Kentico
development, upgrade, and maintenance. Our team of Xperience professionals can understand the modern requirements of creating
and executing campaigns.

Raybiztech o ers full-cycle projects around Xperience by Kentico with a focus on customer satisfaction and the ful llment of precise
requirements. We deliver all the essential ingredients in order to improve brand consistency and to drive business goals.

© 2021 Ray Business Technologies USA Inc.

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