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Niño Mary N.

Savillo May 12, 2018

“Auditing for CIS Environment”

Mrs Willa Mae T. Malemit, CPA

Having information technology in our generation plays an important role in

improving efficiency in every task that we do and it also promotes confidentiality in
other restricted information. It does not only help us but also the businesses as well.
Information technology makes it easy for every organization to keep track or control
every transactions and evaluate whether its programs are still effective and efficient.

According to the speaker, there are four phases of the information system
audit. First, the initial review and evaluation of the area to be audited and the audit
plan preparation. In this stage, the auditor gathers relevant information and the nature
of the organization’s internal processes are being examined. Second, detailed
reviewed and evaluation of controls. There is an assessment of the internal control in
this stage and determining the extent of control tests to be conducted. The third phase
is compliance testing. This is to determine if the organization being audited are
following the regulations or policies being imposed. The last stage is the analysis and
reporting of results. The auditor presents its findings and recommendations or audit
report. This discussion was also tackled by our professor last semester and it gives us
more understanding or review of what we have learned before.

As an intern, computer information technology makes it possible for

professionals such as accountants or auditors to perform its duties more accurately
especially in analyzing financial information. This allows a better assessment or track
on the client’s business if the goals or objectives are achieved. It also helps the auditor
to have a reasonable assurance that it is free from material errors. This seminar helps
us to understand more how the CIS environment works and gives us knowledge that
we may impart in the workplace where we are assigned.

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