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Our Reading Log Requirements

Dear Parents,

Each student’s goal is to read 4 books on his/her Lexile level each nine weeks .
Students should be reading at home at least 30 minutes each night as part of their
nightly homework! Reading their “Reading Counts!” library book is a great way to fill this
time! We also have time in class almost every day of the week to read. I would suggest
that your child carry their library book back and forth from school to home each day so
they will have it with them at all times. All “Reading Counts!” books in our school’s library
are clearly marked. Mrs. Kuhblank will be showing the kids how to find them… and almost
all books in our library are Reading Counts! books. Your child will not have a problem
finding one :o)

After a student reads a book in their Lexile level range, they will take a 10 question test
on the computer. (This program is only available at school.) If they pass with a 70% or
higher, it counts as 1 book read. If they take the test and do not pass, it will not count
toward their 4 books read.

Our Reading Log grade (taken each nine weeks) will be earned as follows:

One Reading Counts quiz passed on a book (on individual level) ~ 25%

Two Reading Counts quizzes passed on books (on individual level) ~ 50%

Three Reading Counts quizzes passed on books (on individual level) ~ 75%

Four Reading Counts quizzes passed on books (on individual’s level) ~ 100%

My Lexile Level is _______________. I may read and test books from

____________________ to ____________________.

If I want to read a SUNSHINE STATE BOOK and it is BELOW my level, it is an

automatic approval. If it is ABOVE my level, I must get it approved by Mrs. Christian
along with ANY other book that is OUTSIDE of the range above. I encourage
students to talk to me about book choices out of their range. The idea is to build a
love for reading on a level that will encourage growth based on individual student
abilities…not stifle their love with a reading range that is too rigid.

Student signature:__________________________________________

Parent signature:___________________________________________

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